Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Busy Bee's.
In January of last year {07}.Neil,Jake and I moved here to this tiny map dot of a town in TN.Neil is from about an hour south of here,and me Id never even been here until the day we bought our house.I was 5 months pregnant with Levi,and very hormonal.We picked this town b/c everyone we inqiured to saod they had great schools.They do.Pop almost 4,000.Small.One grocery store,few mom and pop resturaunts and a train station is this towns claim to fame.When we drove thru I cried.I thought it was awful.We drove past a few houses for sale.Then we pulled into the driveway of the house that would be our home.We instanlty loved it,just from the outside.The realtors met us here 30 minutes later and an hour later we had a verbal contract on it.Then the paperwork began.It was the only house we actually went inside,but like I said,we fell in love with it.It was brand new,a blank slate,and we were home.Then we moved in.Much as I'd like to say we got to work,we didnt.We painted Jakes room first,so he'd feel special.Then we had a painting party witht he inlaws to get levi;s room done.Its a pretty baby green.THen 3 days before I went into labor with Levi,I had to have my kitchen done.Talk about Nesting in phycho mode.I wanted ti DONE.This was thursday.On Friday and friday night Neila nd I finished it.Yes I was climbing in chairs,bout to pop,but dont tell my Memaw,and Neil tied one can see his pianitg near the celing get progfresivly worse the drunker he got.We had fun.Next day we went fishing,next day Levi made his apperance.Then the painting stopped and makingi it homey stopped too.I had picutes on the wall,and photos up,but other than that it was a creamy buuilder flat paint.The yard,well,it got mowed and that was it.But then I got another post pardum hormonal surge and wound up with a UT orange bathroom.Folks either LOVE it or just nod.THen there was the living room and hall way.It needed to be the same color.So after 2 diffrent colors on various places in diffrent lights,I finally picked the third color.with one exception.I love RED,but neil said no red,so the entry wall,just to break up the applebutter color,is a burnt orangish rusty color.Neil lives with it and I love it.I call it my mad wall,cuz I got pissed at my sister for soemthing shed done to my mom.HTe outside still looked like white trash lived here.Then spring came.Ahhhh spring.I didnt want to have to mow the front flower bed this year,so off to lowes I went and bought some cheap hedge bushes.and mulcha dn other various things for a flower bed.Neil gave in and we made a flower bed up front.but every time it rains,since we have yet to instal gutters cuz we're poor,the mulch washes down the driveway.We had a party over here one night mainly on the back patio in early March.But we were disappointed in out jar light off the back.So we tried to figure out just how to light it.Now there is a French bistro esque street lamp on the back patio.Im so proud of it.Neil did good.Are yall seeing a pattern here?My idea's and shopping and Neil has to do the dirty work?poor guy.He dont mind keeping Mama happy though when she has a burr under her saddle.Then yesterday he cleaned off the carport and thatnks to HGTV ingentuity we now have our fishing poles and weedeater hung on bike hooks and our yard tools on a 7 dollar rack from lowes.Im not one to spend a bunch of money on outdoor stuffcuz we flat dont have it.So I hit the celarnace plant rack at Lowes in hopes of bringing back to life bushes and plants that are 3 bucks or less.ITs working so far.ANd then I dug up some cannis from Sams yard they were just mowing down.I kept a few and gave a whole bag {i dug with a sppn and kitchen knife none the less} to another firend.It was free plants all around.They are planted at the end of the carport near the 3 dollar hibusicus bush i got to plant in memory of my fornds 2 babies she lost.Theres a swing set in the back yard.Yep it coming together.We took our balnk slate and are making it our home.It already is home to us,we just want to more comfy.THe fron yard next spring will get day lillies near the 16 dollar crepe myrtle I HAD to have.Its called Natchez,its a MS thang I guess.I hope it thrives.There are other prodjects we want to do,like a shed and fence,but for now those have to wait.But I will be digging in a yard near you for free plants...just wiat and see.I dont want the yard of the month,but it sure beats looking like white trash lives here.Have a good un.
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