While I don't claim to be the Queen of Frugality, I do have some cost cutting tips Id like to share.Neil and I have been in bind after bind.And somehow,{with HELP} made it through the times when we get behind on our housenote,car notes,whatever note.We live paycheck to paycheck,like most of our friends.We got waaay behind just before we got our refund.The thinking of,well thats not due unitil next week.....ANd we'd blow it.Not on useless stuff,but not alocate money for bills BEFORE anything else.Thats where we've screwed up. I watched my parents fight about money as a kid,and I swore I wouldnt be that way. Oh sometimes we have "serious discussions" about how to spend money,but not fuss. I used to think that marriages where one paid the bills,and the other just knew they were paid was silly.Wrong,I think they were on to something I didnt want to listen to.Neil and I are both dreamers.And for some reason that does not make for good finacial choices.Well,those days are over,{I HOPE} around here. I have the checkbook! He makes the money and I spend it.Meaning,that I pay the bills now,and let him know when they are paid.We have a tight budget.This week theres 60 bucks for groceries.That includes diapers.But thats ok.All I NEED is bread,some rice,and diapers.I may run out of milk later in the week,but since I dont plan to spend my 60 today,the 3 bucks will be there for a mid week gallon of milk. Instead of paying the small bills first,and getting behind on the house,I now put the money into a sperate savings account.There is a certian amount a week that MUST go put up for the housenote.Everything else comes after that.We have to have a place to live.Then the cars come next.Thanks to a benefactor,Neils truck note has been taken care of for a while.Not anymore.I told the benefactor that it would be paid on or around the first from now on.I truly hope that our new plan of action works. We've failed miserably so many times before.I pray that we will continue to make it.Not even putting any aside really.THe aside money until Dec will go to pay for our NonMoon next March.So,we've cut back! I look at EVERYTHING as a want or need.{excpt for that mad PMS dash last week}.So here are some of my tips:
1. Make your own....I make my own dishwasher det. with simple ingredients, I use baking soda and a few drops of essential oil for carpet fresh, use baking soda and vinegar for fabric softner, whatever you can hang outside to dry,do it. Today its blankets that need a wash,and since its warm and windy,they are outside hanging over lawn chairs.Use vinegar to mop with.I have a bottle of lysol concentrate I use a few drops of with the vinegar.Both clean well.
2. Plan in advance: that means groceries and diapers.I try to only make a Walmart run once a month. I buy the big boxes of Parents Choice diapers,and they work fine. Buy bigger size packs of meat,and divide it. I can strech 5 lbs of hamburger into about 7 meals.I put it in zippy bags wrapped in foil,and there ya go. I make extra servings of rice or pasta at one time to save on energy,and time. You can add the leftovers into a diffrent meal later in the week.I also have a "soup bag" in my freezer.I add whats left of veggies into that bag,and when it gets full,I make a pot of soup.And NO,I dont have a big freezer or deep freeze,so its always packed!
3.Stock up: If your favorite dish soap is on sale for a dollar,buy more than one.You know you will use it.And you wont run out. If Kroger has bread for a buck a loaf, buy a couple of them and put one in the freezer.Bread freezes well. Its getting to be spring,and we grill out.So buy the biggest bags of charcoal you can.You can even,this time of year buy the double bags for great savings.Shampoo and deoderant is the same way...
4. Use off Brands: I like Colgate toothpaste.But its like 3 dollars for the whitening kind.But Ultra Bright whitening is only a dollar.And its made by Colgate,so its the same stuff,IMO.You grew up on Kraft cheese.the block kind,well,Great Value or Best Choice taste just the same to me.I prefer Community Coffee.But since I cant get it here,with out paying hordendus shipping,I buy Great Value Brand,and its great.I also use Suave shampoo and conditioner.The "professional" line.Its not .99c, but 2 bottles of that at 1.97 is better than 3 bucks for Herbal Essences for one.I like the off brand body washes too.And cheap disposable razors.Not the one blade kind,and NEVER again the Noxema brand,I think it called Personal Choice.I also use the Dollar General toilet paper.Its 5.25 for 12 double rolls,and not like sand paper at all.And one pack last over a month.
5. GEt it on Sale: I like Bath and Body works body spray.I dont wear perfume too often,so I splash on the spray. BUT,I only buy it during their semi annual sale.I can get 6 months to a years worth of spray,and yes,even body wash and lotion, for what I owuld regularly pay for 3 bottles.There are some items I dont like off brand of,like garbage bags.But I buy them on sale and stock up.Our grocery store in town will have these meat madness sales.I got enough meat for a month for only 45 dollars.
6. USe handme downs: Kids are dirty little creatures! They put holes in the knees,and get koolaide on clothes. So why spend the big bucks on clothes they will simply outgrow and at times,ruin. I give and get. I gave a ton of baby clothes away,and then another friend gave me a hefty bag full of summer stuff for Jake. We aslo get Handme downs from Neils cousin who has 2 boys not too much older than Levi. I inturn will pass them on to Tam,who now has a baby boy.
7.Shop THrift Stores: Neil got a suit,a whole suit,at Goodwill last week for 17.00 bucks.ANd yes,its very nice,and I will be seen in public with him in it.I needed a tube pan for cakes.I looked at Walmart and they were anywhere from 15.00 and up. I got an identical one at Goodwill for 1.99. I brought it home and washed it,and waaaa laaa,cake pan. I dont reccomend them for shoes though.I have a thing about shoes fitting the child,or even adults feet right,and foot funk.
8. Buy needs not wants: I need to take my own advice here. Im working on it,lol. Ok, you see that cute shirt at Cato. Its so darling,its onsale,and its in your size. Do you need it? I mean really need it?
9. Learn from others: We can all help each other with tips these days.Wether is money tips or potty training tips,we can all teach each other things that we didnt know before.and like they say,Talk is cheap.and you never know how it may help you along the way.
Ok,I think Ive said enough for now.Neil and I by no means are finaicial whizzes.If we were,we wouldnt get behind......But maybe these tips Ive learned the hard way will help someone else whos just like me.....
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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