The National Weather Serivce in Memphis Tn yesterday issued a Winter Storm warning for West Tn,East AR,and North Ms.....
They've done this before,and not much has come of it.The report said rain in the morning and turing into snow in the afternoon.Up to 6" in the extreme Northern Counties {which we live in}. I honestly didnt think too much of it.Well, I should have! Yesterday afternoon,I was running low on bread,milk,and eggs. The major components of the mad dash to the grocery store. I said,snow?Pshhh! Welp,I was WRONG!!! When the golf ball size flakes began to fall yesterday afternoon,I made that mad dash to the local grocery store.Me and everybody else! I detest driivng in snow.It literally makes me dizzy.But I had to.I had 2 pieces of bread left,and less than a half a gallon of milk.and like 3 eggs.I made the mistake of running in there hungry and hurried.I wound up spending 100 bucks on blizzard junk! three diffrent kinds of microwave popcorn,a coke,chips,and fruit roll ups.Funny how fast that stuff ads up.The week before I had only spent 95,and got enough essentials for 3 weeks.But htis was not essentials.This was FEAR promptiing me....But I was NOT alone. Every loon in my country who had not given NOAA their credit was there too.That place was a mad house! As Ive said before,we have tornado shelters where we live,not snow plows.Well,I think the teeny town I live in,now needs one. I will be writting my alderman!:) Oh,sure,I got coffee and smokes.Im not crazy or anything.So personally,thats all I really need to ride out a blizzard.I can live on Ramen Noodles.But the kids and hubby,not so
Im sitting at my kitchen window perch,screen still off,so I can hold my smoke out the window,cup of hot half decaf in had,and a key board in front of me.Im looking to my left and what do my wandering eyes do I see? TEN inches of snow! Tam and them,farther south about an hour have 15 inches in places. I have yet to venture down the back steps,but Im sure we have 15 in a few places.This is a wet sticky snow.Its on everything that aint nailed down,and even stuff that is. It is abosolutly BEAUTIFUL too.THis is the prettiest snow we've had all year.After the ice we had,not so long ago,I'll take the snow anyday. I have a dear friend who lives in the Upper Pen of Michigan.I'm sure shed be laughing at my hysterics over a measly 10 inches. they get 5 feet at a time! Ya'll can hang that mess up.My Mama who lives in Bowling Green,KY was jealus last night! Jealus! she wants just one good real snow,so she can take pictures.I told them to come on down! Im sure Tam and I both owuld let her take pics at our houses,lol.
I know Ive blogged about winter storm readiness.But this time I was aboslutely caught unawares.Im one of those people that when they call for snow on Saturday,Im shopping on Tuesday to stock up! Not this time,and NEVER AGAIN! I will have a loaf of bread stashed in my freezer, a bar of soap {as one of my unnamed buddies didnt realize she was out of,and didn't like the idea of using her hubby's manly body wash} stashed in my bathroom closet. CRap! I just remembered,Im running low on dishwashing liquid. But I will add water to the already generic liquid I have in my purdy palmolive bottle and make it stretch. I have stuff to make my own laundry detergent if need be.And the clothes are all clean.The dishes from last night are the only ones in the sink. SO I guess in my cleaning house respect,I'm fine there. THe cable has not gone out,and if it does,we have a DVD player and DVD's for the young uns. I have a copy of The Filthy Thirteen, my next WW2 biography.SO Im good to go.My only real concern is Neil.Its his weekend to work.So he has to drive the 8 miles home from work in this mess.But he assures me he can do it.He aint let me down yet,but I will pray every minute from the time his shift ends at 7 AM until he gets home for his saftey.
I do think I will FINALLY get Levi out to play today.Its supposed to get above freezing,and hes not been sick.So I guess I will bite the bullet,bundle him up like a bed bug {think Ralphie's little brother in A Chirstmas Story} and let him frolic and leap in the white stuff. He see's Moose A. Moose talk about it on Noggin.So I think today is the day. Jake,ever my early riser,asked if there was enough to build a snowman.I told him Yes,there was enough to build a whole snowman FAMILY!lol.
THe SUnrise this morning is so beautiful.THe snow drifts are beginning to glisten,and the birds are coming out. I have a bag od bird seed stashed for just this day. I normally feed them old chips,cereal,and yesterday it was bashed up stale preztels.I do what I can,:). I really hope this is the last of the winter weather,at least until Novemeber. But maybe not.Last year,it snowed 6 inches the 2nd week of March! I came home from my weekend in PHilly,to the next weekend getting snowed in in Dixie! One thing I will say,Im glad Crystal got her snow.She lives 3 hrs south of me,and gets mad that the weather misses them so much. We ALWAYS get it she says.Not this time! She called me justa giggling last night.Happy as a clam to be getting snowed in! I told her she was crazy,lol. Im so sick of it.But I guess that hormonal Old LAdy,named Old Man Winter is just doing its job! Im ready for it to take a sebatical!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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