Blake Shelton sings a song called , "Some Beach". Man I wish I was there right now! It was a gloomy ,nasty,COLD day in Dixie yesterday. THe sleet began the day before. Not to get caught unawares again,I did go get a few essentials. Like milk and bread. Which I needed.But other than that,I behaved! I did get me some more light pop corn to ride out another blizzard. Seems like the "blizzard" has past us now,so yall eastward can HAVE IT!lol. I kept Jake home from school, b/c I just knew they'd call it early.What do ya know,I was right? they cancelled school at noon30. I guess thats a good thing though,so the kids dont have to make up yet anothr day,next week. I seriously thought that after the snow last weekend,we were done! UM NOPE.But I am happy to report,my Mama got her snow! But she said it was a wet sticky mess! I reminded her that she'd been hoping for snow all winter. Ill call her this morning to see how much stuck. THis morn ing,schools are in around here. And Im sure there are a few patches of ice here and there,but nothing major.Todays hi is 45. We go from 75 to 25 to 45 in 3 freaking days.Its no wonder ppl stay sick all the time! {Fortunatly we have not been that sick this winter,but others sure have!}
SOme Beach....Ive joined a website called It ,to me, is the BEST one out there for novices like me. Ppl have already asked all the silly lil questions that have run through my mind. Miss E said Id be a dern expert by the time we sailed. lol. I sure hope so. I hope in the coming year I can have all my qeustions answered,so that when we get on the ship,I can relax. Part of me wishes it was THIS march,not next March. But thats ok too.I think Im just sick of winter! I see members pictures of their vacations,and I think ahhhhh....... SOON! as in 371 days soon. I dont plan to wish a year away,but I am looking forward to it.
But theres a lot more going on than just cruising these days. I got my acceptance letter to return to college in the fall. I applied at a local Community college,as well as UT. I have to get them both my high school and college transcripts in. I wont know about UT until I do. Im trying to get Neil to go back to school too. At least one online class. I will be doing all of mine online in the fall. I hope to be fininshed with my degree in 3 years. I figure I can take 2 classes this fall and buck up and go full time in the spring. All from the comfort of my laptop and kitchen table. If there comes a time when I have to go to class,Ill cross that bridge when I get there. I think Im still a ways off from that. Im anxious to see what hours will actually transfer. THeyre gonna take a look at my transcripts and go....well....aside from Math,if she didnt stop going to class she did ok. But the F's b/c it was too late to drop,or if I had dropped I'd have had to pay back my pell grant,are not going to help me. Im not sure what classes Id like to take in the fall. Aside from my required Maths Ive got most of the basics out of the way. Like English,and some electives. THe good thing about being a transfer student,is the ones that the new college do not require,will most likely transfer as elective towards my degree. But I know Ill have to take some more History classes. Yay! lol. And I think Im done with all my English. I would like to take BRit Lit 2,just so I can come full circle with that knowledge. I made an A in lit 1. So theres more Id like to learn. I also want to take Sociology. It has nothing to do with my degree,but It does have my own personal interest. Ive taken Phych 1 and 2,and they were facinating to me. I just dont want to have to get my Masters,so I wont be changing to counseling or Phychology. So History it is.I need to look at the Comm College's website to see what else I may need to take...Ive still got a few minutes before Jake has to get up for school....
Ive also lost 22 lbs since Christmas. Only 18 more to go before the big ten year reunion. But being cooped up is not condusive to weightloss. But sweeping and vaccuming are! So far....I guess thats about it for today. Stay tuned......
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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