Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jake and Levi
GOd gave me 2 boys to be a Mama to.He gave them to me and I adore them.Jake is 7 and is my mini me.though he looks a bit like my exhusband he is all me in the personality dept.I was a single mom to him from basically birth.Though my family lived closer to me,as did my ex family{I hate calling them that cuz to me we will always be family,exhusband exlcuded of cource}.So there were always babysitters.I didnt have to share him with anyone on a daily basis.I had to be mom and Dad.Had to comend and condem.I know in todays time its not cool to spank your kids,but I do.Though it is not the answer for every crime,it get the point across when you need it to.I hate child abusers,b/c there is a line you do not cross.Anyway.Jake is one of the funniest,smartest,enthususatic children you will ever meet.He and I grew up together,since I had him when I was 19.THe day he was born my Mom became the smartest person I knew.Since kids dont come with intruction Manuals,Dr.Spock be damed.ANd honestly my biggest suprise about motherhood was that you couldnt send them home.They were there and you had to figure out what they were screaming at you.With Levi,its been easier on some levels b/c Ive done the sleepless nights,diaper changes,and breast and bottle feedings.But Levi is his own person.Hes my wide open child and Jake has an old soul.Jake has done some silly things in his 7 years.He swallowed a quarter once when his preschool teacher told him to put it up.We had to wait it out and give him prune juice.Hes had 3 sets of stiches.My comments to him when he yelps in pain is,Are ya bleeding?Most of the time he is,poor kid.Hes red headed and wears some kids theyd get picked on for that,but not my Jake.He embraces it and uses his charm he gets from both me and the ex to sweet talk.He has 3 girlfirends,some of them dont even know theyre his girlfriends.He peed on the play ground at preschool,and in the front flower beds of the college I was attending while I was talking to the Dean.Kids will embarass the shit out of you!Then there is Levi,my 1 year old.I felt him move at 14 weeks and knew Id have my hands full.He talked early,but not as early as Jake,walked early and loves playing in the toilet.He has a temper and his cry is literally WhaaaaWhaaa.Neil and I got a kick out of that sound at the hospital.Not so much any more.Levi has only been to the ER one time so far and thats when I cut his finger while cutting his fingernails and freaked out.HE always has a bump on his made of cast iron head.B/c he thinks hes a big as Jake and wants to do everything he does.Levi will tell you nono by shaking his head.Hes done it since before he could talk,but he got his point across.Its still very cute!I was 25 when he was born and shortly afterwards I had my tubes tied.I birthed my limit and though I dont mind keeping my friends kiddos,Im glad I cant have anymore.Id rather finally go to Europe after Levi graduates high school.jake and Levi,despite the age gap,since I changed husbands are best buds.When Jake is gone to Nana's or Memaws Levi wanders around the house looking for him.I love my boys and thank God for them every day.
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