Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Our Departure is at Hand
This weekend will not be one of rest for the weary around here.Its laundry and dishes and cooking for a few days,oh my!Ive started the laundry and actually did un and load the dw yesterday am.but theres still more to do.When I went to Philly I left the house trashed,and at Neils request,I will not do it this time.So as of now Ive drained a pot of coffee,but I still wanna curl up with a book.So Im writting instead.I will be wearing things to wrok,I wont be taking to Cali,and if I do it will be on Monday and tuesday.I thought Id have much more time to get my shit together.I really thought during my interview that thed tell me,thanks,nice to meet you and thats it.But No,I got a job.Im really liking it too.I tend to put that size 11 in my mouth alot though.Im chalking it up to being around nothing but kids for 2 years.Ill iron it out.I think Ill have to start over when I return.Levi may or may not match this week at Sams,but I dont care,even if she does,lol.Ive gotta pack mine and his stuff both in one suitcase and keep it under 50lbs.Fortuantly I traveld sorta light when I went to Philly,so I can do this.I HOPE.I bought a small stroller at a yard sale last weekend.Im thinking of putting Levi in it,putting some crap in my suitcase,hauling my back pack,and ugly ass thing Im carrying for a purse and wlaking up the street.Im sure Ill get some looks from the neighbors,But Ive gotta practice.I ahve semi nosy neighbors up one section of the street,but down the ohter,there aint no houses,so Ill embarass myself down that way.Im in training dangit.Im renting a car seat from would cost 50 to fly it,on top of luggin it through the airport,alone,so Im spending 7 bucks a day and renting.Fox rental cars has gone down to 9ish a day ont he intermediate car,so Im getting a good deal on that.Thankfully brother and fam have a washer and dryer,so maybe I wont have to come home wiht a ton of dirty laundry.And nephew wears some of the same sizes as Levi,so Ive been told I may borrow whatever I need to.Becky siad Id need a bigger purse,so I bought a bag that lloks like a laptop toter to sfuce as a purse.under normal circumstances I wouldnt be caught dead totoing such an ugly bag,but I need more room to tote all my crap for the baby for the plane ride.on the test of how much crap fits into a back pack I learned it aint much!Becky,who up untiol a few minutes ago thougth everyone was pissed at her,is happy I took her advice.I tried to channel her and her boss Amanda whom she says totes these huge beach bags things as "purse".Anyway,Now I hope I have enought room for all my on board stuff.I need food,clothes,and extra shirt for me,case he hurls,and diapers,wipes,toys,portable dvd player,magnadoodle,cup,bottle of water,some bynadryl,ID for both of us,wallet,insurance card,tickets,baording pass,and the list goes on and on.........I hope I dont forget anything,but heck I dont even know what I need to really take!!!!there aint no check list .....
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1 comment:
You hate the huge thing now but you are going to love being able to easily fit everything in it! Everyone needs a purse/beach bag for occasions such as these. :)
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