Saturday evening my friend Tamri and I went to the local tattoo shop.I had been on the fence about getting another one.Well,I knew I wanted one,but didnt want to be super selfish and get one.But with the refund,we paid off some little bills,and caught up so good on my truck note,we dont owe until April.ANd I stocked up on groceries,for I hope almost a month,aside from bread and milk.I guess If I was a true domestic godess,Id be making it
ANyway.The first trip,the tattoo guy was too busy.ITs a small town shop,and the guy who owns it,is the one who does the ink.Its a neat little place,with tattoo pics on the wall,a couch to comfortable wait,and even a pool table.Its kind of a hang out spot in town.ANyway.So Mike told us to call later.By the time we got back to my house,all of 5 minutes later,Tamri had changed her mind.She was really on the fence about it.We had had a discussion earlier in the day about soemthing selfish just for her.She told me shed painted her kitchen,and they were getting a new fridge.I told her those things were great.Her kitchen is now a beautiful rusty red color.I love it!But it was not something JUST FOR HER!She is a great wife and mom,and like many of us,has that guilt complex.Like putting them first,and your needs,or wants second.I do that too,but sometimes,I just need to do something for ME.With out my family,and something selfish.That does not happen too often either,b/c of the mom guilt stuff.
So when we got back,I got to looking for flowers.To add to the flower I already have.ANd was thinking of connecting them with some ivy.The idea was to have a flower,as a symbol of each of my boys.So I knew I wanted them to be diffrent.B/c my kids are so diffrent.But connected at the same time.Well,I got to toodling around online,thanks to google,and found the colors I wanted,and then I saw it.A teeny lil bumble bee.I thought,WHAAA LAAA! Ill get a bumble bee AND another flower.THe bee to represent my Pap.He could catch white faced bumble bees with his bear hands.ANd in the searching I saw a few music note tattoos.Tam,who was standing kinda behind me,saw it too.A light bulb went off! She knew she wanted a nautical star.Her father died when she was 16,and she wanted a big star with 16 lil ones aorund it.But not on her foot.Well,she saw the music notes and changed her mind back to getting one.She ran outside all excited that shed figured out what she wanted! So her husband came inside,looked at some of the designs,and in 2 minutes flat {not exageratting} had drawn her up a beautiful tattoo.It was a small nautical star,with a music staff,and an 8th note on the staff.Its very pretty.and suits her.She talks to her Daddy in the stars,and LOVES music.He drew me a few bumble bees and a cute flower too.So back to the ink shop we went.Armed with no more than 50 bucks apiece in cash and Tido's ktichen table designs.It was Tams suggestion that I put the bumble bee between the flowers,on the ivy.
So,Mike was finsihing up with one,and we were next.Tam had decided to get hers on her foot too.I told her mine didnt hurt.That yes,it was irritating,and at times kinda burned,but was not painful.Mike,took her design and tweaked it just a bit.He detailed the star,and shortend the staff.just for space issue.and purlple and black colors were chosen.Mine took a bit longer.Ever the picky bitch,lol.He looked at my original tattoo,and looked some more.He decided that connecting them with ivy wouldn't quite work.I assume it is due to the shape and location of the lilly i have.So we decicded on just a teeny bee,and flower.The first one he drew up,I didnt like too much.It had rounded petals.I wanted more pointy ones.So I found a pointy one,and he drew it up.EH scteched a teeny bumble bee.I insited he not be a happy bee.Just a neutral looking one,but HAD to have a white dot on his face.So he came up with a stencil for the both of us,we liked.
I asked Tamri to go first,so she wouldnt chicken out.It was kinda so I could have more time to really decide if I was ready to do this thang,lol.She sat up,half prone,and stuck her left foot up there,ever to be changed.She sat there with her cell phone and played tetris the whole time.The woman didnt even FLINCH.Not one time did she go backing up the chair,she didnt holler,or cry,or ANYTHING! She just sat there like someone was painting her toenails.Like I said the tattoo shop is kinda the hangout spot,and all the guys hanging out could see her "loosing her virginity".THey were VERY impressed by her stoic sitting there.It turned out beautiful.
Now mine...I climbed up,and sat in the same semi prone position.I looked at everyone,and told them not to talk to me {except for Tam},and that I was sorry if I sang horribly! Having sung the whole time during my first one,I was not quite sure what I would do this time.There was heavy metal blaring in the back ground,and Mike was in the zone.He told me every step he was going to take.I looked at the stencil placement,and final desgin.I was happy with it.I asked him if he would re-color my first one,since it had faded.I asked him what the charge would be.{I had taken more than 50,but didnt want to spend more than that on the actual tattoo,and was willing to pay more for a fill in}.He said nothing,and the only diffrence was that the original center is orange,and he already had yellow out.So I just asked him to do the center dot with yellow.I looked at the outline after it was inked,approved and he began the color.During this time I was singing! THank Heaven I have every Terri Clark album,so I started with Just the Same,and went down through time,with what ever songs came to mind.Then I ran out of songs about the time he finished with the outlines.It was hurting like hell,so I busted out with ROw your Boat.SOmeone said,Now everybody,and all the men in that place were howling Row Row Row your boat,over the metal! I got tickled! It was enough for me not not to puss out and finish.I kept thinking about childbirth,and how getting inked this second time kinda felt like it did when Caleb crowned.It burned!lol.The worse it hurt,the louder I howled.Just as I finished with a bad rendtion of Janis Joplins Bobby Magee,he was done.Then I informed Mike,the tattoo guy,that many had doen that song,but Kris Kristopperson,the song writter,didnt know she had even recorded it,until after she died of an overdose.So,as soon as the needle gun,that kinda sounds like a dentist drill stopped,I felt looked down at my now colored new ink,and smiled.I was happy with the way it turned out.Tam was happy,so after some tattoo care instructions,we paid and left.I tipped him,b/c of the recoloring,which he tried to give back to me,and I refused it.
So,we get home,Tamri and I took some pictures of our newly inked feet,side by side,and they went home.Then I got to looking at the Bumble bee.Its a teeny thing,no bigger than a penny,or dime in diamater.The wings are kinda fonkey.The shape is right,the face is white,there is no cheesy grin on the bee's face.But the wings look like sticks.Like little lines that dont connect to anything.You can see some rounded wings,but its like the legs got inked on backwards.It dont look BAD per se',but kinda confusing.My Mama asked how come its legs got put on top.In the excitement,and pain,of actually getting new ink,I didnt notice it.The head,body,and even top antenna's are anatomically correct.the color is good.I didnt want a bunch of color in it.Just bold black lines with some yellow.It looks kinda like a stripped day,I will go back and have him "fix" it.Like childbirth,you forget the pain.So when I forget how it burned like hell,and stung like the bee,I will get another one.Im thinking a butterfly on my left shoulder.Id like it on my neck,just below my hair line,but if Im going to become a teacher,one day,I dont think that would be quite right.Nothing wrong at ALL with tattoos.I guess techinaclly I now have 3,but being in a conspicious place like mu hair line might now float well with school admin.
So Now,I wait.It does not look bad at all.Maybe its supposed to look like that.Like the legs are tucked under so tight you cant see them,and the wings are in motion,and the way its captured,shows that.Its cute between my flowers.
So now,I have 2 flowers and a bumble bee on my foot.I personally think its horrible tacky to get names on you.Even if it is your kids.But for sure not a lover,or spouse.Not that I dont think my marriage is a permante fixture in my life.But my Pap and kids are for SURE.My mom likes that I got a bee.She was very close to her Daddy,who the bee is for,and had never thought about a bee for a permant memorial to him.I had not either.But its now there.and though there are no names and dates,I have it.As a permanate reminder of my own bee charmer who touched my life and who could charm the bees.And the flowers are my babies.In permanate bloom,ever enhancing my life with their innocent beauty.
ANyway.The first trip,the tattoo guy was too busy.ITs a small town shop,and the guy who owns it,is the one who does the ink.Its a neat little place,with tattoo pics on the wall,a couch to comfortable wait,and even a pool table.Its kind of a hang out spot in town.ANyway.So Mike told us to call later.By the time we got back to my house,all of 5 minutes later,Tamri had changed her mind.She was really on the fence about it.We had had a discussion earlier in the day about soemthing selfish just for her.She told me shed painted her kitchen,and they were getting a new fridge.I told her those things were great.Her kitchen is now a beautiful rusty red color.I love it!But it was not something JUST FOR HER!She is a great wife and mom,and like many of us,has that guilt complex.Like putting them first,and your needs,or wants second.I do that too,but sometimes,I just need to do something for ME.With out my family,and something selfish.That does not happen too often either,b/c of the mom guilt stuff.
So when we got back,I got to looking for flowers.To add to the flower I already have.ANd was thinking of connecting them with some ivy.The idea was to have a flower,as a symbol of each of my boys.So I knew I wanted them to be diffrent.B/c my kids are so diffrent.But connected at the same time.Well,I got to toodling around online,thanks to google,and found the colors I wanted,and then I saw it.A teeny lil bumble bee.I thought,WHAAA LAAA! Ill get a bumble bee AND another flower.THe bee to represent my Pap.He could catch white faced bumble bees with his bear hands.ANd in the searching I saw a few music note tattoos.Tam,who was standing kinda behind me,saw it too.A light bulb went off! She knew she wanted a nautical star.Her father died when she was 16,and she wanted a big star with 16 lil ones aorund it.But not on her foot.Well,she saw the music notes and changed her mind back to getting one.She ran outside all excited that shed figured out what she wanted! So her husband came inside,looked at some of the designs,and in 2 minutes flat {not exageratting} had drawn her up a beautiful tattoo.It was a small nautical star,with a music staff,and an 8th note on the staff.Its very pretty.and suits her.She talks to her Daddy in the stars,and LOVES music.He drew me a few bumble bees and a cute flower too.So back to the ink shop we went.Armed with no more than 50 bucks apiece in cash and Tido's ktichen table designs.It was Tams suggestion that I put the bumble bee between the flowers,on the ivy.
So,Mike was finsihing up with one,and we were next.Tam had decided to get hers on her foot too.I told her mine didnt hurt.That yes,it was irritating,and at times kinda burned,but was not painful.Mike,took her design and tweaked it just a bit.He detailed the star,and shortend the staff.just for space issue.and purlple and black colors were chosen.Mine took a bit longer.Ever the picky bitch,lol.He looked at my original tattoo,and looked some more.He decided that connecting them with ivy wouldn't quite work.I assume it is due to the shape and location of the lilly i have.So we decicded on just a teeny bee,and flower.The first one he drew up,I didnt like too much.It had rounded petals.I wanted more pointy ones.So I found a pointy one,and he drew it up.EH scteched a teeny bumble bee.I insited he not be a happy bee.Just a neutral looking one,but HAD to have a white dot on his face.So he came up with a stencil for the both of us,we liked.
I asked Tamri to go first,so she wouldnt chicken out.It was kinda so I could have more time to really decide if I was ready to do this thang,lol.She sat up,half prone,and stuck her left foot up there,ever to be changed.She sat there with her cell phone and played tetris the whole time.The woman didnt even FLINCH.Not one time did she go backing up the chair,she didnt holler,or cry,or ANYTHING! She just sat there like someone was painting her toenails.Like I said the tattoo shop is kinda the hangout spot,and all the guys hanging out could see her "loosing her virginity".THey were VERY impressed by her stoic sitting there.It turned out beautiful.
Now mine...I climbed up,and sat in the same semi prone position.I looked at everyone,and told them not to talk to me {except for Tam},and that I was sorry if I sang horribly! Having sung the whole time during my first one,I was not quite sure what I would do this time.There was heavy metal blaring in the back ground,and Mike was in the zone.He told me every step he was going to take.I looked at the stencil placement,and final desgin.I was happy with it.I asked him if he would re-color my first one,since it had faded.I asked him what the charge would be.{I had taken more than 50,but didnt want to spend more than that on the actual tattoo,and was willing to pay more for a fill in}.He said nothing,and the only diffrence was that the original center is orange,and he already had yellow out.So I just asked him to do the center dot with yellow.I looked at the outline after it was inked,approved and he began the color.During this time I was singing! THank Heaven I have every Terri Clark album,so I started with Just the Same,and went down through time,with what ever songs came to mind.Then I ran out of songs about the time he finished with the outlines.It was hurting like hell,so I busted out with ROw your Boat.SOmeone said,Now everybody,and all the men in that place were howling Row Row Row your boat,over the metal! I got tickled! It was enough for me not not to puss out and finish.I kept thinking about childbirth,and how getting inked this second time kinda felt like it did when Caleb crowned.It burned!lol.The worse it hurt,the louder I howled.Just as I finished with a bad rendtion of Janis Joplins Bobby Magee,he was done.Then I informed Mike,the tattoo guy,that many had doen that song,but Kris Kristopperson,the song writter,didnt know she had even recorded it,until after she died of an overdose.So,as soon as the needle gun,that kinda sounds like a dentist drill stopped,I felt looked down at my now colored new ink,and smiled.I was happy with the way it turned out.Tam was happy,so after some tattoo care instructions,we paid and left.I tipped him,b/c of the recoloring,which he tried to give back to me,and I refused it.
So,we get home,Tamri and I took some pictures of our newly inked feet,side by side,and they went home.Then I got to looking at the Bumble bee.Its a teeny thing,no bigger than a penny,or dime in diamater.The wings are kinda fonkey.The shape is right,the face is white,there is no cheesy grin on the bee's face.But the wings look like sticks.Like little lines that dont connect to anything.You can see some rounded wings,but its like the legs got inked on backwards.It dont look BAD per se',but kinda confusing.My Mama asked how come its legs got put on top.In the excitement,and pain,of actually getting new ink,I didnt notice it.The head,body,and even top antenna's are anatomically correct.the color is good.I didnt want a bunch of color in it.Just bold black lines with some yellow.It looks kinda like a stripped day,I will go back and have him "fix" it.Like childbirth,you forget the pain.So when I forget how it burned like hell,and stung like the bee,I will get another one.Im thinking a butterfly on my left shoulder.Id like it on my neck,just below my hair line,but if Im going to become a teacher,one day,I dont think that would be quite right.Nothing wrong at ALL with tattoos.I guess techinaclly I now have 3,but being in a conspicious place like mu hair line might now float well with school admin.
So Now,I wait.It does not look bad at all.Maybe its supposed to look like that.Like the legs are tucked under so tight you cant see them,and the wings are in motion,and the way its captured,shows that.Its cute between my flowers.
So now,I have 2 flowers and a bumble bee on my foot.I personally think its horrible tacky to get names on you.Even if it is your kids.But for sure not a lover,or spouse.Not that I dont think my marriage is a permante fixture in my life.But my Pap and kids are for SURE.My mom likes that I got a bee.She was very close to her Daddy,who the bee is for,and had never thought about a bee for a permant memorial to him.I had not either.But its now there.and though there are no names and dates,I have it.As a permanate reminder of my own bee charmer who touched my life and who could charm the bees.And the flowers are my babies.In permanate bloom,ever enhancing my life with their innocent beauty.