We got the flower bed turned into an herb garden! I planted zenia seeds at the end of the herb bed.they are already sprouting. I planted basil,chive,cilantro,dill,parsely,green onion,rosemary,thyme,and sage. Since I had no clue how to do it,I simply put them in alphabetical order to keep up with what is where. The basil has already sprouted! Im so happy! Nathan planted daisies,and zenia's on the other flower bed.Its got Iris,and lillies,and roses in it too.My MIL and Aunt IL did some awesome work on the flower beds here,when the Grandparents lived here.So there's lots of stuff coming back.There's a rose bush blooming,and a clematis blooming. I wound up redoing another flower bed under a big tree in the front yard. I moved some of the Iris growing in the "herb garden",bought some already blooming pansies and impaitents,and got them swen into Calebs favorite dirt digging place! Its a true challenge keeping him from stomping in the beds.Today he and I walked down the hill to check on the garden.Before we planted,we noticed some river beds,where the water drains down the hill,and straight through the garden spot. I managed to divert the water with some cinder blocks and pieces of wood. I need to put 2 more blocks down,as well. Caleb stomped right through where I think carrots are in the garden.He loves mud! and I guess since he cant SEE the seeds in the dirt,they arent there,we plowed up a fresh mud hole for him! WRONG! It gets tiresome hollering for him to get out of the garden,herbs,and flower bed.
I'm not sure yet just HOW things will grow,I just hope they do! Josh planted the cucumbers and squash,and apparently the little seed packs hold quite a few.they did on basil,carrots,and beets as well.next year i will only buy 1 pack of each! this year Im droping the rest of the seeds in the mail to my friend.shes more poor than we are,so I hope 4 bucks worth of seeds will help them out.Heck,I hope it helps us out too. I want to be able to use cucumbers I grow myself,with dill I grow myself,and garlic my cousin has at our Memaw's house,and make some kick ass pickles.All organic,but the store brand vinegar I use.
I used to be know for doing happy dances,rain dances,dont rain dances,etc. well I used to think it was from my Native American heritage,but NOW,I know its my Celtic heritage.So seeds planted,dance done,and prayer lifted!