Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Going Back to California!
Ok,So I recieved a wonderful early Christmas gift on my birthday none the less.An unnamed benefactor took pitty on our poor asses and gracously bought me a plane ticket to go see my brother and his family in southern Cali.Ive been down in the dumps that I have a newphew Ive never met before.And a wonderful sister in law Ive only gotten to spend a few hours with,and a brother any sister would want!Grwoing up we tried to kill each other a time or two,but who didnt.he took off out there,mad at the world and the most wonderfult hing happend to him.He fell in fact we share the same anniversary,same year and everything.Feb 1 is a great day to get married.My whole family has been out there since the nephews arrival last July but me and mine.We're poor,like Ive said,and it just has not been possible.Neil gave me the choice to go to Philly or Cali,and since Cali was twice as expensive I chose Philly.Then I found a cheap ticket and wha la,a benefactor agreed to buy the ticket!So OMG Levi and I are going to Cali.Ive never flown wiht either of my kids before.Jake has been a lot of places,Houston,Iowa,Tampa to name a few,but ewe've always been in a car.Made for some long road trips,but hes good about that.Levi on the other hand gets antsy.Taking advantage of they fly in your lap for free until 2,I decided to take him with me.Jake had a chance to go,but decied he wanted to stay home with Neil and do man things.He put it to me like this,I get to spend time with him,and he dont.So Jake is really looking forward to a weekend of beenie weanies,frozen pizza,hunting and farting.I however am not looking forward to airports and plane rides with a child who is busy!Ive googled traveling with a 16 mnth old,and theres mixed results.Some say its wonderful,if they sleep,others are more blunt and say it will be hell.Ive gotten advice from my myspace friends who have been more realitic and from experience.They say head phones and gummy things are great,but waiting is not.Assent ans decent is not fun either.So the pacifier,we call it a sucker,is not going until after we return home.The ped. office said no to dramamine but yes to bynadryl.So its not cruel and unusal punsihment.THe dr office and other moms have said to test the bynadryl before hand to make sure it wont hype him up.I did that at 4 am after 3 hrs of crying and restless ness.Its now almost 9 and hes still snoozing.So,I dont want to conk him out,jsut chill him out a bit.So Im thinking 1/2 a tsp will do the trick.Im sure hell feel my nervus vibes too.i noramlly take a xanax before hand to counter act the coffee and smokes I chained and drained on the way to the airport.Its right at a 3 hr drive to the Nashville airport and 2 1/2 to the memphis airport.But flying outta Memphis was close to 500 bucks.Out of the question.So N-ville it is.Ive done it before too when I went to Philly.HTe roads were clear during my waaay early morning ride there and this time I fly out at 8 versus 6.So I dont have to leave at 1,I can wait till 3ish.I am a very spontaneous person,kind ready to go whenever,but honestly I like to be prepared.SO this trip I will be cking to see if Fox goes down ont heir compact car rates,I opted for a compact versu econo to be sure I got 4 doors for the 2 hr drive east.I cant wait to go back to the beach where the feet pics all began and take more,and see Levi in the sand,albeit a brief trip to the beach,Ill be anxious to get to the dessert to meet my nephew!I just ciant wait! THeres a 2 hr layover in houston,adn so Levi acan run his little heart out up and down the terminal until we board for the 3 plus hr flight to San Deigo.Jake is not jealus at all,esp when I told him hed been alot more places than Levi,just not on a plane.SOme of those raod trips I wish we'd flown!Im so excited and will be googling even more as our early Oct departure date nears!!!!
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