Oh, those dreaded words from the weather man....Winter Storm possiblities.
In the Southern home that means a few things.....Do Not walk,Do not pass go,but haul ass to the local grocery store.You must buy milk and bread,even if you just did that yesterday.It also means that Schools will Close,as will everything else,b/c nobody can drive in winter weather.No,we dont have salt trucks,we do have tornado shelters and hurricane plans.But winter mess is another story.And No,we dont get the beautiful snow you see in ski ads,we get ice.and its bad.It sticks on power lines,cars,and roads.Schools will close at the mere mention of inclement weather.Im serious.Take today.Right now currently in West Tn,its a gloomy day.Chilly,windy,and rainy.BUT....the tempeartature will be dropping all day,and thus,since the potential is there,they closed the schools.I found it humerous when I checked the weather channel.com for my zip code and they had an illustration of ice hanign from trees on Monday and Tuesday,but by thursday break out your shorts again cuz the hi is 61.Ahhh,the midsouth,where if you dont like the weather,just give it a minute and it will change.YES,I have slept witht he heater on,turned on the air during the day and the heater again at night.And NO,we are not in the dessert where this is more common.
So in my 27 years Ive learned a few things about how to cope witht he threat of ice,adn its aftermath.Some dos and Donts.
hit the smoke shack and liquior store,STOCK UP.
Go get loaf of bread and milk,needed or not.Who am I to mess with moms of yesteryear.
Wash all the laundry,and dishes,case the power goes.
Make a big ole pot of somtehting that taste better 2 days later.Since your car can double as an extra fridge.
buy coca cola,and coffee,and Splenda.Cant have the kids on a sugar high,but you can have one.
Read online,before the power and cable goes about things to do to entertain children with no power.
buy maxi pads or tampons,you never know when mother nature will have a sick sence of humor.
go to the library and stock up.
Buy scented candles and smoke near a window...
Know someone who has gas heat and fireplace ,so hubby can drive you there in a 4 wheel drive,adn pay no heed to one of the donts below.
DONT:{this is most important}
Never take and adipex or speed BEFORE you know if work is closed and schools are too.you will be up cleaning your bathtub with a q-tip at midnight.Promise.
Never make salmon patties,or tuna salad,no matter how bad you want to.Wait a few days until its in the 60s again and you can fumagate your house.
never let your friends stay over.You dont know if they snore.Make it family time.
Never ask your neighbors if you or your kids can play on their hills on garbage can lids,sausers,or cardboard boxes.Someone will get knocked out.Been there.freaked my brother out,since he was the one shaking me back to life,but we didnt tell Mama.
Whatever you do,DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!If you want to try to finally learn to drive on ice,think that there may be other ppl who feel the same way,and you never know when yall might pass each other!
THese are just some obervations Ive made throughout my life.I did survive the BIG ONE OF '94,but God knows how my parents did.
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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