Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring is HERE!

I truly hope that Spring has arrived here in Dixieland. The leaves are beginning to sprout,my plum bush is blooming,and the daffodils are spreading yellow pollen over everything. We've been having some super soaker showers around here too. Last night I woke up and thought I was in a car wash.The rain was hammering,and the wind was blowing. On the vinyl sidding that covers our home, it truly sounded like a car wash! Then I went back to a fevered sleep.Full of odd dreams,and no smoking signs. I know its Spring,b/c Ive got a sinus infection. Last week it was the flu with the kids,this week,its me and Neil,witht he drips and fever and headaches. AHHHH spring! Its baseball practice and windy. Its yard toys strown all over the yard.THe early purple clover has taken over the front yard,and it needs to be cut. Ours,and most of our neighbors.Its time to start planting early summer crops of stuff. Its beautiful. Its painful too.With all the things blooming.Its reeking havoc on my nose and head. AHHHH!!!!! Spring!

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