Josh and I have been talking. We have been talking a lot about going more "off the grid". Thats the Pop-Culture term for it. For us,its more making a lifestyle choice,to be simpler. In todays society,its about keeping up with the Jones family. We are choosing not to do that,and take the road less traveled by. Socitey is about techie gadgets, big cars, and name brand clothes. The most advanced gadget we have is the lap top, my car is a mid size SUV,that only lacks a little over a year before being paid for,and the most name brand we get around here is Nine West knock off boots for me. We do buy our oldest son good tennis shoes. I spend 50 bucks on a pair of Nike's simply for the value of them. He wears them every day,and thus needs a pair that wont wear out on him very fast. The lifestyle changes we are beginning to make dont really mean living like paupers. We just want to simplify our world. We want our children to appreciate the simple things in life. To us,some of that means simply TIME with us. Time with Grandparents and family and friends. Learning how to be more self sufficient. I'm not one of those doomsdayers who thinks you have to be stocked up for an invasion of China. But I would like to know that we have the skills to take care of our own,if something like that happens.
We live in the country now. My boys have adjusted very well to the country life. Nathan misses his buddies only being a back yard away,but Caleb really knows no different. We have room for a garden,and chickens,and berry plants and fruit tree's here. We plan to use the space we have to take care of our selves better. We havent bought a hippie guru's instruction manual on going more green. We will follow our own path,and pray its best for our family. We want the simpiler life,and dont care if we are keeping up with anyone. Josh explained to me,in our talks that getting chickens,raising a garden,and things like that is a lifestyle, not a fad. He says I wont be able to pick up and go,like Ive been able to in the past. Im very happy with that. I was suprised to agree to being more of a homebody. I have already done that,since our move. We spent the weekend,recently, on a farm in KY with my dear friend Jessica and her family. They live a simplier life. One I want for my family. Granted,one weekend playing farm girl,does not make me an expert, but it did get me to thinking. What is really important in life?
We are not sure exactly what the lifestyle changes will be,just yet. But I already know how to can food,make my own laundry detergent and things like that. We plan to take it a step above that,and see what happens.As of right now,there wont be a cow to milk,or hogs to feed. But it may come down to that,eventually. I wont be using baking soda and clay to clean my teeth either. Not as long as they still sell UltraBrite at the Dollar tree. A few years ago,I made some changes that I have stuck with. like making my own jam,and fabric softener. Easy changes,that I dont feel have been forced on me. As long as making the changes we want to make dont seem like a chore,then I think some transitions will be easy. Cutting the Direct tv off in the kids rooms,however will NOT. But thats part of the plan too. We hope it will make our family closer.
Neither Josh or I are materialistic. We have some nice things,sure. but if loosing our house to foreclosure taught us anything,its that things can be replaced. You can move,and move on,but your family is what matters most. Their happiness,and our own matters more than any bricks or siding that we may call our house. As of right now,there will be no retro fitting for solar panels,but someday we sure will. Im not talking about Roughing it,we will still have water,gas,electricity and all that. Im not sure where the road will take us,but as long as it brings my family closer,then Im ready for it.
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!