Josh works in the printing industry, so last year I bought a few subscriptions to magazines! Good Housekeeping, COuntry Living,and Vouge. With Vouge I wanted to keep up with fashion and the like,and I knew there were some great articles written by good writters in there as well.
Well, Im NOT the targeted demographic,Ive learned this year! And they wont take No for an answer...Sarah, the snail and emails say, click here to renew your subcription! UM NO! I guess the reason I hate it is b/c I dont understand it! I thought when I paid for it,that Ok, this will let me keep up with trends so Im not always looking like a frumpy housewife, and read about actresses who are back on the wagon, stuff like that. Well, there are stories like that, and fashion pictures to be sure. BUT what the HELL kinds of fashions are they? And WHY do the models look like theyve been eating green persimons? to me I would NOT want to buy a dress that some stick who's straving is wearing MUCH less pay 3 grand for some skimpy fabric that wont cover ONE of my ham hock thighs! You may be reading this and think, Oh shes just jealous! Oh hell no Im not. Real women dont look like that. If I walked out of my bedroom with my hiar all frizzed out, like Id dropped my hair dryer intot he tub with it ON,black eye shadow, some half a lacey table cloth and shoes that look like something only freaky dominatrix would wear Josh would hit the roof! Esp if I told him "tha Look" only cost 6 grand and it takes me 2 hrs to look that bad! Maybe its my Nat Light budget that holding me back, but really its b/c that stuff does not matter to me. Im for the wealthy buying with in their means, and I Do NOT begrudge them wealth at all. But still, I think there are better things you can spend your money on! Like for 2 6 grand outfits you can pay cash for a car! Albeit an Aveo, but a car just the same. I dont see clothes as an investment. Shoes, on the other hand yes, a few, ok,several pairs of classic shoes will last years. Some flimsy blouse thats the size of my cloth napkins aint worth it to me.
Like I said, I guess Im just the wrong demographic for the magazine. But I know its reverred by many.Like a monthly fashion Bible so to speak! I have NOTHING against fashion. Cato has some cute stuff,and J.C. Penny. The movie Sweet Home Alabama comes to mind. That scene where Melanie and Lurlette meet up at the juke joint for the first time in 7 years. L compliments Mel on her top, and she tells her she designed it herself. L tells Mel that her husband would kill her if she spent 30 bucks on a top and if she knows Jacklyn Smith! thats MY kind of ppl! I like to clean up for a white girl, buy a new top,and wear some cute heels. But my jeans and top will be from a clearance rack from somewhere, or GASP Goodwill. The rage is on about vintage! Shop at Thrift stores the articles have said, well, Hell, I guess Im ahead of the curve,b/c Ive been doing that for years, Thank you very much.
I think that Vogue sends the wrong message out to women! You HAVE to have this bag,dress,shoes or bracelet! Um NO! I can give you the Look for less at your local Good will store any day. Maybe Im just confused is all. Like, is the magazine for real? Or is it just window shopping for most of us who can't afford to spend the prices posted in the pissed off looking pictures. I think its some sort of phycological thing to keep we fat women feeling like shit b/c we're poor and fat! But stand up my sisters! Wear your Walmart,your Payless,and tote those Goodwill bags!!! Be proud of that!!! and think, Hahaha, you moron's. I just put 20 bucks on my body but feel like a million!!!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!