It's that time in West Tn when spring is toying with us. There has been no real winter to speak of thank the dear Lord for that,as I detest snow. However,during this hibern
ation season, plans have been in the making for what we are calling "Operation Chicken Drop". Yes, we are getting hen's out here in the boonies! No, I don't mean me and the girls sitting round cackling, but real live hens! When we moved to our current home, almost two years ago, I was promised chickens! There was even a stipulation in the lease,saying,yes,I can get them. Last year it seemed to be a dead in the water venture,but I did get my garden. This year,we're expanding the country living operations!
For months,nay,years, I've been dreaming of the day when my hen house dreams would come true, and I'd have a feathery little flock of girlie hens flapping and cackling about. Those dreams are now becoming a reality! Back in early winter Joshes cousin had built him a deer stand out of an old pallet of some sort. Tall,off the ground,floored,sided,and big enough for a recliner. As time went on this winter and time ran out,said cousin didn't have time to finish the deer stand. The first time I saw this massive creation, I just KNEW it was the thing for a hen house. I called him then and there,knowing he was somewhere working on the river barges,and asked him if come spring, he reckoned he could built another structure,JUST like the deer stand. He said sure,if we'd supply beer and wood. It was a done deal,and my
hopes were higher than ever before about my hen house. Well, turns out ole Cuz didn't have time to finish out his deer stand,so I asked him if we could buy it fro
m him on the cheap! He readily agreed! I was so happy.
,dumplin's, and the like. So, I had to teach him about hen houses,coops,hen's,feed, stuff like that. He's the brawn,and I'm the scatter brain of the outfit.
We did a once,twice, three,four,hell,I lost count over on the prefab structure willing it to become a house for my future hen's. We finally decided on a spot in the yard, and an interio
r design that would suit not only the hen's,but we who shall take care of said
hens.The plans have been modified,re modified,and argued,discussed and finally, Yes Dear
ed,from Josh.
Over this past weekend we were able to haul the shell of what will become ,"The Doo Drop Inn", to our piece of the Promised Land of West Tn. Right now the hull is sitting in the yard,adjacent to where it will be finally set up for our hens. You will see in the picture's what is done and what NEEDS to be done to finish it out. We have gone over so many idea's about interior design, size and locations of nesting boxes,material for them, roost post, flooring, all kinds of stuff, you probably wouldn't think you need to know in o
rder to begin a back yard flock. Trust me, its a lot of work,and the hens aren't even here yet.
Thankfully I have a field manual to this whole chicken ball game,or stew pot shall we say. It's Storey's Guide To Raising Chickens.1995 and 2010 version. I have both.
Sitting in and around the yard now is the hen house, boards to finish it out, the roost post, the 5 gal buckets I decided to use for nest. [An Aside buckets, I got them for FREE at my local grocery store simply by asking a deli/bakery clerk if they had any. ] There is wood to use to hold the buckets in place, little trim boards so the eggs don't roll out, paint, nails,screws,and soon a big slice of plywood that will be used as a roof and covered with tar paper,I think it's called. Josh had post for the wire over at his parent's house. I raided their shed for scrap wood pieces to use for the inside. I bought the wire at Tractor Supply along with water and feeders, and big rubber boots for my sled size feet!
So now, thanks to Joshes cousin splitting an order of Rainbow Assortment Layers from Murry McMurry Hatchery, we will have 12 hens come on or around March 19,2012. We figured we'd get a variety to see what kinds we like,and half the fun of seeing what we gonna git! They have to stay in a brooder box, anything from an actual wood and wire brooder box,a Rubbermaid tub,or just a card board box, for a month. the goal is to have most everything ready by then,but if it's not,there will still be time to finish out the actual chicken yard.
I asked my Father in Law if he thought I was crazy for all this, he being a kind man, just kinda smiled and changed the subject!
The Top picture is the area where the hen house and coop will be. The end of the hen house will be flush against the shed. There will be a door for people to walk in and out of, a chicken yard built and the inside finished.
.....Stay Tuned.
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