Hmm, Josh said he would love to see what the hype was all about. Mental note,check. Find my husband,who does not ask for much,colored fleshed spuds. So, I began a serious hunt for them. I started at my local Kroger store,even asking the produce manager if they carry them. He kinda lifted his hat,and scratched his head.
"Nawp," he said,"I've heard of them,but we dont carry them yet." Ok, so that was a couple of months ago. I stuck the notion of spuds in the back fo my head with the zillion ohter things,I'd love to give my family,but constantly am on the look out for.
This past week, I facebook friended a local,Memphis,TN, green grocer store.EasyWay,where its always Fresh! Some friends from school and their family run and own the several locations. I posted on the wall inquiring about blue potato's. They too did not carry them. Dern!
I had to go to East Memphis to my neuro Dr,to get my back seen about,and had a lightbulb moment. Hmmm,Im close to Whole Foods, surely to goodness they have them there! When I walked in,I instantly knew I was out of place. Me with my heavy Carhartt coat on,and get out of my way look on my face. I went directly to the man with a smile stacking onions. I inquired about the illusive spud.
"Yes Ma'am, we carry them,but right now they are hard to get,and we dont have any right now.But you can check out the Fresh Market down the street."He smiled and went back to stacking. Looking at me as if KNOWING,I was not an East Memphis kind of girl. I have country as cornbread written all over me.
So I drove, {In VAST amounts of pain,in the cold,mind you} to the other organic market up the road.
I saw someone with a name tag,and inquired about the spuds. I saw on a display where they normally are,beside the fingerling potato's.
Side note about Fingerlings. I bought those first,b/c my Kroger did carry them. They last a while in the fridge,and hold up well in stew,are smooth and buttery in texture and would be great with anything you want to do with them.
The man at FreshMarket told me,yes they carry them,and since none were
So I gave up for the time being. Had my nerve block on my back,and got a pain pilled wild hair up my ass to hit Korger. My unassuming friend,Melanie, got conned into going with me. She had been warned,but decied to go along anyway to push the buggy,and pick up low shelved items.
Well,LOW and BEHOLD,they had Purple potato's at my local Korger store! I did the wonkey Happy Dance right then and there. well good as I could being on pain meds the day after a back prodecure! Melanie was howling laughing at me,b/c I was so happy that I hugged her!
They came in 2lb bags,I didnt even look at the price,and I brought them home. I got a huge hug and kiss from my much appreciative husband!
So last night we decided to simply roast the new spuds to see how they ta
Josh washed them,and I cubed them, pre heated the oven to 400,and set the timer for 20 minutes.
I gave them a liberal dose of sea salt,pepper and Olive oil.
I checked them after 20 minutes and they were done,but we like a little crunch on ours. So ten more minutes later,and whaaa Laaa, taters.
I mixed up some blue cheese,sour cream,and a shot of creamy horseradish sauce for them. They are yummy. Smooth,creamy,earthy. It was worth the wait. They will be a special occasion thing around here,but Im just so glad I found them. It IS the simple things in life that can make you happy!
Plus,they look pretty in my vintage Homer Laughlin bowl!
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