THeres the cliche when it rains it pours.Theres what can go wrong,will go wrong.And then theres when life gives you lemons,make lemonade.You ever tried to make lemonade out of sour grapes?Right now things couldnt be more crazy for us.ANd this extends beyond my little Suzy Homemaker cocoon.THis is....overwhelming.It all started I say with the words of my brother when i was at his house."Im not coming east unless Memaw gets sick".been downhill ever since.I got off the plane to Memaw is sick.Then she got pretty much better and is still getting well.Took a while for her to get sick,and it will take a while for her to get better.THen the Sunday before Thanksgiving Neils Grandad got admitted into the hospital.And he never came home.He passed away Thanksgiving day.He had been sick off and on for a while,so it was pretty expected.Grandad and I had had several talks about him passing,so I had a peace about it.His brothers came from Alabama,whom most of us had never met.They were so nice!and they felt kinda wierd being the only 2 left of the clan their parents had begun all those years ago.No time like a family reunion like a funeral.Welp,him passing messed up plans for Neil to meet my own grandmother,my moms mom.I call her edith.SHe lives in South MS and had come up the day after thanksgiving to see our family who lives in North Ms.Grandads funeral was sad and dreary,but it it was what he would have wanted.A simple graveside service and him buried in his overalls.Ive never touvhed a dead person before,but I did him.I patted his chest,and i fixed some pokey hairs and i said goodbye to a wonderful man.Neil and his brother sang Ill Fly away at the funeral and it put everyones spirits up.His friends came,Neils,and they were there for him like Ive never seen before.THey dont know how much I personally appreciated them for being there at some fo his darkest hours.
So after being gone from home for 5 days,I called Memaw and said,We're finally going home.Yay.wrong.She asked me had I spoken to anyone in my family,as in my mom or Edith.I said No.She told me Ediths husband had died.She was in North Ms when it happend and thankfully he went to sleep and went to God.So off to South Ms Neil and I went.He was finally going to meet MY extended family on Moms side.Not the way I had it planned,but thats what happend.I reconnected with my first cousin,who after all this time still greives for our Pap.To date his 1998 death has beent he hardest for me to accept and move on from.Jake is named for him.I told my,now 18,year old cousin that I hoped the next itme we saw each other was not under these circumstances.It was nice for Neil to meet everyone.I was suprised when he offred to go with me,as I didnt think hed be able to get off work,yet more time,and emotionally handle it.But he did,and I think this has brought us closer together.
We've been home a week now and my house still looks like a tornado.We'd been invaded by bugs before we left and tried all the home stuff to get rid of them.Combat didnt work,so we had to call a bug inspector,as jake calls it.So I had to take all my dishes out of my cabinets,and part of the stuff out of my pantry.Its still in various piles around my house.Tomorrow is Jakes birthday party and Im overhwelmed about all the shit i have to do to get my house in order.Not only did we come home to bugs,but Neil got a horrible stomach virus on our Vicksburg trip.Him and most of my extended family too.So he had to miss another day of work.blah!
I dont want to sound like I cant cope.In fact,I think all this stress has caused me to go into mania a bit.Im not sleeping and my brain is running 90 to nothing.
THis too shall pass,and I know God is in control and He will get us through Christmas.Which will be small and practical around here,as Im sure it will be everywhere else.
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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