Yesterday my friend,Becky,and I went shopping for clothes.Becky and I wear about the same size,but are diffrent shapes and heights.I am a few inches taller than she.I have a big Ole booty too.Its like a shelf where my hips are!She on on the other had has more in her love tank and chest area.We hit 2 stores.Cato and Maurices.Did you shopping will totally wear you down?We each had money,time,and at some point motivation!we hit Cato first.I knew they had cute shirts,as I had just bought one in the one where we live.{she and I met in the middle,since she lives in Memphis,and I left the kids with the inlaws}.when you walk in to the left is WOmens sizes nas the right is Misses sizes.She went left and i went right on some bizzare divide and conquer mission.I told her save for maybe pants,I had not yet progresses to Womens sizes.I have a normal size chest and a bit of a gut,but I can still wear XL on the misses sizes.Both of us ever th bargain shoppers hit the center clearnace racks with a vengence.I knew I didnt need too many shirts,but a few new ones would be nice.Between the 2 of us out of that first batch,there was 1 for her and one for me.It looked like a torando hit the dressing room,which we shared so we didnt have to flaunt our fat to unsuspecting size 1 jrs.who wants to do that,come on.After both of us giving up on the clearnace racks we hit the regular prices.I kept getting drawn to purple yesterday,I dunno know why and Becky towards a pumpkin color.The purlpe is ok on me,but pumpkin on her aint happening.Bad as we hated it too cuz there were some cute shirts!Made her look yellow.So I found one purple one that would suit,and we hit pants.We hit pants on the opposite side of the store.Im tall and wide.I have long legs,Becky does not.She has shorter legsWe tried on a few pair,one in "my SIze dammit".But alas that was not the case.It was then and there we decided SIZE does not matter.Its how it fits and feels.In my size you could see every bit of hail damage on my ample cheeks.And Becky in her size was doing the fat woman wiggle to button.{yes,theres were the same sizes,mine just in talls.}.We left the Cato with a path of 30 shirts in our wake and 5 pairs of pants that went back to the racks.Both ever concious of fuleing our volumptious figures,we decided it was lunch time.I needed a drink and quick!THank goodness here there is a Mexican place on every corner with Margaritas.It was over them that our new mantra began to devlop.Becky has had the gastric bypass surgery and to me still looks great comapred to the before pictures.But with some things that have happend to her recently,shes gained some weight back.She still looks wonderful though!Me on the other hand its a combo of protecting my butt by eating crap to expand it!I had a baby and am still claiming baby weight,but she knows the truth,lol!Its sitting at home and eating.The whole purpose of the shopping extravaganza was to get new bankers clothes,lol.After downing one Maragrita,I hadnt yet sloshed myself enough fortitude to try on pants.So I ordered another.I got an eye brow from her on that one,she knows I dont drink much!I just couldnt take it!I am having a hard enough time figuring out this new world im in,much less the new body I have.I wont say its new and improved,it just takes up more space!So I digress,the new mantra.iYeah,it came about to be ,It dont matter what size it is,its how it fits.How it feels and honestly how it hides the hail damage!For her,she needs those instanlty slimmin in the belly.I told her if they had jeans that instanly took off 50 lbs Id spend my last dollar for them!She agreed!So we leave the Mexican place and Im full on buzzing.We pull into the store,5 doors down,but we drove,yes we drove!There was s sign int he window of Maurices that said sizes 1-24.Something about that sign made Becky snap a bit! I was hazy at that point ,but she said something to the effect of who freaking wears a size 1.I told her folks with no kids,husbands or lives!I had to give our war battle scars SOMETHiNG of validation!We earned our size,dammit!Life put it on us! SO we go draggin in and a sales person asks us if we need help.I told her we needed more help than she could ever give,and I had to get drunk to buy pants!Could she point us towards the big ass pants please.We tried on a bunch of pairs,in MY SIZE please.WRONG.On us our sizes werent even going past our hips.Beckys got ample ones too.MIne are just bigger,lol.The fat woman wiggle wasnt even working on them.So I went up 4 sizes.I mean fits!Finally,we found 2 pairs of work pants that fit me.No sizes remember.they are fitted right and i can eat lunch and still breath.She has a hard time finding jeans that fit her.She was telling me about the color Nazi at Avenue one time.THe clerk mearured her and informed hershe was a yellow.They yellows howver didnt fit her,adn she wanted a diffrent style.BUT,the clerk argued,I measured you and yorue a yellow.BUT I AM NOT,she siad Id like a diffrent color.Beckys dear hubby went and got her a pair in every color!SHe didnt leave there with jeans.Our clerk at Maurices was more than helpful.Becky finally found a pair of jeans that fit her! We then hit the clearance rack.We didnt take any chances starting htere this time.HTe lunch pow wow changed our tactics a bit.So we each found a pair of jeans that fit,adn were on SALE too! Funny how that happens!THe moral of the story is...Go shopping with a close buddy you dont mid seeing her hail damage if she dont mind seeing yours,Forget sizes!jsut forget them,every store is diffretn,even MEcca aka Walmart,and have fun.B do remeber,sometimes a little Jose helps.
NEw Mantra: ITS NOT THE SIZE THAT MATTERS,ITS HOW IT FITS AND FEELS!and it should feel good on your body and flatter you too!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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