Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Winter Mess Jan 2010
So this morning I looked outside and guess what, the weather men out of Memphis,and several weather sites,were actually CORRECT! Theyre predicitng snow later today too.Right now its just ice and sleet,and minimal at that. But looking over the radar over in Arkansas,its going to hit us here. What the weather men cant tell us,{and really the dont KNOW!} is HOW much of this crap will accumulate. The schools are closed,DUH,and daycares and the like.
BUT, this year instead of taking diet pills in winter weather, we are preparing to move from our current house. We're a product of the poor economy and are trying to sell our house before they want it back.I'll bitch about that later.
But right now my house is in total chaos! there are boxes all over,painting gear and 2 5 gallon buckets of paint, well one is Kilz. there is still some painting to do, but we aint crazy enough to paint in weather like this. Blessedly the weather has been fair,so the paint has dried.
We had a trashing party over the weekend. My enighbor came over and we got rid of all that crap that accumulates in your house. So theres not that to battle. Its really made moving furniture and the little bit of packing we've done already MUCH easier. But still. Josh ahs to work tonight and Im not sure how to keep the kids quiet during this mess.I dont think theyd take to kind to Mama packing up toys when they need them the most. The wii is already moved,so Nate will be bored,and Caleb is already being a grumpy 2 year old.
While I thought the weathermen were full of it this time, I aint crazy,so I did stock up on basic neccesities. Like toilet paper,coffee,fruit snacks and bought a carton of smokes! I wont be caught unawares like I did one time last year!
The first flakes are beginning to fall as I write this,and its still sleeting too. I have a back up plan for survival in this too. XANAX!!!
BUT, this year instead of taking diet pills in winter weather, we are preparing to move from our current house. We're a product of the poor economy and are trying to sell our house before they want it back.I'll bitch about that later.
But right now my house is in total chaos! there are boxes all over,painting gear and 2 5 gallon buckets of paint, well one is Kilz. there is still some painting to do, but we aint crazy enough to paint in weather like this. Blessedly the weather has been fair,so the paint has dried.
We had a trashing party over the weekend. My enighbor came over and we got rid of all that crap that accumulates in your house. So theres not that to battle. Its really made moving furniture and the little bit of packing we've done already MUCH easier. But still. Josh ahs to work tonight and Im not sure how to keep the kids quiet during this mess.I dont think theyd take to kind to Mama packing up toys when they need them the most. The wii is already moved,so Nate will be bored,and Caleb is already being a grumpy 2 year old.
While I thought the weathermen were full of it this time, I aint crazy,so I did stock up on basic neccesities. Like toilet paper,coffee,fruit snacks and bought a carton of smokes! I wont be caught unawares like I did one time last year!
The first flakes are beginning to fall as I write this,and its still sleeting too. I have a back up plan for survival in this too. XANAX!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Family Pizza taste test.
For My friends, Michelle and Shelley
This evening the boys and I made Pizza's for supper. I let them help some in the kitchen,but mainly I get to anal and just tell them to move. Im working on being a super mom,lol.So its starting with me TRYING to be more paitent. Working just fine since school started back...Anyway. So Pillsbury has these new Cresent sheets. Great for me and my breakfast casserole. Josh,ever the hunter gatherer man brouht home 3 cans the other night.Proud of his find! Me too. so,since we normally have pizza on Friday round here,I decided to change it up a bit. Im walking on the wild side I know. I have 2 friends Ive met on my Cruise Site. They will be on the group cruise in July. One is from Long Island, the other from Chicago. You can imagine the banter back and forth between them! I personally have Never been to NYC or CHI. so I dont know WHAT kind I prefer. I lean more towards the Chicago style b/c I like hot,heavy,gooey saucy pizza,and a thick crust. HOWEVER, I like the crispiness of a fire roasted bottom and a lil crunch with the softness of a NY style. But they NEVER have enough sauce for me. So, tonight with the same ingredients we made our TN version of both pizza's.
We used.
on each pizza
1 can cresent sheets
Great Value pizza sauce
GV Mozzerella Cheese,
Hormel Pepperoni {Nate and I are trying to be better epicurians}
grated Parm cheese
On one pan we made it like a thin crust pizza. I patted out the crust and par baked it for 10 minutes on 375. Then on the toppings went. I let the boys do this. So there is a semi layer of pepperoni,nother layer of cheese,and more pepperoni, and parm cheese. The kids had fun! It was cool standing there,trying not to control everything too. I just let it flow. how ever they wanted it done, aside from Caleb piling up 7 on one spot. I didnt even get onto them for eating the pepperoni as they were putting them on the crust. It was a pure wonderful moment,even though it was breif. Baked it at 400 for about 10 minutes. Nate was impressed at how FAST it cooked.
The second one is still in the oven now. We did that one a wee different. I put the crust in a round cake pan and did not par bake it. On the oven I lowered the heat to 350. We fitted the crust around the pan, then Nate layered pepperoni in the bottom. then on went slices of Mozzerella and another layer of the same thing. then the sauce went on top of that and a generous sprinkle, ok dousing of parm cheese.
So Now....supper is here in a bit and we shall see which one we all like best....
And the hands down winner is The TN NYC style. even I preffered it better. way less salty than the pan style one.
But as always the debate still goes on and on!!!
This evening the boys and I made Pizza's for supper. I let them help some in the kitchen,but mainly I get to anal and just tell them to move. Im working on being a super mom,lol.So its starting with me TRYING to be more paitent. Working just fine since school started back...Anyway. So Pillsbury has these new Cresent sheets. Great for me and my breakfast casserole. Josh,ever the hunter gatherer man brouht home 3 cans the other night.Proud of his find! Me too. so,since we normally have pizza on Friday round here,I decided to change it up a bit. Im walking on the wild side I know. I have 2 friends Ive met on my Cruise Site. They will be on the group cruise in July. One is from Long Island, the other from Chicago. You can imagine the banter back and forth between them! I personally have Never been to NYC or CHI. so I dont know WHAT kind I prefer. I lean more towards the Chicago style b/c I like hot,heavy,gooey saucy pizza,and a thick crust. HOWEVER, I like the crispiness of a fire roasted bottom and a lil crunch with the softness of a NY style. But they NEVER have enough sauce for me. So, tonight with the same ingredients we made our TN version of both pizza's.
We used.
on each pizza
1 can cresent sheets
Great Value pizza sauce
GV Mozzerella Cheese,
Hormel Pepperoni {Nate and I are trying to be better epicurians}
grated Parm cheese
On one pan we made it like a thin crust pizza. I patted out the crust and par baked it for 10 minutes on 375. Then on the toppings went. I let the boys do this. So there is a semi layer of pepperoni,nother layer of cheese,and more pepperoni, and parm cheese. The kids had fun! It was cool standing there,trying not to control everything too. I just let it flow. how ever they wanted it done, aside from Caleb piling up 7 on one spot. I didnt even get onto them for eating the pepperoni as they were putting them on the crust. It was a pure wonderful moment,even though it was breif. Baked it at 400 for about 10 minutes. Nate was impressed at how FAST it cooked.
The second one is still in the oven now. We did that one a wee different. I put the crust in a round cake pan and did not par bake it. On the oven I lowered the heat to 350. We fitted the crust around the pan, then Nate layered pepperoni in the bottom. then on went slices of Mozzerella and another layer of the same thing. then the sauce went on top of that and a generous sprinkle, ok dousing of parm cheese.
So Now....supper is here in a bit and we shall see which one we all like best....
And the hands down winner is The TN NYC style. even I preffered it better. way less salty than the pan style one.
But as always the debate still goes on and on!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Today You'd think I was nesting
Yesterday I was flat out BLAH! watched movies,and just slugged around. Today I knew I had things to do. I need to get registered for Spring Classes at school, go to the eye dr. and pick up a loaf of bread,some milk and dog food.
On the bread,milk and dog food note, NOAA is calling for 100% chance of snow tomorrow night and all day on Thursday. The weather forecasters have been way off the mark for my area this year. We have not had any snow, thank GOD. But this time they say we will get up to 3 inches Wed. night and Thurs. and more falling in flurries all day Thursday and Friday. So...since its been below freezing for right at a week now, and the hi forecasted on Saturday is on 16, not including the windchill, its gonna be bloody cold here!!! I was talking to Crystal this morning, and my paranoid predicition was that IF NOAA {and 2 TV stations,and 2 weather websites} are correct, then the probability is we will be bogged down till at least Sunday around here. With the freezing temps the snow wont have anywhere to go. Damit.
I remembered this in the back of my mind on Saturday morning when me and the kids braved Walmart. I bought the econo sizes of coffee,splenda,apple jacks, dish soap and laundry detergent. Ive still got what I hope is plenty of freaking Charmin left. I will dbl ck. Thus the "nesting" today. Maybe this time will be the real deal. Ive already done 3 loads of laundry,unloaded the DW, and I feel the urge to Mop for crying outloud. Must have been the Blue Moon finally getting to me from NYE. Maybe I was saving up energy to sprint clean today! Ive got food, when do I not. the cubbards are stocked up. Im not thinking the power will go out.Nate wants a pot of chili,but I dont think being hemmed up with my guys on chili is quite the good idea. I may run out of toilet paper.....I do however have to get milk,bread and dog food,and this time its because I need it....
On the bread,milk and dog food note, NOAA is calling for 100% chance of snow tomorrow night and all day on Thursday. The weather forecasters have been way off the mark for my area this year. We have not had any snow, thank GOD. But this time they say we will get up to 3 inches Wed. night and Thurs. and more falling in flurries all day Thursday and Friday. So...since its been below freezing for right at a week now, and the hi forecasted on Saturday is on 16, not including the windchill, its gonna be bloody cold here!!! I was talking to Crystal this morning, and my paranoid predicition was that IF NOAA {and 2 TV stations,and 2 weather websites} are correct, then the probability is we will be bogged down till at least Sunday around here. With the freezing temps the snow wont have anywhere to go. Damit.
I remembered this in the back of my mind on Saturday morning when me and the kids braved Walmart. I bought the econo sizes of coffee,splenda,apple jacks, dish soap and laundry detergent. Ive still got what I hope is plenty of freaking Charmin left. I will dbl ck. Thus the "nesting" today. Maybe this time will be the real deal. Ive already done 3 loads of laundry,unloaded the DW, and I feel the urge to Mop for crying outloud. Must have been the Blue Moon finally getting to me from NYE. Maybe I was saving up energy to sprint clean today! Ive got food, when do I not. the cubbards are stocked up. Im not thinking the power will go out.Nate wants a pot of chili,but I dont think being hemmed up with my guys on chili is quite the good idea. I may run out of toilet paper.....I do however have to get milk,bread and dog food,and this time its because I need it....
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Year, Better Sarah
So, I didnt really make any New Year resolutions. As I told my friends, didnt want to make a reso I didnt intend to keep. But I mentaly made a couple.
1. to be the best wife and mom I can be. Yelling less,and hugging more.
2. To be a better housekeeper. That begins today with a trip to Walmart for a Swiffer Duster thingie. The cob webs are taking over!
3. To continue to loose weight. Im beginning 2010 @ 188,give or take a tee shirt.
4. To pass the 6 hours I intend to take this semester.
5. to BE HAPPY and support my family and friends in whatever way they need me to.
So those arent too bad to keep I dont think. We rang in the new year right around here. WOund up having a small gathering with Joshes 2 of Joshes work friends and ones girlfriend. He and I danced in the kitchen,and under the Blue Moon. ANd he kissed me at Midnight like Ive never been kissed at that time before!!!
I hope this year will be a positive year for us around here. Maybe some finaical stablility, pay down some debt, Josh to enjoy his Men Weekends, me going on my cruise, Caleb turning 3 and potty training, and Nathan finishing 3rd grade with flying colors and maybe making All Stars in baseball this year. Who really knows. Im looking at this year as a fresh start. It was a hell of a decade for me, surviving my early 20's and growing into my now late 20's. I cant believe Ill be 30 next year. Holy Crap! Im still living the dream,though it has changed so much from that 18 year old girl I was ten years ago,to the 28 year old woman I am now. Ive learned alot,and as always theres more to learn. Im gonna ride along and see what happens,and Im sure at times,bucking along too. Some things wont change!
1. to be the best wife and mom I can be. Yelling less,and hugging more.
2. To be a better housekeeper. That begins today with a trip to Walmart for a Swiffer Duster thingie. The cob webs are taking over!
3. To continue to loose weight. Im beginning 2010 @ 188,give or take a tee shirt.
4. To pass the 6 hours I intend to take this semester.
5. to BE HAPPY and support my family and friends in whatever way they need me to.
So those arent too bad to keep I dont think. We rang in the new year right around here. WOund up having a small gathering with Joshes 2 of Joshes work friends and ones girlfriend. He and I danced in the kitchen,and under the Blue Moon. ANd he kissed me at Midnight like Ive never been kissed at that time before!!!
I hope this year will be a positive year for us around here. Maybe some finaical stablility, pay down some debt, Josh to enjoy his Men Weekends, me going on my cruise, Caleb turning 3 and potty training, and Nathan finishing 3rd grade with flying colors and maybe making All Stars in baseball this year. Who really knows. Im looking at this year as a fresh start. It was a hell of a decade for me, surviving my early 20's and growing into my now late 20's. I cant believe Ill be 30 next year. Holy Crap! Im still living the dream,though it has changed so much from that 18 year old girl I was ten years ago,to the 28 year old woman I am now. Ive learned alot,and as always theres more to learn. Im gonna ride along and see what happens,and Im sure at times,bucking along too. Some things wont change!
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