Neil and I had a serious disccusion about quitting smoking. I bought 3 packs of smokes yesterday at a cost of 14.95. YES! 15 bucks for 3 packs of smokes. When I signed the debit card slip,my eyes bout bugged out of my head. It is NOT worth it to me! Ive siad Im cheap, but I smoke. Ive said he and I want to save money. Well continuing to smoke aint helping the cruise fund at all! He and I were on the porch before he went to work yesterday,and I told him how much 3 packs cost. Ive been smoking Basic Menthol lights.THey are normally cheaper than Marlboro,and for a menthol, to me there is none better than a Basic. For Non Menthols,we both prefer a Marlboro light. I laughingly told him,we were either gonna have to quit,or start smoking less,or smoke cheaper cigs. He said he didnt like the cheapies,and he'd just rather quit. Hmmm, I thought. MAYBE we can quit. I know succesful former smokers. My Mom for one. Her husband helped her a lot through it. He didnt smoke, but he sure detest it! I'm not sure exactly how she did it,but I will be finding out! I know she dont drink coffee too much anymore. For me coffee and smokes are family.I start every day with a cup of joe and a smoke. Im not much of a late day smoker,or night smoker.Unless Im in a social situation. IE, alchohol. I dont do that hardly at all anymore either. For Neil,its smokes and beer.We've had manya morining on the porch or patio,me with coffee and him with a cold one. Just smoking and talking. {he works nights,so beer at 8am aint a big deal}.He barely drinks anymore too.
Someone asked me one time,WHY,I smoked. I point blank siad b/c I enjoy it.And that still is the truth. I enjoy smoking. I dont know why that is. I know its HORRIBLE for you,and your body.And I figure,Im not doing meth,so cigs ain't that bad. Well,maybe they are. They're just legal.{For the record,Ive never done any hard drugs. I do think "pot" should be legal.If you grow it in your own yard,and dont sell it.} So...There are many benifits of quitting,health wise. Yes,I know this.Every smoker does,contrary to popular believe. Reading about cancer and emphaseyma {sic} dont scare me.
aside: Levi just walked up and hurled all over me and the floor.I slid the laptop out of harms way before he errupted! EEEEEWWWW! GROOOOSSSSS!!!! Clabbered strawberry milk and grapes. Talk about an apetite suppresant. Fortuantly Neil was home,so he scooped him up for a dunk in the tub. I cleaned it up with paper towels and a cloth napkin. Firgure one less cloth napkin aint gonna break us. So the susequent kitchen strip down probably gave my neighbors a show,since there aint no leaves yet.Ahhh motherhood. Now,BOTH boys have a doc apt at 2 pm today. ANd thank God,I have a great husband. Oh,we're all up n love.But sometimes having a partner who will scoop and bathe is more important than "taking care of mama".For that momnet at least! So now the puked on clothes are in the washer,and I will be washing my own tail sometime between now and 1pm. Dam,I need a smoke!}
Ok,so I hope no more puke for today.I will hurl right along with Levi if he does it again. I think I will for sure not be eating anything for breakfast! I dont know if this is hte right time for me to quit. I googled,duh. ANd got some great tips. PPL are either Gung Ho about cold turkey or theyre not.I dont think I am.For myself,I think Ill use the cut back method.It owrked when I got pregnant with Levi.It took me longer to quit with him,than it did with Jake.With Jake the mere mention of a smoke would have me hurling,but not with Levi. I can only imagine how big hed have been if I had not smoked for 3 months! Bad mom,I know.On these diet pills Ive been smoking up to a pack a day.Off the pills, a pack would last me like 4 days.So I really need to slow down! But I use my smokes as a reward system for myself.Like,I'll pick up and vaccum,then unload and reload the Dw,and maybe start a load of clothes. then go smoke while the washer is running.Maybe more than one,esp if im on the computer or reading a book.
I think that first thing in the moring smoking will be my worst,and driving. I do ok if Neil is driving,but when I drive,I just jam out and chain smoke.Yes,sadly with my kids in the car. I roll down my window almost all the way,and crack a back one.My mroning smoking is at the kitchen window "office". As in the laptop perched on a bar stool,and me in one of the extra folding chairs we have incase theres extras at supper. At least I have a view.Bad Sarah! I do ahve a fan blowing it out,or at least thats what I tell myself. The LR window is cracked,b/c even with the window open it will still smoke up in here.Its just been such a long winter! I had to get creative! And since I have been getting up before daylight,its nice to sit here,cup of half decaf,and a smoke.I like watching the sun come up! I guess Ill have to change my habits!!! I have a handme down bike,that I need to fix up,but its been too cold and sticky to do that.
Ok,Ive rambled enough this morning.Ive totally lost all train of thought.My kids are sick,so that distracts me! Im sure it does other moms too. No,far as I know,they arent deathly ill,but it does rock the boat.Sometimes I have issues going along with the waves.....
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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