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Spontaneaous travel with 2 kids...not a good idea.
Thank Heaven for good friends...
Hard to tell a 7 year old,No you cant go see your Memaw you havent seen in 2 months even though we're a scant 30 minutes from her.
That is how it happend Friday.
The kids were out of school for Fair Day.and I decied it would be a good time to take my offspring to see Poppy at the bank 2 hrs away and have lunch with him,though there were a million other,cheaper things to do.Like dishes,laundry,....But really who wants to do that?
SO I loaded up the SUV got some gas and off we went.Its raining too btw,still remnats of Gustav!So we stopped at Wendys and got Poppy a man size lunch and went to see him.THe visit was nice,the oohs and Ahhs from his 99% female co workers,were wonderful.Then I took that first wrong left turn and we were suddenly in Dowtown Memphis.At this point I probably should have truned the way I knew to go home,but No,I didnt.The exact words from the back seat and Jakes little mouth were,"YOu know Mom,we're only 20 minutes from Southaven.I havent seen my Memaw in months and months."
How can you say no to a request like that.He doesnt get the gimme's too much.Sure there the latest Hannah Montana book or magazine he HAS to have,but other than that hes great!
So I made a phone call to the EX-MIL and off we went.SHe and I have a good freindship.SHes glad that Neil is there for Jake.ANyway,SO I met her in SOuthaven for a drop off a few hrs to see her only grandson.Then I called Mel and said to Get up,We're going to Target.SHes an old High school friend and we've gotten very close lately.We missed almost 10 years of each otehrs lives,but picked up right where we left off.I just love her very much,her husbnad and son are GREAT too.Theyre family to me and mine.SO I picked her up and off we went to the "new" Target.Ive said before my home town aint what it used to be,and neither is the whole county I come from.While walking around,I got that phone call from Neil asking where I was.I simply replied,that I was walking around Target with Melanie.It took him a minute to realize what Id said thorugh his sleepy head.I told him I was in MS.I explained the who Jakes need to see his Memaw.He understood,the man is a siant,I swear.I told him Mel said I could sleep on their futon,and was it ok if we stayed.SURE he said.Neil and I respect each others right to be alone at times and I was thinking he needed some.Well then on the way back to her house I changed my mind,called Neil and siad we were coming home.His words hurt.."I was kinda hoping you'd stay down there..."Tears welled up!I took it personally,so I yelled at him,"Well FINE THEN".and hung up.Mel was suprised as I was,due to his calm manner and sweet,albeit grumpy at times demeanor.So I went to Dinner with them.Neil called and asked if I was mad.Nope,Just hurt my feelings I said.and that I understood he needed alone time and we'd be staying with Mel.
So yesterday on the way home I Google mapped a diffrent way to come home.One that hoepfully was shorter and faster.Andy,Mels husband told me to go the way we all always did.UH NO,I was going this new way to try it out nad if it was shorter and faster,it would be the way I went to them from now on.Didint someone once say All roads lead home.They didnt say that those roads were windy and new.ANd my favorite Poem is..The road Not Taken,by Robert Frost.Its been an insperation to me.Well not yesterday!I took the road less traveld and got lost in Brownsville,Tn.SOme nice firefighter named JR told me I couldn get to the road I need from there.I looked my savior in the eye and said Bull SHit,If I can get home from Louisville,KY with no map,I can get home!lol.He laughed and was even more willing to get this lost Phycho traveling Mom out of his firehouse.So off I went on another way towards a town Im familiar with,that jsut happens to be on the old way home.SOme how I took a right turn in the Ghetto!I was lloking at ppl walking down the street in no bras with shirts on that said MO MONEY taxes on them.Finally I saw one of Ripleys finest and asked him to help me home.We knew some of the same ppl,and after he was a bit of an ass,he was throughly amused at my plight.He told me how to get back to the hyway and off we went.After a phone call to Tido,the ppl me and Ripleys finest knew,I had him howling!Cussing the road system in West TN and all that.After I told him the long sorid tale of taking the first left turn,I told him to try living with me!He howled even more and helped me more.He told me the road I was on would take me closer to the hwy I needed to turn off of and get my butt back home.Finally after almost 3 hrs and no more miles save 6 that google maps said it would take I pulled into the driveway at our HOME.Finally!The kids were tired,I was tired and Neil was thoughly hung over from his Daddy time!So we ate TV dinners and frozen Pizza for supper and I went to bed!I didnt mention that I had run out of diapers,that purpose of the Target run,and I had to buy Jake a change of clothes.We got home and I showered first thing,to get the roads not taken off of me.I love to hop in the car,but Dang,I feel Im too old for this stuff!Next time when I plan to make a day of it,I will have a tooth brush and change of drawers in tow and a box of diapers!I am glad though that I needed food,shleter,and bed for me and mine and I was provided it!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
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