Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
THe Gravatational Pull between a Woman and a Man.
The great cowboy poet/singer Chris LeDoux sang,"Aint't nothing better,baby,aint nothing worse.Study after study nobody understands the gravatational pull between a woman and a man".That bout sums it up.Nobody flat understands this need for the opposite sex.Some say its concertated by God in the garden of Eden.True,but Adam and Eve only got to pick each other.There are thousands od lonely hearts out there.I met Neil on was my first match,and we just went for it.The more our communcation got on the site,I found out hed been in band in high school.BAND,for cryin out loud!I may have been a geek,but not a band geek.I almost quit talking to him after that.Snobby I know.But I hadnt heard his voice yet,nor seen his pitcure.SOme say looks dont matter.BUll.THey do.But the man of your lucid dreams dont look like George Clooney neither.I was like a lot of women,kinda looking for a husband.No matter the tough facade,I wanted happily ever after dammit.Yeah,I was self sufficent,but something was missing.That friendship that your girls cant provide,b/c youre not sleeping with them lol.That intamacy.Well,as a couple of weeks progreesed Neil and I talked on the phone and OMG.He has the sexiest voice ever!And I had seen his picture too.Not too shabby there either.I was more atracted to him after he became one of many ppl they matched me with 29 demenions of compatability.We met in a parking garage in downtown Memphis.Not the most ideal setting for the love of my life to walk in,but he did.We met for our first date,and both ordered the same thing to eat,lol.I was 24 and waaay past,"i'll just have a salad,thanks."Im a big girl,so I like food,inlcuding messy ruben sandwiches from a pub.There was great chemistry from the start.Our first date found us holding hands,making out in the rain,and him telling his buddy I was hot.Its been up hill ever since.Fast forward 2 1/2 years and we are living the dream.That dream meaning 2 kids,mortagage and living an hour from his nearest realative.I had resigned my self to never meeting my country boy with brains.A freind told me Id be a long time searching for him.Wrong.I'd just been looking in the wrong places.Brings to mind another country song....By Don Williams...We have a friendship with depht Ive never had with a man.a few feamles,yes,but never a man.He loves me,and I love him.Pure and simple.Yeah,we swqaubble someitmes.But honestly,who hasn't looked at their husband and thought,I hope you go first,lol.He cuts the yard,adn I wash his drawers.He makes the money and I try to spend it in a way that benefits our family.{him too}We have tons in common and tons of diffrences.It gives us stuff to talk about,and stuff we can learn from each other.THere is a strong pull between us and it just gets better as time moseys along.
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