So, I have succumbed to the fallish sinus itis.Ive also got an ear infection,and now I find out yesterday Ive got an infected lymphnode from dental work i had done 6 months ago!Im all jacked up,but noit in a way Gretchen WIlson would be proud of!
It all started last week with Levi being in a bad mood and a bit snotty.I dont know if Ive written about my aversion to snot and other things you hack up,but UUUUHHHHH,I cant stand it.Bring on blood,vomit,and diahreeah anyday.Cant stand snot.He started leaking like a faucet,adn when the leaking truend green,I took him to the Dr.Hes prone to ear infections,as we learned last winter,so I didnt want to take any chances.So alas,he did have the beginnings of one,and thankfully only in one ear.SO a round of antibiotics it is,and hes feeling much better.
ME,not so much.I started the drips too and since I need a check up for my crazy pills anyway,I hit the dr with a full on assault.I love my pcp,shes very concerend about her paitents,and their families.So I blew in there,pun totally intentded with;Ive got a yeast infection,a sinus infection,my lexapro aint doing its job and the GERD is not letting me sleep at night,despite 2 prilosec otc's I take a day.Fix me please Doc! So she did! I left there with blood drawn to ck on the stomach issue,a Zpack,calrniex,and paxil.Off to Walmart I went.We have shitting drug coverage,but Walmart has 4.00 really saved me!
Then later that day I had to take Jake to the dentist.he and neil see the same one,but ive been seeing someone diffrent.Jake had no cavities yet again!im so happy!My baby got the sperm donors teeth and not mine!i come from a long line of fillings,partials,and in Mama's case,a full set of porcelin at age 44.SO I made myself an apt with them b/c htey are so great with Jake.Oh the regret!Not on their part,but on mine!I got my dear Mama's teeth,as did my brother too.Hes got a gerogus set of veneers.Wish I did.SO yesterday I went,thanks to Sam,sans Levi.I had the xrays and I thinkt he dentist eyes lit up when he saw them.dollar signs were dancing above his head!Ic ould tell.THe hygentist,Susan,was great.She told me I had a mouth full of holes..But on a psotive note,I have good connection with my gums,so my teeth arent going to fall out,theyre just gonna rot away.I grew up on non flourideated well water.Nothing against my country upbringing,but well water is BAD for your teeth.So I learned I need 4 root canals,a crown and various fillings.Stuff I alredy knew but had been avoiding!like ive siad Im poor and we have crappy dental insurance save for the 2 free cleanings a year.I had had some work done back in Feb shortly before flying to Philly.DONT DO IT.dont have dental work done before you fly.You will have massive headaches the entire trip.So,I left there with another haul of meds.Back to Walmart I went with darvocet,antibiotics,diflucan,and valium.The valium is for the day I have 2 root canals done at the same time.Neil gets to take me.Hes seen me give birth and thats all well and good.but I was not scard to do that.THe dentist,is a totally other story.I had a traumatic expericne as a child when I told the dentist the tooth he was getting ready to pull still hurt.He told me just to lay there and relax and basically be quiet.Still give me freaking nightmares!So he ripped it out and I screamed.My Mama came rushing in cuz she herd me hollering.I had to have oral surgery to get the rest of the rotten ones out.And even as an adult when the same dentist became my wireless customer I was a bitch to him.I never for got that.So now I have a great new dentist who belives in stuff like pain meds,and valium.Ive never taken it before,but I cant wait to try it.The work will Not be done until Levi and I return form Cali,as in 2 days afterwards.They wanted to do it before,but I got VERY vehement that they werent going to ruin my good time,and Id just take the darvocet with me incase I started hurting on board.Then theres the 6 valium pills too.Bring it on Levi on the plane.Ive got bynadryl for him and now Ive got semi sedation for me!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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