Thanks to Old Man Winter,we've been iced and snowed in the past couple of days.I think,in fact,that the school system has exceeded their allotment,and now we will be into some spring break.And its only January.I think "Old Man Winter" is a menopausal lady with a hot flash,but I dont think that its PC to say that on the news.So,we've been cooped up some more.Except Jake,and Neil.So when I say cooped up I mean,me and Levi.Yes,I was a bad Mama and didnt bundle the little monkey up to play in the snow.Maybe I will later today,since Neil is off and can play too.Todays projected hi is 39,but right now it feels like 19.Thats cold.So Im looking out the window at Natures Beauty to some,Wrath to others.
Meanwhile,Im haivng trouble with Levi and eating.He has perfected BLLEEEKKKK! shaking his head,clamping his mouth shut,and letting us know,it just aint good.Per Neils request a while back when we were trying something new all the time,Ive cut back on that.Im adapting oldies,but goodies to lower fat,and they cant seem to tell.We eat the normal fare,pork,pinto beans,meat loaf,cabbage,spagettii,stuff like that.No more Kugels for us,at least not for a while.Its meat and taters.But I like color,so we have to have something green.I do the normal,or what I percieve as normal,meat,carb,veggies kind of supper meals.Levi is in total revolt.hes not fond of green beans,almost any way I fix them.Sometimes I use onion and some beef bullion,other times I use some vinegar and sugar and bacon.The rest of us eat em.I love cabbage too.My gang loves it.Its cheap,and to me versitle.I normaly "fry" it.With a bit of onion,some pork,maple syrup and apple cider vinegar.We can eat a whole head like that.But not Levi.Ive found he will eat it boiled and thats about it.Oh,I can understand the bold flavors of vinegar him not liking.Thats fine.But almost everything at the dinner table these days gets the bleek.even stuff hes liked beofre,or heck,even yesterday. He loves bread,and fruits,and last night ate some canndied carrots.I think giving him pop tarts for a quick breakfast has been a mistake.But he loves them.Hes very active,so hes not really fat either.Oh,he's a moose,but hes just big all over.He used to LOVE bananas.I craved them almost from the day I found out i was pregnant with him.Banana's and banana flavored stuff.I couldnt get enough of it.He normally eats one a day.Not lately.I think he may be a bit burnt out on them.He loves apples,grapes,pears,stuff like that.So I know hes getting the nutrients he needs.Hes not loosing weight.Hes just become this tyranical picky eater!I didnt have this problem with Jake.There are very few things I know he does not like,so I dont make him eat them.But he will say,Well,I used to not like that,but maybe I will he at least tries anything once.With Levi it started one night when I cooked baked fish,sweet potato salad and green peas.He sat there,fork in hand,ready to dig in,and tried everything.And to everything there was a bleek.Ok,so all of us did that night too,aside from the peas.But thats when I can pin point that it began.I googled picky toddlers this morning.the advice is not to worry,its normal.They know when theyre hungrey and will eat when they are,give them a variety of foods,set a good example by eating your veggies too,and on and on.I do that.we show him how good and yummy the supper is,only to be met with head shakes,and face squinching and body shakes.Im serious!He munches during the day.I give him breakfast,a morning snack,lunch after nap,a mid afternoon snack and supper.and even sometimes,since we eat kinda early,I give him an after supper snck too,right at bed time.I dont mean junk either.sure he gets a few cookies once in a while,but not candy and stuff.I know sometimes hes starving before it gets supper time,so i have to give him a late snack,adn then hes not hungrey at supper.I can understand that,and then later,he will go back to his plate at the table,and eat.So,Im not forcing him to eat when hes not hungrey.and trust me,he may not talk well,but hes good at saying eat and pointing,and when you ask him if he wants fruit snacks he nods or shakes his head.or says Sopngebob,which means yogurt,{i buy the gogurt tubes}Or cheese,or whatever he can think that he wants.Some of it,may be,the attention he gets.One of the articles I sped read disccused pushing boundaries,and getting the supper table,he normaly has all 3 of us there,to talk to.He even will join in the conversation with his bable.We eat 6 out of 7 suppers a week at the table as a family.Its important to me to do that with my family.Very 1950's I know.But its how we like it.On the nights Neil works,its about the only time we have as a family to be all toghether in the same place.So 2 nights ago,we all sat down to a normal meal,I had made before.It was cold out,and the food was hearty.Levi bleeked at all of it.Including green peas he normally shovels in.So after him distracting all of us from our meal,I took his plate of food he was smearing around,and on the table and I put him down.The TV is not on during supper time,so I didnt turn it on then either.But he entertained himself just fine.But then last night,we had a revamped version of the same food,but with carrots instead of peas.and rice instead of egg noodles.{id made beef stroganoff}.He loves rice,{i use brown instant},so I put very little beef stuff over it,and even put cheese on it too,since I know he loves it.NOPE!not a chance.So after racing my brain,the words of Neils best buddy Matt came to mind."Ketchup is a vegetable".Hed asked me to make him a meatloaf on one fo his trips up here to help work in the yard.When I told him I put shredded carrots in it,and whatever else veggie I could hide,he asked me to make something was like,but Matt,you gotta get some veggies in it.Thats when he told me Ketchup was a veg.So Jake got out the bottle last night,and Levi ate his dinner.I read the bottle seriously for the first time ever.aside from lycopine,there is no real nutriatve value to ketchup!it has carbs,sugars,and sodium.But he ate it! So,I learned a lesson last night.One I didnt know I needed to learn.If I put ketchup on it,he will more than likely eat it!
We shall see how tonights meal turns out.Im thinking isnce we're all here cooped up Ill make a pot of chicken noodle soup.And if I have to disguise the celery,carrots and onion with a squirt,I will! And ill mix in a lot of cornbread too,that way its ketchupy mush.Man that sounds gross,but whatever works,right?
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
I Feel More Human
Good Morning for anyone whos reading this.I'm beginning to feel human again.I think the strong antibiotics I'm on are helping.I still have the rather large mass under my arm,but its not as painful.At least not all the time like it has been.Yesterday when I woke up I was not in pain!Husband and kids had gone to the inlaws on Sat.and most of Sunday so I was able to get some rest.Didnt do much else either.I think the little one missed me though.He came in going MAAAMAAA.and just wrapped his little arms around me and hung on.It was very sweet.I just kissed and kissed my little Monkey Man.
Ok,So yesterday I fell off the wagon.BIG TIME.My thoughts were,Ive been good,and now Im sick,and today I wont take a pill,so I can nap and rest.Good idea,the nap.not taking the pill,bad idea.I fell off bad.I ate a can of chilli {my favorite man food},with cheese,adn crackers.And a brownie topped with ice cream and choc syrup.For dinner I had a meatball sub.Again,bad.I wrote to my tribe this morning in whats become a biweekly email and confessed all.I know they will tell me I was bad.I tried to blame it on having to eat b/c of the strong antibiotics.and them messing up my tummy.I dont think that will work though,since Ive been fine eating some yogurt and a slice of low carb toast.It aint messed up my tummy so far.But now,Im paying the price.I guess your body gets used to you not filling it with crap.and now my bowles are in revolt.Nuff said.One of my tribe members ate french fries for the first time in a long time,and shes going through the same thing.So,if I do get another hankering for brownies,Ill eat one of my 100 cal ones.they arent bad and satisfy the choc craving.As do a small handful of semi sweet choc chips.So today Im back on the wagon.I was gonna not really focus on it too much b/c of my arm mass,but I feel bad for falling off.So its back to slim fast for breakfast.and half an adipex.i wont feel like zooming,but at least it will curb the appetite.
We're supposed to get some ice tonight and tomorrow.ANd I got supplies last night.Except for toilet paper.Im down to 2 rolls.but i need to grab a pack just incase.other than that we will be fine around here.not much ice is expected,but we werent expecgting the 6 inches of snow we got in March of last year neither.So I dont think you can over prepare for stuff like that.besides,I only got stuff we'd normally use anyway,so its all good.Crystal may come up and go to the doc with me on wed.If theres ice though,Ill just have to rechedule.refer to previous blog about driving in ice.Thats all for today.Im back on the wagon and intend to stay there.I just now have to get the ktichen all the way clean.I havent done too mcuh housework since getting sick,so I need to play catch up today.I did unload and reload the DW yesterday.but didnt do the pots and pans.theyre calling my name today.blahhh.But the laundry is washed and dired,if not folded.I reckon that will just have to do for now.....Until next time....
Ok,So yesterday I fell off the wagon.BIG TIME.My thoughts were,Ive been good,and now Im sick,and today I wont take a pill,so I can nap and rest.Good idea,the nap.not taking the pill,bad idea.I fell off bad.I ate a can of chilli {my favorite man food},with cheese,adn crackers.And a brownie topped with ice cream and choc syrup.For dinner I had a meatball sub.Again,bad.I wrote to my tribe this morning in whats become a biweekly email and confessed all.I know they will tell me I was bad.I tried to blame it on having to eat b/c of the strong antibiotics.and them messing up my tummy.I dont think that will work though,since Ive been fine eating some yogurt and a slice of low carb toast.It aint messed up my tummy so far.But now,Im paying the price.I guess your body gets used to you not filling it with crap.and now my bowles are in revolt.Nuff said.One of my tribe members ate french fries for the first time in a long time,and shes going through the same thing.So,if I do get another hankering for brownies,Ill eat one of my 100 cal ones.they arent bad and satisfy the choc craving.As do a small handful of semi sweet choc chips.So today Im back on the wagon.I was gonna not really focus on it too much b/c of my arm mass,but I feel bad for falling off.So its back to slim fast for breakfast.and half an adipex.i wont feel like zooming,but at least it will curb the appetite.
We're supposed to get some ice tonight and tomorrow.ANd I got supplies last night.Except for toilet paper.Im down to 2 rolls.but i need to grab a pack just incase.other than that we will be fine around here.not much ice is expected,but we werent expecgting the 6 inches of snow we got in March of last year neither.So I dont think you can over prepare for stuff like that.besides,I only got stuff we'd normally use anyway,so its all good.Crystal may come up and go to the doc with me on wed.If theres ice though,Ill just have to rechedule.refer to previous blog about driving in ice.Thats all for today.Im back on the wagon and intend to stay there.I just now have to get the ktichen all the way clean.I havent done too mcuh housework since getting sick,so I need to play catch up today.I did unload and reload the DW yesterday.but didnt do the pots and pans.theyre calling my name today.blahhh.But the laundry is washed and dired,if not folded.I reckon that will just have to do for now.....Until next time....
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm in No Mood.
You've seen those commercials that say,"Life gotcha down?",right now Im kinda down.The mass under my arm has not gotten smaller,not gone away.My PC infact said I needed to see a surgeon to have it removed.That totally freaked me out.And pissed me off.she siad it had become a mass unto itself.with its own eco system for lack of a better term.NO,Its not cancer.Or at least,neither I,nor my PC is concerned that it is.She siad sometimes it just happens this way.that lancing them does not work.SO now I get to be potnetially put to sleep or at least heavily sedated for the surgeon to hack on my arm.I told my mom that I think its ridiculus.I have abd back,would benefit from surgery,I have acid reflux thats erroding my thorat,so theres probably an ulcer,but no,I have to go under for an armpit hair!Here I am trying to feel like a woman and its back fired!I think once Im given the green light to shave,and wear deoderant again,{f'ing gross,trust me,I know!}I'll take Mels advice and switch to Nair.Ahhh,womanhood!I dont know how Neil is putting up with me these days.Im in pain all day long,like a dull apin that just wont go away.I can only take the narcotics at night,after this kids are in bed,b/c it makes me loopy.But it does help me sleep.Ive still continued the diet pills.I didnt meet my 5lb goal this week.But I did loose 4 more lbs.Im only taking half a pill,to keep my appetite curbed.But I think as bad as Ive been feeling I could do away with them all toghether right now.I'm on super strong Augmentin,so I have to eat,or else pay the price with my tummy.TOnight,due to this mass,Im missing a social event Ive been looking forward to.Neils VBFF got married on a cruise at Thanksgiving and tonight theyre having a big swanky party in downtown Memphis.Ive been looking forward to no kids,dressed up with my hot hubby,and adult convo for weeks.Neil told his friend what was going on with me,and he understands if I'm a no show.I told Neil I could take a 1/2 a pain pill and suck it up,but he couldnt drink much,since there aint no way I could drive the 45 minutes back to his folks house after the medication.At this point I think Id be a stick in the mud who wanted to come home to bed at 9.But theres NO WAY, I want him to miss this.So,Neil told me Id have my own quiet party here at home.No kids,percocet,and both the internet and remote all to myself.And to treat myself for being puney I bought a copy of Revolutionary Road to read.So I will have a quiet night,sans hubby and the kids and REST.Ive been needing a break,but i was looking forward to that break with Neil.But I guess its not to be,at least not tonight.We do have an anniversary coming up,so maybe around then we can get our night out.I will know after Wed if I have to be hacked on,so the diet will have to be put on the back burner.But once I get the green light from the docs Ill be full speed ahead.My gaol date has changed from the first week of June to the last week of May.Neils ten year reunion is Memorial Day weekend.So as it stands Im sitting puney on 210.and for now thats how it will have to be,until I get hte rest of me straight.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
MMM,Half Decaf
Im up at 6 this morning thanks to Levi,hollering MaaaaaMMMMAAAA!He calls me Dada too,but hwen he NEEDS me,Im Mama.So I got him up,cuddled with him for a bit and settled him on the couch with a cup and Blues Clues.Gotta Love Noggin.I checked my scales this morning.210.Im happy about that!I had to make an ER visit for myself on Tuesday for an infected hair follicle.If youve never had one,its horrible.Very painful.But thanks to 3 percocets over 3 days Im able to move around a bit this morning,and the high dose antibiotics.I got back to have it looked at this morning to my PC doc.We shall see what her scales say comapred to mine.I weight there with clothes on,and mine at home with none.I didnt take a diet pill yesterday,but felt so bad I didnt eat much,and when I did it was healthy.Before this hair thing knocked me on my butt I had thawed out a Turkey breast.Neil cooked it for us.It was awesome!He did a great job.So I nibbled on that,an apple and some cheese yesterday,and toast.I had to have some carbs on my tummy b/c of the antibiotics.They mess up my tummy.This morning though,I did take half a diet pill.I still gotta take it somewhat easy on my arm.It stinks too,b/c Levi thinks Im his personal jungle gym.Its supposed to be warm,as in upper 50's today,and if I feel up to it,we may take a walk.But right now,Im not going to push it,since Ive felt utterly miserable the last few days.Sometimes ya just want your Mama,and the past few days have been those days.It stinks that we live so far apart {4hrs} sometimes.But I digress.Ive joined a get healthy group on Facebook.the moderator is a great encoruager!I try to encourage her too.Some of my tribe has joined the group there too.She siad she bought a jump rope so even if the weather is bad,she can still get under the carport and get some exercise.I like that Idea.I dont like the thought of my fat flopping down at various intervals,for fear of shaking the house though,lol.Maybe Ill try that too,and reccomend it to my tribe.I havent really discussed weighloss with them over the past few days since Ive been sick.Crystal is going thorugh some health issues,but once they pass,and with Dr permission,she is going to try adipex.Shes on other meds that may not allow her to,but she hopes she can,just to kick start her.We talked last night about what put the weight on us.It seems like she and I follow each other like that.Even though we live 3 hrs apart.If shes thinner,I am,if shes heavy,I am too.Shes shorter than me by a bunch and stocky.But is very muscular and can carry a higher weight and it not be as noticable for someone else of her height.Alot of hers right now is fluid form health issues.But her doc has also told her she needs to get some lbs off.She can do it.I think part of the weightloss battle is figuring out why you gained so much in the first place.She knows,and so do I how the lbs were packed on.Eating too much,various meds,and sitting on our butts.So now,some of the meds cant change,but eating better and gettinc more active can.tam is up to 200 crunches.Not sure if Ive mentioned that or not.SHe has a 4 yar old and an infant.I asked her where she found time!he said when baby is sleeping and the oldest is watching Noggin or even napping me that takes WILLPOWER!When Levi naps,I normally do the dishes,or just sit on my butt.She is a good encoruager!!!My tribe and I can do this,one lb at a time!!!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Cooped Up!
Today is Saturday.It has been more than just a cold snap here in Dixieland.Its been cold.Freezing cold.So cold,in fact,Becky,whos from the Upper Pen. of Michigan,is taking to wearing a coat.So I ahev not been able to get out and walk!I felt like my energy levels were up when I did that.Kinda got me started.Welp,I havent felt like Ive gotten started over the last couple of days.My bedroom is still a mess,as I chose to chat on the phone non stop all day.I have recoonected with an old friend,and that to me was more important.But buddy i was marching all over the yard,trying to blow off a whole pill.Levi has not been sleeping good,so in turn,neither have I.ANd b/c hes not sleeping good,hes grumpy.Hes not sick either,hes just tired of being cooped up with me!He goes to the door and looks at me all pittyful like,and says in his head,But mom,the sun is shinning,im supposed to get to go out and play!But alas,its been too bloody cold to do that.I have tried working out on my ball to do crunches.Not happening.b/c hes not napping either!I know I sound whinny,but oh well.Im back to half a pill,but I think next wek,Ill be taking a whole one.The frigid air is supposed to clear out and be back in the upper 40's again.I can handle that with a coat and some gloves.Even the kids can too.Its been sunny fortuantly,if it had been dreary,Id have been ready to check myself in somewhere.I dont think its affected my moods too much.Im still goofy,and hostile.Nope,no change have been writting book long emails.But thats ok least my hands will be fitter {is that a word?}.
Ok,for weight numbers.Its been a week,right? At this point,I couldnt tell ya.I weighed jsut a few ago,nude.My handy dandy,cheapo,Walmart scales say 213.So,3 lbs so far.I want to loose this stuff graudally.No,I lied,not really,I want to wake up and be 160.But Im supposed to take it off gradually.Thanks to even half a pill,I have not had the munchies too bad.Normally when its cold,Im baking up a storm and eating everything in sight.So theres that plus.Ive decided to weekly email my tribe with my own updates.In hopes to encoruage them.Tam was able to put on pants shes had stashed and to quote her,"didnt even have to lay on the bed to zip em up!" so snaps for Tam!Im proud.I havent talked to the others about it.Tam is down 5 this week,I think making her total 7 since we started our quest.Im down 9.SO yay for she and I.I really hope this cold air blows on outta here.Im going nuts!Every time I try to unlaod the Dishwasher Levi climbs up in it.So now theres 2 sinkfuls.Why not do it after the kids go to bed,pssshhhh!I just want to melt into the couch with the remote!Or Im so drained that I pass out shortly after they do.I normaly get up 2 hrs or so before they do,to get my bearings.Not in the last few days I havent.Mel saw me on web cam and told me I looked tired.Only a true friend can get away with stating the obvious!I probably look haggard at this point.I guess I have been getting a work out wrastling with Levi.My jaws are sore too.I guess its from clenching my teeth so this point I dont know how much is from my nerves or the pills.Probably a lil of both.We will see what next week brings.....Until then.
Ok,for weight numbers.Its been a week,right? At this point,I couldnt tell ya.I weighed jsut a few ago,nude.My handy dandy,cheapo,Walmart scales say 213.So,3 lbs so far.I want to loose this stuff graudally.No,I lied,not really,I want to wake up and be 160.But Im supposed to take it off gradually.Thanks to even half a pill,I have not had the munchies too bad.Normally when its cold,Im baking up a storm and eating everything in sight.So theres that plus.Ive decided to weekly email my tribe with my own updates.In hopes to encoruage them.Tam was able to put on pants shes had stashed and to quote her,"didnt even have to lay on the bed to zip em up!" so snaps for Tam!Im proud.I havent talked to the others about it.Tam is down 5 this week,I think making her total 7 since we started our quest.Im down 9.SO yay for she and I.I really hope this cold air blows on outta here.Im going nuts!Every time I try to unlaod the Dishwasher Levi climbs up in it.So now theres 2 sinkfuls.Why not do it after the kids go to bed,pssshhhh!I just want to melt into the couch with the remote!Or Im so drained that I pass out shortly after they do.I normaly get up 2 hrs or so before they do,to get my bearings.Not in the last few days I havent.Mel saw me on web cam and told me I looked tired.Only a true friend can get away with stating the obvious!I probably look haggard at this point.I guess I have been getting a work out wrastling with Levi.My jaws are sore too.I guess its from clenching my teeth so this point I dont know how much is from my nerves or the pills.Probably a lil of both.We will see what next week brings.....Until then.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I am Speed....
This morning Levi sang the too early bird song and comenced to hollering at the time i got him settled down it was 4 and i couldnt go back to sleep.So at 420ish it was outta bed for me.Ive just been taking half an adipex,but since I knew by noon Id be ready to crash,I took a whole one.We're having a cold snap here in Dixieland.As in it a windchill of 3 outside.Makes me long for California.Im sitting here at the kitchen window drinking half decaf planning my day.Ive been more active since taking the speedy pills.Thank goodness.I asked my friend Mel yesterday why Idecided to do this when it was so cold I couldnt get outside and blow off some steam.So Ive taken to tackeling my house.Since Neil works nights and Im on days,there is always someone in our bed or room,the stuff piles up in there too.When I dont know where to put something,thats where it goes.To be put way,Lord knows where,at a later date.I guess with a high forcasted today of 22,yes 22,today is that later date.I am loosing weight!Yay.But yesterday I caved and ate a cheeseburger.jake had a good report card,so I treated him to a sonic sunday.The temptation was too much.Mom told me not to be too hard on myself,that it would be ok,lol.Im trying not to weigh myself everyday,but its hard not to.Ive been doing ab work.Ive never had a belly until now.I love my big ole ball for that.I have a bad back,and crunching on the ball does not hurt,but i can feel the burn.Yay.Tam has lost 5 lbs!Im so proud of her!Shes been doing 6 times the crunches I have.I keep telling her not to overdo it,since she had a C section in late nov.She says she stops if it gets too bad.I dont want her hurting herself.Its flat too cold to get out and walk right blood is THIN,I tell ya.
So,I had to pause for a potty break.I weighed too.Writting about it got me thinking about it.Im down some more.But since I caved yesterday,I dont want to tempt my luck and write the number just yet.I think Im gonna only give numbers once a week.I dont want to get excited on wednesday about 1 lb,only to have it back on thursday.Im also not alone in this.My oldest friend,Heather has joined the tribe too.Shes in South Louisianna.Crystal has decided to join me too.Who knows what the 4 of us can do,now that we've put our minds to it.We all have diffrent numbers we want to get to,as we are all built so diffrent.Mel even wants to drop 10lbs.Not as much as the rest of us,but shes going to be in the tribe too.We may just loose a whole person between us!the bottom line is we want to get healthier.
So today I will be cleaning like a mad woman.I told Neil to just stay out of my way and he was on baby duty for a stinks that it is so sunny and pretty but freezing cold.Id be power walking.Instead Im off to tackle the biggest mess,all the while thinking,number 1,I can celan this mess up and number 2,im burning off the cheeseburger.It was only a Jr.burger,not the Double bacon one I wanted.Heather hit sonic last night to,for her last supper,lol.Shes starting back to weight watchers.It works for her,like a slim fast has been for me.Tam is working out,and with 2 small children both at home all day,she gets plenty.Shes also drinking nothing but water either adn the occasional glass of decaf sweet tea.Im not sure what Crystals plan of action is,yet.Its still in the works.I suggested slim fast to Mel,since she does not have that much she wants to get off.So we're all going about it our diffrent ways.Im proud of us already.Its all in my head,as in not telling my elbow to take that bite......
So,I had to pause for a potty break.I weighed too.Writting about it got me thinking about it.Im down some more.But since I caved yesterday,I dont want to tempt my luck and write the number just yet.I think Im gonna only give numbers once a week.I dont want to get excited on wednesday about 1 lb,only to have it back on thursday.Im also not alone in this.My oldest friend,Heather has joined the tribe too.Shes in South Louisianna.Crystal has decided to join me too.Who knows what the 4 of us can do,now that we've put our minds to it.We all have diffrent numbers we want to get to,as we are all built so diffrent.Mel even wants to drop 10lbs.Not as much as the rest of us,but shes going to be in the tribe too.We may just loose a whole person between us!the bottom line is we want to get healthier.
So today I will be cleaning like a mad woman.I told Neil to just stay out of my way and he was on baby duty for a stinks that it is so sunny and pretty but freezing cold.Id be power walking.Instead Im off to tackle the biggest mess,all the while thinking,number 1,I can celan this mess up and number 2,im burning off the cheeseburger.It was only a Jr.burger,not the Double bacon one I wanted.Heather hit sonic last night to,for her last supper,lol.Shes starting back to weight watchers.It works for her,like a slim fast has been for me.Tam is working out,and with 2 small children both at home all day,she gets plenty.Shes also drinking nothing but water either adn the occasional glass of decaf sweet tea.Im not sure what Crystals plan of action is,yet.Its still in the works.I suggested slim fast to Mel,since she does not have that much she wants to get off.So we're all going about it our diffrent ways.Im proud of us already.Its all in my head,as in not telling my elbow to take that bite......
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Some of my thoughts on Marriage
So,right now in my life I know several couples who are having marital issues.Some have been married a long time,others have not.They vent out their frustrations to me.These are my women friends,so I only have a womans perspective on them.I personaly have been married before,and divorced.It was the best thing Ive ever done for me,besides having my babies,and my current marriage.In my divorce all those years ago,I learned I could stand on my own 2 feet,and make it.I had to work hard,and with help from family and firends to prove this to myself.The common issue Im hearing is that one is giving more than the other.And some of them,one spouce loves the other beyond belief and the other person does not seem to care too much.My conversations of late have been one sided,but I try to see the others side too and even at times,play devils advocate.To maybe put some perspective to them.I think some of the issues are,the expectaions of one spouse are diffrent than the others.What the wife expects the husband to do is not being done and vice versa.One person giving it all,and another just simply being there will not make it work.It takes 100% on both parties.Neil and I have had our ups and downs to be sure.But we have been able to talk about them and work out our issues.After talking to my friends,he and I have it pretty great.In marriage,you have to trust the other person.That means,no matter how hurt youve been in the past,you have to trust that your husband wont do anything without you that he wouldnt do with you.SOme things sometimes you wish he wouldnt.Like farting and fanning the covers,beer burping,and things of that nature.I call them cave man things,lol.Those should be reserved for just the guys.And we women shouldnt talk about bikinni waxes,and menstral cramps,and child brith.Guys dont care how long our firends were in labor or how long they had to push.they just want to know the outcome,moma nd baby healthy.Women want details.Men dont care.{not all men,and not in all subjects either,Im talking women talk.}I love Neil with every core of my being.Sometimes ppl dont understand that I put him first,even over my kids.If i just said that to you,you may think my kids dont rate,OH THEY DO.But I am also married to someone who wont do anything that wouldnt be considerate of my kids needs,even before their own.Ive heard,I cant be with someone who does not love me.Truer words have never been spoken.And its more than just saying I love you.Its the little things.Those things you toss out in anger when your arguing.they matter.As does Sex.I believe that that is one of the most wonderul parts of marriage.But it is not all the glue that holds it can have a great sex life,and distain your spouce.Or you can haev a non existant one,but be madly in love.The marriage bed is a sacred place to me.Where you and your husband can do whatever you want with and to each other,and its not gonna get out all over town that you got a lil kinky.Sure,I may go to a few close friends and complainwhen we go through a dry spell,but its jsut to get ideas to spice it up.And when the dry spell is over,they wont know what ideas I used.Another thins is,you have to talk to each other.not yell,condesend,or nag.Sometimes Neil will tell me Im nagging him,and I dont even know thats what Im doing,nor do I think its what im doing.But if he feels that way,then Im glad he tells me,so I can stop.I think ppl just get so wrapped up int he day to day living,mowing the yard,cooking supper and doing the laundry that they forget they have a built in firend right there to vent it all out to.Some say ,well I just cant talk to him about that.Bull,You can.I mean they live with you,they can tell if soemthing is amiss,so who better to talk to than your husband?You dont know,maybe he feels the same way you do.It may be about diffrent things,like slacking off on housework,or yelling too much,but he will have his own things he wants to talk to you about.You have to be firends with your spouse.Neil is the only man I ever really loved Ican call my friend.I guess,that means I only had a taste of love and not the real thing until I met him.Some ppl believe in "the one".that one god preordained for you.I dont know that I believe that.I think there are diffrent ppl and diffrent realtionships for diffrent phases in your life.But when youve been through enough crap with other ppl to know what kind of person you do or dont want,then you settle down.Ppl change over time.But in marriage,you have to change tohgether.They say,Oh my spouce has changed.Im sure they have,havent you?I think life is about changing.Fundamentaly your still the same person.Your personality is the same,but likes and dislikes will change.You just have to talk to each other about it and GROW.If neither one of you can find a common ground,after trying,I mean BOTH parties,then if it still wont work,then you move on.And NO not with someone else,with YOurself.After a lenghty relationship or marriage,youve changed,youve hopefully grown up.I believe that if a party cheats,then there is your out.The trust you work hard to build is broken.Im not saying that once they do it,they will keep doing it.But I dont think you can ever trust that person again.So in the back of your mind,when your laying in bed at night,you would remeber that.I couldnt get past it.And to me thats a very valid reason to get divorced.ANd cheating to me and Neil both is not evn sleeping with someone else,but conversations with someone.Things you wouldnt say in front of your husband,b/c you have something to hide.thats wrong.we talked about all these things before we married.I ahd a lot of time to figure out what I wanted.And Im so glad God gave him to me.He and my children are my most precious gifts,He has ever given me.Life is way too short to spend it being unhappy.And if someone has exhausted themselves,and given their marriage their all and it still does not work,then its time to walk away.Point blank.At the time in your life when you married them,it was the right thing for you and he to do.But things happen that can't be undone.Ppl say and do things that sometimes can be moved forward from in that realtionship.But you do have to forgive them,if they ask you to.Its what the Bible says to do.But God does not want us miserable.
Im getting off my soap box.No,I dont have a "perfect " marriage.Who does.No matter how much you love someone,you'll want to brain them sometimes.Its just natural,lol.But NOT doing it,and working it out makes all the bull worth it.Growing together in love for the rest of your life.
Im getting off my soap box.No,I dont have a "perfect " marriage.Who does.No matter how much you love someone,you'll want to brain them sometimes.Its just natural,lol.But NOT doing it,and working it out makes all the bull worth it.Growing together in love for the rest of your life.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Awful Truth
Its 6 am and I didnt sleep.I didnt get too much sleep the night before either since Levi climbed out of his toddler bed and was wandering the hall going eeeeaaaatttt,POP TART.But last night I did get to hang out with hubby and just relax a bit.Yesterday I made a step in weight loss.I went to the Diet Doc and got adipex.Im going to talk real numbers now,since my SAHM blog is turning into my journal of hopeful weight loss.I got the little white and blue specked pills called comoonly as Adipex.When I weighed there their scales said 216.Yes,IM not scared to admit it anymore.Its b/c for over a year my number has been 220 and upwards.At my last check up,right before Christmas the Doc scales said 222.which was down from 227.So you can see,Im a big lady.I am 5'7,but still,those are high numbers.Numbers I want smaller.Those few lbs have given me motivation.This morning on my own scales it siad 217.So I think Im going with the doc.Becky told me that was great,that the doc scales normally wiegh heavy.The diet plan per the docs office is low carb.Im not sure how I can follow that to the T,but Im going to try.They also say no milk,yogurt,and cream cheese.Blah on that.I have to eat yogurt to keep other things in balance,know what I mean.the Yoplait fat free stuff is divine!So,this morning I took 1/2 a 37.5 mg pill and we will see what happens.Im proud that ive already started loosing wweight on my own.The adipex does make me moody,and when I asked my counselor about that,she told me to eat.That the pills make you not hungrey,so you dont eat,and by the end of the day you bottom out.I know this for a fact,b/c Ive taken it before.So I will eat,to keep my blood sugar up,at least a bit.I asked about what a weight goal should be for mya ge and height.She was encouraging and siad not to focus on numbers right now.Just focus on getting my 32 BMI down below 25 I think it was.Smaller numbers,I see where they were going with that.Im not saying I cant do this with out the peppy pills,but I want that jump start.I took it for 2 months before,lost 20 on it,then loast 10 on my own over the next 2 months.Then shorty after I was maintiang that,I got pregnant with Levi.Then I breastfed,then Lexapro.All the while being happily married to Mr.Right.Becky reminded me of this,so I didnt feel so bad for being so big.Shes right,and a great friend.Tam wont take the pills,but she did loose 2lbs this week,so YAY TAm!She will be the one to tell me get off my butt and walk!I need that from her too,and Ill be the one givng her lower cal recipes,b/c I need to mother a system of Checks and balances.For me,It think I will watch my carbs,but not kill myself if I cave and eat a tater.NOt a TATER CHIP,just a spud,with moveover butter and light sour cream.I had the munchies after dinner last night so I ate a handful of pretzels dipped in mustard.I guess Im trying to train myself to eat sour instead of sweet.One of hte pieces of literature from the doc said dont let a 3 inch squared muscle control in my craving for sweets and hi fat things.made sence to me.And I can continue to take my celexa while on this.Becky said it made her firend be a raving phycho taking both.We will see.I can also take the occasional nerve pill Ive had stashed away from the dentist too.I was honest with the Doc about the meds I take and why I take them.I dont want to screw me up b/c I need a buzz.Today is not day one for me,but it is a new start on my new quest.I channeling Bridgett Jones when I write this...I know it will make me smoke more,but Im not giving that up,just yet.But I did do my half caf blend this am on coffee.Its COLD outside,so I hope instead of waling today we break out the Wii and go bowling later.Family fun for everyone....
Friday, January 9, 2009
So my friend Crystal posted pics of me,her,and another old friend up on her facebook from 3 years ago.Man I was smoking hot!I had dropped like 30lbs!I want to look like that again,but 30 has turned into 60.Can I do it???Yes I can,{thank you Mr.Obabma}.Im trying to eat lower fat and calories.I want to go back on Adipex soooo freaking bad its unreal.But Neil has begged me not to.SO now after looking at pics of me from when he and I were dating,I want to look like that agaon.Not just for me,but him too.I know,not so femenist to say that,but I do want to look good for my man.He says Im beautiful now,Gotta love a man who will say that.we both got on the scales the other day and I weigh more than him.a man who is 6'0 and Im heavier.Somethings gotta give!!!Crystal is going to send me some ALli,that new stuff thats FDA approved.But per the pharmacist,it wont make me buzz.I know I put this weight on,and i can get it off.But I do know I need help.I had a craving for a grwas cheeseburger the other day,and Tam thankfully talked me out of it.So i ate pretzels instead!hardly the same,but at least it was better than a bacon cheeseburger from Sonic.I think Im gonna show Neil the pics,and tell him that I want to be like that again.Maybe he'lll change his mind and let me try.The days of popping a few gas staion mini thins are gone,since they took ephedra off the shelf.I could live on those things,and party all night.I dont do that anymore either,thank Heaven.I guess I have to adapt to my new life and body better,but Id like to do it thinner.NOT skinny mind you,just healthier!!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
So,with my ten year high school reunion looming over my head,and the 60 lbs Ive gianed since then,I want to get slimmer.No,not skinny.I'll never be skinny.At 5'7 I can handle a few extra lbs,but right now i dont feel good about ME.So Im going on a diet,OH more dreaded words,and Im going to get more active.I begged my PC dr for adipex.but she declined,due to the fact that i take Celexa.that and it makes me even more moody than I already am.But it does make me zoom.The pharmacist said i could take alli,but that stuff is 50 bucks.50 that in these days I dont have.So now its Equate shake for breakfast,simple lunch and smaller dinner.I was reading in People about protion size.I figured if i could half my portion size,I could loose weight.Neil has decided to build me a custom stroller,so I dont have to bend while pushing Levi around the block.Im tall and I think strollers are made for hte average 5'4 woman.I have a buddy in this too named Tam.She just had a baby,so shes motivated too.SHe suggested while trimming down,I cut back on caffine.I tried htat last week,since I do drink at least 2 heaping cups of coffee everymoring.I mixed decaf in withmy regular Community between roast.NOT HAPPENING.I felt like a blob.I can do decaf tea though.but in the AM i need my morning jolt.So Im not going fat free on everything,but lower fat,and healthier.I hope I can do this.I CAN!!!!I want to.I want to get back down in my 14's again.Im nto gonna give up smoking right now.Cant have my system in too much schock.I did get a big ball to do crunches came with a dvd.So I reckon later Ill be popping it in.Blah!My down fall is dairy.Icecream,cream cheese,adn regular cheese.So I bought Light of all that.the 2% cheese is really good.Ive been munching on nuts instead of chips,and eating a turkey sandwich with light mayo and plenty of mustard.I already have cut out sugar in my mroing coffee in place of slpenda.I did that over the summer,when I tried Atkins.I bought fat free yougurt too.Im trying.Thank Heaven Ben for Ben and Jerrys fro Yo.I got out the pint the other night and my kids were standing in front of me like pidgeons.So I shard with them,ate a few bites,and actually got the same satisfaction of eating half a tub of Chunky Monkey at one sitting.Im not going to count calories,but i will be wathcing what i eat,and adding more veggies and fruit.We dont eat fried stuff anyway,due to my acid reflux.and we eat whole grain breads too.Neil likes white,Jakes likes wheat,so I buy the white wheat,everybody wins.I an thankful to Tam for her encouragement,and I hope I can give it to her too.SHe and I can do this!!!I ve already lost 2lbs,so small steps!!!!
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