Good Morning,
Yesterday I had to visit the "female Dr." to get violated. Well before I went, I was searching my house top to bottom for my bra! Couldn't find the dam thing anywhere. It was the last place I looked to be sure, and that place was on the shelf in my closet. You can see how often I dont wear it. I have one "good" bra. A nice virginal beige one. Does not get me too much action with Josh. But that would be heading into the TMI dept. Anyway. Since im home all the time,I hardly wear it. I let my mudflaps sag. Im sure I will regret it later in life,much like I do ALL of my 7th grade fashions. Anyway, I wear a sports bra most of the time. Those good ole Walamart specials,that come in 3 packs for like ten bucks. Those get lost too.
So since yesterday's visit was not something I was looking forward to, I decided to not only put a bra on,but makeup,also known as War Paint, as well. Gasp,I know. 2 in one day! I recently bought some new foundation at Clinique. The only reason I bought it was for the cute bag and free gift of blush,lipstick,eye stuff,and mascara. wooohooo.Its a cream to powder stuff that gives me coverage with only one product. Love those double duty products!!! So I slapped on some war paint. I batted my eyes at Josh and off I went. Violated, in and out,so good for that.
Soon as I got home I came in I told Josh he was taking me to supper. Didnt want to waste wearing BOTH a bra and makeup!
We went to our local Applebee's and needless to say it was a bad experience and we will never go back there. Josh wanted biscuits and gravy,so I guess this morning,I will have to whop open the can of Grands and make my man some food!
Well, this morning Caleb decided 3 am was the PERFECT time to commence to banging on our door and wanting his Mommy. He'd fallen asleep at 7:30 clothes and all. The good parents that we are,we left him where he fell out,on his bedroom floor. So I changed him,and put on some jammies for him. He wanted to sleep on our floor. I tried to give him one of my pillows and blankets, but um No! He wanted his! So back to his room I went and got his bedding. Blah. He went back sound asleep in no less than 5 minutes. Lucky kid! I sneezed so I knew I was awake. Shit I thought, Im gonna have to be swillin coffee bout 3pm. So Im drinking coffee with sugar instead of splenda in it this morning.
So bout 5:30 after I had FB and CC'ed I got bored. Oh sure theres laundry to fold and I could have ran the Dishwasher.Whoops, forgot.So I thought Hmmmm, I wonder if my 15 year old curling iron still works. Welp, It DOES! I rolled my hair in an attempt to fluff it up like the 40's or 50's style. Seems to still be able to curl my hair! Its now teased on top of my head! I slapped on some more war paint at 5 am in order to take a retro Glamazon picture. Um No. didnt work. Apparently when you dont get too much sleep no matter how much war paint you put on,you cant look too purdy! Lesson Learned!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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