I want pot to be legal.
I want Josh to go to days! I all but begged him this morning! I told him this morning how hard yesterday was to keep the boys contained and quiet. and reminded him that summer was coming up,{ok,a strech,but still} and folks would be mowing their yards at noon and the kids would be in and out. It makes my life so much more stressful contantly having to say Be quiet Daddys asleep. uuuurrrrgggg!!!!! its really making me nutty lately. Its really never been a big deal,till now. but Caleb is getting more rowdy,and piss n moan more and more!!!!
I want it to be July already.
I want the mortgage company to make a decsion.
I want to move.
I want to scream!
I want to be a better mother.
I want my crows feet to go away,not keep growing.
I want my BMI to get below 29.
I want to be a better housekeeper.
I want to eat rotel dip and scoops and it not give me heartburn and ham size hips.
I want to jump out of a plane and scream like goofy.
I want to walk on the beaches of Normandy!
I want to skinny dip with Josh in broad daylight.
I want to be romanced and not in a pracitcal way.
I want to do what I want even if its not practical.
I want 9 West shoes!
I want a boob lift.
I want to take my family to Disney.
I want to win the lottery.
I want to never have to mop again!
I want electrolosis on my brows.
I want my greys to go away!
I want the US out of Iraq.
I want to look good in a 2 piece.
I want a maid.
I want to be free!!!
Im a southern,stay at home mom.My life has not always been calm,not that it is now,but I try to find humor in everyday life!
About Me

- Sarah B. Forbess
- Munford, TN, United States
- I'm a SAHM to two boys,and married to my best friend. I love to cook,bake,and home can. I try to find ways to cut cost,and now attempting to learn to put some up for a rainy day. I love to grocery shop,knowing that with some thought and skill,you can provide for your family for months on end.I dont write on here as often as I'd like,but I do try to find humor in everyday living!My family matters most to me!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Battle Charmin
In marriage some good advice Ive been told is : Pick your Battles!
Yesterday a battle of wills began at our house, over toilet paper. Yes, its that time of year again where the 4 letter word SNOW is being mentioned on the news. So ever a good Suzy Homemaker, we needed toilet paper to "stock up for winter". Josh had to make a Walmart run, so I asked him to pick up a few extra things. Ever tryin to kill 2 birds with one stone, Ahhh, Im good like that, ya know. I asked him to get toilet paper,since we were down to 2 double rolls. Im paranoid to say the least about snow and wintery mix. {See other blog postings} There were a couple of other items on the list too,but none as important to rant about name branf vs store brand. Well after a while, my Walmart hunter man came home. With him he brought home the various items I asked him too, AND an econo package of CHARMIN t.p. I HATE charmin t.p. Not once in the almost 4 years of being a couple has he EVER seen Charmin in my possesion. I cant stand that brand. It sticks to you in various places, like a Q-Tip to nail polish. You know what Im talking about. Those stray strands of cotton, you tried to remove, but are stuck to your nails, until you remove the polish. Well to me and my parts, thats what Charmin does to me. Sure its soft and what not, but I never feel quite clean! SO when he came in with it, I kinda went a lil nutty. He said balistic, but I disagreed and told him, I had NOT gone ballistic, b/c I didnt throw anything. He conceded that point. So I ranted and raved! He offered to take it back! {good man, I tell ya} and this time I was MORE than willing to let him. Thats how much I hate it. THis super sized package had about 8 4 packs in it. BUT, before Josh could do some things on his honeydo yesterday, Caleb made quick work of opening the package. He had fun making a train track, castle, and a few other fort like things. So, crap! Point of no return on the TP. I know this sounds petty, but I dont buy but few "name brand" items.
They are:
Kraft mayo,
Kraft singles,
Jimmy Dean sausage,
a certian kind of creamy horse radish,
Kleenex tissues, and
Im sure there are more,but Ive only had one cup of coffee.
I normally buy the Dollar General, like Quilted Northern, T.p. and if Im at Walmart, for econo packs I buy Angel Soft. I mean,its not the John Wayne t.p. like Scotts, you know that single roll, industrial tp. I not only buy those brands b/c its what I prefer, but b/c normally they are more econmical. Unless theres a great deal on name brand items, generic rules the day here at my house. If a recipe calls for Eagle Brand milk, I use Great value, or some other discount brand. Ive not had one person who ate an item in it,say, hmmm,this taste generic!
I guess it comes down to the difference in men and women and how we shop. I think women want to take the time to compare numbers, that relate to the bottom line of our household budgets. Men simply want to get in and out of where ever their wives have sent them. {even if they were going there anyway!} Just this week I bought Caleb a 3 dollar, heavy, nice,can wear this year,and next, coat at a thrift store. J.C. Penny had a similar coat,but not near as thick for 25.00. I refused to spend that much. Call me a bad mom or whathave you for buying something like that at a thirft store, but when Caleb looks back at pictures of im in that coat,years from now, I hope the furthest thing from his mind, is ooooohhhhh, Mama bought that on the cheap!
So, pick your battles, and if that battle happens to be t.p. then by all means!!!
Yesterday a battle of wills began at our house, over toilet paper. Yes, its that time of year again where the 4 letter word SNOW is being mentioned on the news. So ever a good Suzy Homemaker, we needed toilet paper to "stock up for winter". Josh had to make a Walmart run, so I asked him to pick up a few extra things. Ever tryin to kill 2 birds with one stone, Ahhh, Im good like that, ya know. I asked him to get toilet paper,since we were down to 2 double rolls. Im paranoid to say the least about snow and wintery mix. {See other blog postings} There were a couple of other items on the list too,but none as important to rant about name branf vs store brand. Well after a while, my Walmart hunter man came home. With him he brought home the various items I asked him too, AND an econo package of CHARMIN t.p. I HATE charmin t.p. Not once in the almost 4 years of being a couple has he EVER seen Charmin in my possesion. I cant stand that brand. It sticks to you in various places, like a Q-Tip to nail polish. You know what Im talking about. Those stray strands of cotton, you tried to remove, but are stuck to your nails, until you remove the polish. Well to me and my parts, thats what Charmin does to me. Sure its soft and what not, but I never feel quite clean! SO when he came in with it, I kinda went a lil nutty. He said balistic, but I disagreed and told him, I had NOT gone ballistic, b/c I didnt throw anything. He conceded that point. So I ranted and raved! He offered to take it back! {good man, I tell ya} and this time I was MORE than willing to let him. Thats how much I hate it. THis super sized package had about 8 4 packs in it. BUT, before Josh could do some things on his honeydo yesterday, Caleb made quick work of opening the package. He had fun making a train track, castle, and a few other fort like things. So, crap! Point of no return on the TP. I know this sounds petty, but I dont buy but few "name brand" items.
They are:
Kraft mayo,
Kraft singles,
Jimmy Dean sausage,
a certian kind of creamy horse radish,
Kleenex tissues, and
Im sure there are more,but Ive only had one cup of coffee.
I normally buy the Dollar General, like Quilted Northern, T.p. and if Im at Walmart, for econo packs I buy Angel Soft. I mean,its not the John Wayne t.p. like Scotts, you know that single roll, industrial tp. I not only buy those brands b/c its what I prefer, but b/c normally they are more econmical. Unless theres a great deal on name brand items, generic rules the day here at my house. If a recipe calls for Eagle Brand milk, I use Great value, or some other discount brand. Ive not had one person who ate an item in it,say, hmmm,this taste generic!
I guess it comes down to the difference in men and women and how we shop. I think women want to take the time to compare numbers, that relate to the bottom line of our household budgets. Men simply want to get in and out of where ever their wives have sent them. {even if they were going there anyway!} Just this week I bought Caleb a 3 dollar, heavy, nice,can wear this year,and next, coat at a thrift store. J.C. Penny had a similar coat,but not near as thick for 25.00. I refused to spend that much. Call me a bad mom or whathave you for buying something like that at a thirft store, but when Caleb looks back at pictures of im in that coat,years from now, I hope the furthest thing from his mind, is ooooohhhhh, Mama bought that on the cheap!
So, pick your battles, and if that battle happens to be t.p. then by all means!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Our Squirrell N Dumplin's Story
Our Squirrel Story:
It begins in Oct. Of 2007. I was a new bride married to my HeMan.He had just come home from his semi annual hunting trip with his HeMan Woman haters club. The rest as they say,is history....
In Oct every year Josh goes hunting/camping with his best friends,that time of year is squirrell. {From now on will be refered to as S.} In April is the elusive Turkey. In OCt of 2007, after we had been married since Febuary, we were still in that honeymoon phase of our marriage. We were still trying to Out Nice each other.
When my fearless hunter returned from his trip, flithy,stinky ,blissfully happy at a fruitfull trip,I was glad to see his boy like grin permanatly planted on his face. Then he asked me to do something for him, Make S and Dumplin's. Still trying to be a good lil housewife, I heartily agreed. ,With one exception, I was not touching the damn things...IT WAS ALL DOWN HILL FROM THERE!
He brought the S's in, about 5,if memory serves. They were dressed.For those who arent familiar, they were cleaned and skinned,no tails and no heads {THANK GOD!} He brought them in a zippy bag and put them in the fridge. I was trepidatious to say the least,and had to figure out how I was gonna cook the Tree Rats,as I refer to them,then and now. Hmmm, so he went to bed to rest before having to work his night shift job...
About noon,since we normally eat about 5 or 5:30 pm when he works, I thought I'd best get the rats a cooking., Having never cooked one before, I had to think. Some foods are referred to as tating like chicken. Since an S looks like a squab I thought Id just cook them like a chicken. So I began my dutiful wife quest by filling up my large stock pot with water. Knowing I had to make dumplins later,I knew I'd need broth. Then I had a light bulb moment,as I like to refer to them. I'll use my tongs,as to not have to touch the rats! Genious that I am,ya know. So, I grabbed them one at a time with the tongs,and sprayed them off with the kitchen sprayer. YES,so far so good in not touching them! Into the pot they all went. I added some garlic,salt,pepper,and onion. Garlic makes anything taste good,right. So I thought what the hell,and added some more!
They began to boil and rumble on the stove. I had no idea when they would be done,and I sure as heck was NOT gonna taste them to see.I simmered them after the rolling boil about 2 hours. They smelled good, but had a distinct odor I could not place. Warm and hearty,but well, like a tree rat! Even the semi smell good scent wafting through my home still had not sold me on trying them.
Like most chicken n dumplins makers, I knew to remove the meat before adding the dumplin's. At this point my dumplins were a horrible work in progress.{still are at times,but I reconfigured how to make them,thanks to the Food TV's show "Down Home with the Neely's"} I made them like I rememeber Mama making them. {later when I asked her HOW she made hers so good and mine were not,she said she used Bisquick, DUH SARAH!} So I cut my shortening into my flour,added a dash of salt and added milk. Like a regular buiscuit. Fine,well,and good. I let them "set" on the counter after rolling them out and cutting them into squares with a pizza cutter. Then I brought the broth up to a rolling boil again,like I had always seen Mama do.Into the pot they went. glop,glop,glop. Some began to rise back to the top before the rest could be added. A sure sign I had done SOMETHING right...Oh I wish that had been the case. I unmasterfully began to stir the dumplin's,as they rose,to push them back down in hopes to cook even. Boy hidey was I wrong! When I assumed they were finished cooking, I put the lid on the pot. The way I could tell this was b/c the broth had thickend and there were still whole dumplins floating at the top! Sucess I thought! I then turned down the heat for a short simmer,about 30 minutes or so, stirring them every 5 minutes. Nothing worse than a pot of scortched dumplin's I thought! I noticed everytime I stirred the pot some of the dumplins were falling apart and the broth was getting thicker and thicker. Right on track! Then I began to make cornbread and fried okra. No dumplin meal is complete in Dixie without it,ya know?
Then when I assumed the umplins were done, the indication being the dumplins had turned into white glop with dollops of what looked like Daisy in it, I then retrieved my handy tongs and added the S's back to the hot bubbling cauldrun of doom!
When Josh awoke, he too smelled the wonderful scent of tree rat. Anxious to get up and eat my culinary triumph he quickly showered and made short order of coming to the stove. His eyes shinning,his mouth wattering,and happy as a pig in shit,that his wife was such a good cook! I stood near him as he added a big hunk of homemade buttermilk cornbread to his plate,slathered with soft butter. He grabbed my waist and kissed me,and said many thanks,baby.
Hmmm, I thought...Just wait! So he grabbed a big dipping spoon all anxious to gobble up the fruits of his weekend. And what do his wondering eyes does he dip out? Yep, A WHOLE S! He looked at me rather puzzled,and exclaimed I was supposed to pull the meat off the bones.
Nuh UH I replied. You asked me to cook them,I told you I was NOT touching the dam rats,and you didnt say nothing about taking the meat off the bones!
So a bit disgruntled,he pulled every last one of the now shrunk to the bones S's out of the pot and disasembled them.
Moral of the Story and light at the end of the tunnel : Make sure you tell your wife exactly what you want her to do with forgein varmit! And me, well, since then he's never asked me to make it again!
It begins in Oct. Of 2007. I was a new bride married to my HeMan.He had just come home from his semi annual hunting trip with his HeMan Woman haters club. The rest as they say,is history....
In Oct every year Josh goes hunting/camping with his best friends,that time of year is squirrell. {From now on will be refered to as S.} In April is the elusive Turkey. In OCt of 2007, after we had been married since Febuary, we were still in that honeymoon phase of our marriage. We were still trying to Out Nice each other.
When my fearless hunter returned from his trip, flithy,stinky ,blissfully happy at a fruitfull trip,I was glad to see his boy like grin permanatly planted on his face. Then he asked me to do something for him, Make S and Dumplin's. Still trying to be a good lil housewife, I heartily agreed. ,With one exception, I was not touching the damn things...IT WAS ALL DOWN HILL FROM THERE!
He brought the S's in, about 5,if memory serves. They were dressed.For those who arent familiar, they were cleaned and skinned,no tails and no heads {THANK GOD!} He brought them in a zippy bag and put them in the fridge. I was trepidatious to say the least,and had to figure out how I was gonna cook the Tree Rats,as I refer to them,then and now. Hmmm, so he went to bed to rest before having to work his night shift job...
About noon,since we normally eat about 5 or 5:30 pm when he works, I thought I'd best get the rats a cooking., Having never cooked one before, I had to think. Some foods are referred to as tating like chicken. Since an S looks like a squab I thought Id just cook them like a chicken. So I began my dutiful wife quest by filling up my large stock pot with water. Knowing I had to make dumplins later,I knew I'd need broth. Then I had a light bulb moment,as I like to refer to them. I'll use my tongs,as to not have to touch the rats! Genious that I am,ya know. So, I grabbed them one at a time with the tongs,and sprayed them off with the kitchen sprayer. YES,so far so good in not touching them! Into the pot they all went. I added some garlic,salt,pepper,and onion. Garlic makes anything taste good,right. So I thought what the hell,and added some more!
They began to boil and rumble on the stove. I had no idea when they would be done,and I sure as heck was NOT gonna taste them to see.I simmered them after the rolling boil about 2 hours. They smelled good, but had a distinct odor I could not place. Warm and hearty,but well, like a tree rat! Even the semi smell good scent wafting through my home still had not sold me on trying them.
Like most chicken n dumplins makers, I knew to remove the meat before adding the dumplin's. At this point my dumplins were a horrible work in progress.{still are at times,but I reconfigured how to make them,thanks to the Food TV's show "Down Home with the Neely's"} I made them like I rememeber Mama making them. {later when I asked her HOW she made hers so good and mine were not,she said she used Bisquick, DUH SARAH!} So I cut my shortening into my flour,added a dash of salt and added milk. Like a regular buiscuit. Fine,well,and good. I let them "set" on the counter after rolling them out and cutting them into squares with a pizza cutter. Then I brought the broth up to a rolling boil again,like I had always seen Mama do.Into the pot they went. glop,glop,glop. Some began to rise back to the top before the rest could be added. A sure sign I had done SOMETHING right...Oh I wish that had been the case. I unmasterfully began to stir the dumplin's,as they rose,to push them back down in hopes to cook even. Boy hidey was I wrong! When I assumed they were finished cooking, I put the lid on the pot. The way I could tell this was b/c the broth had thickend and there were still whole dumplins floating at the top! Sucess I thought! I then turned down the heat for a short simmer,about 30 minutes or so, stirring them every 5 minutes. Nothing worse than a pot of scortched dumplin's I thought! I noticed everytime I stirred the pot some of the dumplins were falling apart and the broth was getting thicker and thicker. Right on track! Then I began to make cornbread and fried okra. No dumplin meal is complete in Dixie without it,ya know?
Then when I assumed the umplins were done, the indication being the dumplins had turned into white glop with dollops of what looked like Daisy in it, I then retrieved my handy tongs and added the S's back to the hot bubbling cauldrun of doom!
When Josh awoke, he too smelled the wonderful scent of tree rat. Anxious to get up and eat my culinary triumph he quickly showered and made short order of coming to the stove. His eyes shinning,his mouth wattering,and happy as a pig in shit,that his wife was such a good cook! I stood near him as he added a big hunk of homemade buttermilk cornbread to his plate,slathered with soft butter. He grabbed my waist and kissed me,and said many thanks,baby.
Hmmm, I thought...Just wait! So he grabbed a big dipping spoon all anxious to gobble up the fruits of his weekend. And what do his wondering eyes does he dip out? Yep, A WHOLE S! He looked at me rather puzzled,and exclaimed I was supposed to pull the meat off the bones.
Nuh UH I replied. You asked me to cook them,I told you I was NOT touching the dam rats,and you didnt say nothing about taking the meat off the bones!
So a bit disgruntled,he pulled every last one of the now shrunk to the bones S's out of the pot and disasembled them.
Moral of the Story and light at the end of the tunnel : Make sure you tell your wife exactly what you want her to do with forgein varmit! And me, well, since then he's never asked me to make it again!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Only For Belynda!
Good Morning Ya'll. Last week, I realized I had NOTHING to wear to my Aunts funeral. Well,thanks to a friend and my Grandmother, I had a cute skirt and shirt to wear {see FB pics} at least I thought it was cute. But I had to wear panty hose, Oh those dreaded words. It was cold in South Ms for the first time in Oh forever.And With my pale legs the new stellar heels I bought {no body but my buddy who loaned me the skirt wears my size,so she loaned me sandals,me thinking it would be warm} I HAD to wear the dam things. So GM had a new pair she loaned me. Yall should have seen me doing the fat woman wiggle to get my queen size behind and hips into my GM's hose. I shimmed and shaked and got them on. Then OH THE PAIN! My cellulite was revolting. I assume it was missing its friends that have evaportated with the diet Im still on. So I went up stairs to grab my shoes. I was squatting and panting and just all around NOT comfortable. I kept telling myself this was Belynda's twisted revenge on me,and that SHE KNEW Id only wear not only a skirt for her but dam apnty hose too! Well, it was truly inevitable, AS I was squatting I heard a rip! AHHH, my inner thighs on one side could breathe again!!! But...the escape of one side of fat shifted then and the other side squeezed even tighter.SO tight it pinched me,and I shimmed some more. I tell yall what. Everyone there was roaring with laughter as I was Yosimite Sam fitting my dead Aunt. Well, after all the snarling and shaking, I ripped a huge hole in them. and those got tossed. Then GM gave me another pair,that I cut holes in BEFORE I even put them on. Fool Me once...kind of mentality. Well, I did the fat woman wiggle,shimmy,cuss, hiss,spit and shake, got them suckers on.{I will pause to say that my GM is the similar height as me,but I got my butt from Dad's side,as most women in my fam,including my lil sister are sticks. Im more volumpitous.SO length was not an issue. SUck em in size was!!!} Thats when I noticed the run in them!!! After all that repeat of the first pair,and me getting them on succesfully, They had to come off. BLAH!!!
So before we even went to the funeral home we had to stop at RIte AId for me to get some in Sarah size. But I didnt get the suck em in,squeeze you in like sausage in a casing. Nope I bought the cheapest ones they had there in size wide and long! Then upon entrance into the funeral home I had to go to the ladies room to slide them on! Only for Belynda I kept thinking!!! Fortunatly some soul had put a roll bench in the big stall for women with "tha vapa's". Bless who ever that was. I guess Belynda KNEW I was outta practice putting them things on,and had the celestial forethought to put a bug in someones ear once upon a time to put that roll bench in there just for my wide ass! So on the dreaded stockings went! They didnt cut off the circulation to my lower extrimaties either! Bless cheap pantyhose.
Then after the funeral we went touring around Vicksburg with my husband and friend Heather.We ate lunch in public, but I was already getting antsy and tired of the friction my thighs were creating.So after lunch we stopped at a river look out. I opened the dirver door adn right there front of God and everybody I did the fat woman shimmy and ripped them suckers off!!!!
THe END!!!
So before we even went to the funeral home we had to stop at RIte AId for me to get some in Sarah size. But I didnt get the suck em in,squeeze you in like sausage in a casing. Nope I bought the cheapest ones they had there in size wide and long! Then upon entrance into the funeral home I had to go to the ladies room to slide them on! Only for Belynda I kept thinking!!! Fortunatly some soul had put a roll bench in the big stall for women with "tha vapa's". Bless who ever that was. I guess Belynda KNEW I was outta practice putting them things on,and had the celestial forethought to put a bug in someones ear once upon a time to put that roll bench in there just for my wide ass! So on the dreaded stockings went! They didnt cut off the circulation to my lower extrimaties either! Bless cheap pantyhose.
Then after the funeral we went touring around Vicksburg with my husband and friend Heather.We ate lunch in public, but I was already getting antsy and tired of the friction my thighs were creating.So after lunch we stopped at a river look out. I opened the dirver door adn right there front of God and everybody I did the fat woman shimmy and ripped them suckers off!!!!
THe END!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mere Mortal Men
Why do men have to be, well MEN? Why cant they just read our minds when we need them too? The day we need them to be HE-MEN, theyre teddy bears, the day we need teddy bears, they want to slay the dragon? How come when they finally seem to listen to us, its applied at totally the wrong time? I hate the word Metro Sexual. Come on! Either be a REAL Man or be an effiminate gay man. I have no problems with either of those sterotypes. But the ones who are confused just irk me.
Take my husband. He's more in the He-Man category. He works hard, wears camo and drinks budweiser out of a can. He has a short hair cut and has grease under his finger nails. To me, thats the kind of man I need. BUt on the other hand, hes not exactly Mr. Romantic either. he brings the obligitory birthday flowers and Valentines chocolates. But thats about it,in the woo me department. He showers regularly, snifs his pits before we go in public, but other than that I guess he's low maintence. But hes stubborn as a dam mule! He tells me one thing, and when I try to do just that, I need to take it easy. When Im a bum, he complains b/c the house isnt clean. COME ON, MAKE up your dam mind.Sometimes neither of us feel like we can win because our expectations are diffreent of each other at different times. Sometimes, on the flip side we try ot out nice each other,as I call it. He does something nice for me, when Ive already done it my way or vice versa. Same end result, just our diffrerent ways of doing things. Then mass confusion and yes sometimes an argument. I dont want a man who is always clean cut, but appreciates it when my husband cleans up for me. I dont want a sissy who cant bait his own hook, but appreciates it when he does it for me. But I do have the old fashioned gender role expectations. I expect him to take out the trash,play catch with the kids, and mow the yard. While, yes I am physically able to do those 3 things, I simply think its his job to do them. I dont expect him to cook supper and clean the toilets, or even throw a load of laundry on. But he can do them too. He and I try to work like a team. But we have defined roles in our team. I do the grocery shopping, he brings home the pay check. Im all liberated and what not,dont get me wrong. I was a single parent for years and had to fill ALL the roles. But now its nice to have someone to share them with me. Sometimes though we just get out of sinc, and it drives both of us to pitting against each other and causes a fight. I hate to fight {argue, we dont really knock down drag out fight}
Thats when you have to pick your battles. I had surgery recently 2 of them matter of fact. One having my gallbladder removed. I was very limited physiaically as to what I could do, and the other one, jsut a week ago was having a hiatal hernia fixed. Well, after a week afer my GB surgery, I felt like Josh expected me to be up and doing all my pre surgery activities. So I tried. Pain pills and all. and failed. So the house looked like 9 tornados hit it. Im still catching up of folding laundry from that. and I couldnt heavy lift,drive for at least a week,or vacum or mop. But this recent surgery was different. It didnt hurt near as bad, b/c there was no physical insicison. So I got hopped up on pain pills and was vacuming couch cushions at one in the morning. No lie. Ive had some SERIOUS spasms though in my throat. and this time I was taking the prescribed pain meds at the intervals the bottle prescribed as to not be in pain. Well, It hyped me up. {I DID NOT TAKE MORE THAN WAS PRESCRIBED!}but it gave me a false since of well being. So Ive been on a cleaning frenzy, much like a pregnant woman whos nesting. Well, yesterday I quit the pain meds cold turkey. I still have a wee left in the bottle and will only resort to them if the pain becomes unbarable. So far it has not. I still have to take valium to keep me relaxed,so the throat spasms dont get worse. that can delay the healing. Well, poor ole Josh was lfat out confused. Here I am, day 2 after surgery, up like a mad demon. and yesterday I crashed. BAD. I did nothing but lay around and throw a roast in the oven. I guess it would confuse anyone. Here I am right as rain,directly after surgery then bam, flat on my ass. So there was a fight this mroning about it at my house. He knows Im coming down off the pain meds and is trying to be paintent with me, but Im trying his Job like attitiude. We shall see what today brings. I just hope I dont say anymore nasty things to him that I did this morning,about him making up his mind about what I should or should not be doing.He loves me. I love him, and even when your crazy or diriving your spouse crazy sometimes thats what will get you through.
Take my husband. He's more in the He-Man category. He works hard, wears camo and drinks budweiser out of a can. He has a short hair cut and has grease under his finger nails. To me, thats the kind of man I need. BUt on the other hand, hes not exactly Mr. Romantic either. he brings the obligitory birthday flowers and Valentines chocolates. But thats about it,in the woo me department. He showers regularly, snifs his pits before we go in public, but other than that I guess he's low maintence. But hes stubborn as a dam mule! He tells me one thing, and when I try to do just that, I need to take it easy. When Im a bum, he complains b/c the house isnt clean. COME ON, MAKE up your dam mind.Sometimes neither of us feel like we can win because our expectations are diffreent of each other at different times. Sometimes, on the flip side we try ot out nice each other,as I call it. He does something nice for me, when Ive already done it my way or vice versa. Same end result, just our diffrerent ways of doing things. Then mass confusion and yes sometimes an argument. I dont want a man who is always clean cut, but appreciates it when my husband cleans up for me. I dont want a sissy who cant bait his own hook, but appreciates it when he does it for me. But I do have the old fashioned gender role expectations. I expect him to take out the trash,play catch with the kids, and mow the yard. While, yes I am physically able to do those 3 things, I simply think its his job to do them. I dont expect him to cook supper and clean the toilets, or even throw a load of laundry on. But he can do them too. He and I try to work like a team. But we have defined roles in our team. I do the grocery shopping, he brings home the pay check. Im all liberated and what not,dont get me wrong. I was a single parent for years and had to fill ALL the roles. But now its nice to have someone to share them with me. Sometimes though we just get out of sinc, and it drives both of us to pitting against each other and causes a fight. I hate to fight {argue, we dont really knock down drag out fight}
Thats when you have to pick your battles. I had surgery recently 2 of them matter of fact. One having my gallbladder removed. I was very limited physiaically as to what I could do, and the other one, jsut a week ago was having a hiatal hernia fixed. Well, after a week afer my GB surgery, I felt like Josh expected me to be up and doing all my pre surgery activities. So I tried. Pain pills and all. and failed. So the house looked like 9 tornados hit it. Im still catching up of folding laundry from that. and I couldnt heavy lift,drive for at least a week,or vacum or mop. But this recent surgery was different. It didnt hurt near as bad, b/c there was no physical insicison. So I got hopped up on pain pills and was vacuming couch cushions at one in the morning. No lie. Ive had some SERIOUS spasms though in my throat. and this time I was taking the prescribed pain meds at the intervals the bottle prescribed as to not be in pain. Well, It hyped me up. {I DID NOT TAKE MORE THAN WAS PRESCRIBED!}but it gave me a false since of well being. So Ive been on a cleaning frenzy, much like a pregnant woman whos nesting. Well, yesterday I quit the pain meds cold turkey. I still have a wee left in the bottle and will only resort to them if the pain becomes unbarable. So far it has not. I still have to take valium to keep me relaxed,so the throat spasms dont get worse. that can delay the healing. Well, poor ole Josh was lfat out confused. Here I am, day 2 after surgery, up like a mad demon. and yesterday I crashed. BAD. I did nothing but lay around and throw a roast in the oven. I guess it would confuse anyone. Here I am right as rain,directly after surgery then bam, flat on my ass. So there was a fight this mroning about it at my house. He knows Im coming down off the pain meds and is trying to be paintent with me, but Im trying his Job like attitiude. We shall see what today brings. I just hope I dont say anymore nasty things to him that I did this morning,about him making up his mind about what I should or should not be doing.He loves me. I love him, and even when your crazy or diriving your spouse crazy sometimes thats what will get you through.
Friday, October 23, 2009
New Blog
I have begun a new blog, on here talking about my tummy issues. I did have my gallbladder out on Sept. 14th. and on the 27th of Oct I will have another surgery to correct my hiatal hernia. Ive decided to write about that in a sepreate area, b/c its pretty long and borning for those who dont want to hear about it on here. Ill be adding more info as I go. But right now, today is just the start!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My HIDA Scan
This past Tuesday I went in for a HIDA scan. The purpose of this test is to check gallbladder function. Its a very simple procedure,in all reality. I had to prepare by not having anything to eat or drink after midnight. But nothing was said about smoking. So the morning of the test I got up and had a couple of smokes to settle my raging nerves. and to be honest, I had some teeny sips of Sprite. I didnt take anymore than what swallowing would do,as far as liquid consupmtion. And I brushed my teeth, so I know I swallowed some water then.
So I arrive at the designated time for my scan. Got checked in with hospital admissions, complete with bracelet. I was told I didnt need a driver, so I went alone. By the time they called me back I was honestly a bundle of nerves!!! But I shouldnt have been. I was greeted by a very nice tech, who started an IV in my arm. Not like a carry the pole kind of IV but just one of those catheder thingies. Where they tape it to your arm,but have the tube sticking out. Once I was tripply verivied that I was who I said I was, by checking my arm band and asking questions about DOB and what not, I was asked if there was a chance I could be pregnant. I vehemently said HELL NO! The tech got a kick out of that. But I still had to sign a paper to the fact.
Then the injection began of radioactive fluid. The purpose of the radioactive stuff was to see if I had any blockages in my gallbladder. As in gall stones. I already knew I didn't, b/c of an ultra sound I had previously had. So at 15 minute intervals they took Xrays of my abdomen. In the interium I was able to sit in the hospital lobby with other people either waiting on family or waiting on their own test. Then after the 4th set of Xrays, I had to lay on a table. More like HALF a table. My first thought was OMG that thing aint gonna hold ONE of my hamhocks much less both of them. But it did. And the small tube like table had moveable arm rest, so my arms were comfy, my knees were propped up,2 pillows under my head.
I then took a TON of deep breaths in preperation of being hooked up to more medicine and laying still for 25 minutes.
The tech told me that I would be injected for ten minutes with fluid from the bag attached to my IV. And I had to be still. I tried to go to a happy place in my mind. For me its walking along a beach hand in hand with Josh. On Waikiki before all the hotels popped up, Diamond Head in the background. {No,Ive never been there,but its MY happy place}.So as the medicine dripped into my body, the Xray machine was paced to my left at an angle,very close to my stomach area. The tech siad pictures would be taken every minute. Thats why I had to be so still. But this second round of meds HURT like holy hell! My body began to get nauseated, my bowels began to clinch,and my abdomen involuntarily cramped up. I told them I was a puker,so they better get me a bucket or something. I was reassured that in the years both techs had been doing HIDA scans no one had puked. But they aint ever met me before! So I swallowed like no tomorrow, the happy place was gone, replaced by concious concentration to be still and not puke! I asked the nive tech who gave me the first round why in the hell it hurt so bad. He told me it was like eating a greasy cheeseburger! BLEEECK! Much as I love cheeseburgers,it was the LAST thing on my mind,trust me! Then it was over. Just like that. It was the longest 25 minutes of my life,to be sure!
I asked them before I left when my Dr. would have the information. They said under the table so to speak,that my gastro office would have it late in the afternoon. I left there at 1pm,my time and grabbed something to eat. I couldnt eat much,and I dont think a PZone was the right choice either! So I brought it home for Nate. I then went grocery shopping. I kinda had to. My guts were still cramping,but I didnt get sick, thank God!!!
Around 4pm I called the Dr office. left a message for my Dr, and about 15 minutes later the nurse practicioner called me back. She had some disheartening news. My gallbladder was only working at 2%. Not good, as in, on a scale of 100-0, 100 being perfect and 0 being non working,I was at the bottom! The NP told me that I needed to go see a surgeon, and she'd make the call for me. I told her to get me in ASAP, I didnt care when or what time! So a few minutes alter she called me back to tell me I had an apt on Thursday with the surgeon.
Josh and I went together, getting a neighbor to watch Caleb. He came in and was SUPER nice! He asked me point blank if I could get it removed TODAY! My mind was whirlling. TODAY?!? That serious! He said if not today {thursday} then tomorrow, Friday. He left so Josh and I could discuss our options. We decided that Monday {tomorrow} would be the least inconvient time for me to have it removed. The Dr. came back in and we told him Monday would be best. He looked at me rather skeptically. So I then asked if I'd die over the weekend if I didnt have it removed. He said NO, but Id just be in pain and uncomfortable until then. Fair enough. So a time for Monday was set up for surgery at the surgery center where Id had my tubes tied in 07. I liked it there,and the staff was great,so given the option,the surgery center is what I chose.
We left the surgeons office and went for pre-op stuff.
THEN, On Friday I woke up with a knot under my arm. My right arm, same symptoms as Id had back in the late winter when I had staph. I had noticed a teeny pea sized knot before, but when I got up on Friday my arm was swollen and streaky. SHIT, I thought! So I called the Surgeons office and told them what I thought was going on, and if it would affect my surgery. She said,maybe. But if I got on antibiotics over the weekend, that Id probably be fine. It was just up to my Dr. So off to the PC I went. told her everything that was going on, and about the staph Id had,and how I was terrified it was happening AGAIN!!! I was pissed off at that point. So she put me on strong antibiotics for the weekend, and Im hoping it will not affect whether I have surgery tomorrow or not! She was unable to lance the knot as it was too deep. But yesterday it would have been prime for lancing,and the redness had grown, to about 3 inches above my elbow. When Caleb was in the hospital with the same thing, they drew a circle around his red area,to see if it shrunk or grew. Josh did the same for me. Yesterday it had tripled in size from Friday. last night before going to bed,I drew another circle with a different color marker. Ive been taking the antibiotics just like Im supposed to. This morning,Josh said the redness had gone down some,and I can feel that the knot is not quite so big. I also have today for the antibiotics to work their majic. In hopes that the surgeon can operate even with it,and Im gonna beg him to lance it while Im under. My MIL said postponing surgery would not be the end of the world. true, But I guess mentally Im just thrown by this unexpected curve ball.
So thats that,as they say. We wait till tomorrow to see if the surgeon will operate,and go from there!
So I arrive at the designated time for my scan. Got checked in with hospital admissions, complete with bracelet. I was told I didnt need a driver, so I went alone. By the time they called me back I was honestly a bundle of nerves!!! But I shouldnt have been. I was greeted by a very nice tech, who started an IV in my arm. Not like a carry the pole kind of IV but just one of those catheder thingies. Where they tape it to your arm,but have the tube sticking out. Once I was tripply verivied that I was who I said I was, by checking my arm band and asking questions about DOB and what not, I was asked if there was a chance I could be pregnant. I vehemently said HELL NO! The tech got a kick out of that. But I still had to sign a paper to the fact.
Then the injection began of radioactive fluid. The purpose of the radioactive stuff was to see if I had any blockages in my gallbladder. As in gall stones. I already knew I didn't, b/c of an ultra sound I had previously had. So at 15 minute intervals they took Xrays of my abdomen. In the interium I was able to sit in the hospital lobby with other people either waiting on family or waiting on their own test. Then after the 4th set of Xrays, I had to lay on a table. More like HALF a table. My first thought was OMG that thing aint gonna hold ONE of my hamhocks much less both of them. But it did. And the small tube like table had moveable arm rest, so my arms were comfy, my knees were propped up,2 pillows under my head.
I then took a TON of deep breaths in preperation of being hooked up to more medicine and laying still for 25 minutes.
The tech told me that I would be injected for ten minutes with fluid from the bag attached to my IV. And I had to be still. I tried to go to a happy place in my mind. For me its walking along a beach hand in hand with Josh. On Waikiki before all the hotels popped up, Diamond Head in the background. {No,Ive never been there,but its MY happy place}.So as the medicine dripped into my body, the Xray machine was paced to my left at an angle,very close to my stomach area. The tech siad pictures would be taken every minute. Thats why I had to be so still. But this second round of meds HURT like holy hell! My body began to get nauseated, my bowels began to clinch,and my abdomen involuntarily cramped up. I told them I was a puker,so they better get me a bucket or something. I was reassured that in the years both techs had been doing HIDA scans no one had puked. But they aint ever met me before! So I swallowed like no tomorrow, the happy place was gone, replaced by concious concentration to be still and not puke! I asked the nive tech who gave me the first round why in the hell it hurt so bad. He told me it was like eating a greasy cheeseburger! BLEEECK! Much as I love cheeseburgers,it was the LAST thing on my mind,trust me! Then it was over. Just like that. It was the longest 25 minutes of my life,to be sure!
I asked them before I left when my Dr. would have the information. They said under the table so to speak,that my gastro office would have it late in the afternoon. I left there at 1pm,my time and grabbed something to eat. I couldnt eat much,and I dont think a PZone was the right choice either! So I brought it home for Nate. I then went grocery shopping. I kinda had to. My guts were still cramping,but I didnt get sick, thank God!!!
Around 4pm I called the Dr office. left a message for my Dr, and about 15 minutes later the nurse practicioner called me back. She had some disheartening news. My gallbladder was only working at 2%. Not good, as in, on a scale of 100-0, 100 being perfect and 0 being non working,I was at the bottom! The NP told me that I needed to go see a surgeon, and she'd make the call for me. I told her to get me in ASAP, I didnt care when or what time! So a few minutes alter she called me back to tell me I had an apt on Thursday with the surgeon.
Josh and I went together, getting a neighbor to watch Caleb. He came in and was SUPER nice! He asked me point blank if I could get it removed TODAY! My mind was whirlling. TODAY?!? That serious! He said if not today {thursday} then tomorrow, Friday. He left so Josh and I could discuss our options. We decided that Monday {tomorrow} would be the least inconvient time for me to have it removed. The Dr. came back in and we told him Monday would be best. He looked at me rather skeptically. So I then asked if I'd die over the weekend if I didnt have it removed. He said NO, but Id just be in pain and uncomfortable until then. Fair enough. So a time for Monday was set up for surgery at the surgery center where Id had my tubes tied in 07. I liked it there,and the staff was great,so given the option,the surgery center is what I chose.
We left the surgeons office and went for pre-op stuff.
THEN, On Friday I woke up with a knot under my arm. My right arm, same symptoms as Id had back in the late winter when I had staph. I had noticed a teeny pea sized knot before, but when I got up on Friday my arm was swollen and streaky. SHIT, I thought! So I called the Surgeons office and told them what I thought was going on, and if it would affect my surgery. She said,maybe. But if I got on antibiotics over the weekend, that Id probably be fine. It was just up to my Dr. So off to the PC I went. told her everything that was going on, and about the staph Id had,and how I was terrified it was happening AGAIN!!! I was pissed off at that point. So she put me on strong antibiotics for the weekend, and Im hoping it will not affect whether I have surgery tomorrow or not! She was unable to lance the knot as it was too deep. But yesterday it would have been prime for lancing,and the redness had grown, to about 3 inches above my elbow. When Caleb was in the hospital with the same thing, they drew a circle around his red area,to see if it shrunk or grew. Josh did the same for me. Yesterday it had tripled in size from Friday. last night before going to bed,I drew another circle with a different color marker. Ive been taking the antibiotics just like Im supposed to. This morning,Josh said the redness had gone down some,and I can feel that the knot is not quite so big. I also have today for the antibiotics to work their majic. In hopes that the surgeon can operate even with it,and Im gonna beg him to lance it while Im under. My MIL said postponing surgery would not be the end of the world. true, But I guess mentally Im just thrown by this unexpected curve ball.
So thats that,as they say. We wait till tomorrow to see if the surgeon will operate,and go from there!
Gallbladder surgery,
HIDA scan,
HIDA scan experience
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Playing With Josh
Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a long time with my husband. He and I don't get too much time away from our kids. While neither of us mind,sometimes its GREAT to just be Sarah and Josh, not Mama and Daddy.
We got up bright and early. Actually, it was not even bright yet. We got up at 5 and got ready for dove hunting. I had never been and when he invited me to go hunting with him and some of his buddies yesterday,I took a chance. I was very suprised he even asked me. Since Mel had been at our house all week, I thought maybe he'd want some time with "just the guys". But nope,he asked me to GO! So we take off for his friend Matts Grandpa's place. Its some property out in the country. There wound up being 5 of us hunting and i was the only girl. His friends are great,let me tell you. Oh,they're he-men , and dont censor themselves too much just b/c Im a female. Learned recently they dont consider me a "lady". Maybe I need to work on that,lol. They treat me like one of them. Sometmes I wish they didn't. lol. So Josh and I took off on the 4 wheeler for just the right spot. He had his 12 gauge and I was carrying his 20 gauge. The day before I had practicced with it. Shooting skeet is NOT my strong point, but you give me a stationary target and I can blast it with a shotgun. I only hit like 2 out of about 20 he threw for me. But Josh on the other hand never ceases to amaze me. That man of mine can throw the skeet himself, and shoot it into bits all in about 20 seconds. I am impressed! AND I think after 3 1/2 years of being toghether that he can still impress me is awesome. lol. I had impressed him earlier when I told him sure Id go hunting. None of the other wives do that. and Ive never shot with them either, but I like guns and stuff, so I dont see the big deal.
Josh set us up a makeshift blind, we parked the 4 wheeler away from us, set up camp so to speak and waited for the illustrious dove. I only will hunt what I intend to eat, and I fully inteded on eating whatever we shot! Ive never had dove before, and my mouth had already begun to water for it. We sat there, kinda shot the shit for a while. When you dove hunt, you dont ahve to be quiet inso much as be kind of still. It was beautiful,watching the haze dirft over the trees as the sun snuck over the horizon. The birds {not doves} were chirping, crickets were humming and the occasional slight breeze made leaves drift to their early fall resting place. Suddenly a shot rang out from where Matt and the other guys were hunting. Then a dove near us took off. Josh missed it, but I at least got to see what I fully intended on trying to make supper. It was beautiful watching him stand, aim and fire. Very exhillartating to be sure! He was pissed he missed it, but I was impressed at his fluid movements. Almost like instinct. Wow, I thought, hes sexy standing there all mad from missing! We sat there for 3 hours and only saw a few more high flying birds too far out of our bird load shot guns. Matt and them had been shooting,and we were hoping they at least got a few. That was not the case. Yesterday for them it was hit and miss. So at 8:30 Matt called and said they were going in at 9 if nothing was flying. At this point I was ithcing to shoot! So Josh told me to aim at anything that flew, so I did, missed whatever I aimed at,half hazardly by a mile! But then, knowing I had one more shell left laoded already, I told him I was gonna shoot a morning glory off the top of a sunflower. And Ill be derned if I didnt! Blew the top right off of it! Felt good to aim at something and do what I intended to do. So after that we moved a feild over, me driving his friends borrowed wheeler, Josh told me it was hte first time a girl had ever driven him on a 4 wheeler. Awe,honey! We wnet for breakfast and headed back out to his parents house.
Joshes Dad and Uncle were smoking some shoulders {pork} for todays labor day BBQ. If you've never been around smoking pork,you really cant describe how WONDERFUL the smell is. Hickory on the small side of the big grill creating a smoke to make perfect lil smoke rings on the big shoulders. Man alive,it dont get any better than that! Well, my MIL, went on a beer run. I think she bought the store out! She came back with a couple of cases,all total, and those he men commenced to start drinking at noon thirty. Now, its like 85 degrees and we were all sweating, so even though they wound up drinking most of the beer, between about 6 or 7 men, Nobody really got drunk but Josh. lol. I think he drank MORe than his fair share,lol. But he rarely does that,and I didnt mind at all. The man works hard for us,and had spent time with me,and I felt like he deserved very much to "tie one on",as he says. Well about 4pm, Joshes cousin decided to take his 1 year old daughter for a spin on PopPops big ole John Deere. All the babies in the family have had pictures taken on the antique,beautifly restored tractor. And yesterday was her turn. She loved it! So next it was Calebs turn with Josh {he was not hammered at this point,btw}.But Caleb hollered and hollered. He had not gotten his nap out and then was in a rotten mood. So I told Josh I wanted him to take me for a ride on the big green tractor. But he hopped off and told me to get on. So I climbed into the driver seat, and took off my flip flops. If Iw as gonna learn to drive a tractor, I had to get a real feel for it,and barefoot is the way for me to do that. So he told me very breifly how to ease out the throddle,and ease onto the gas. What do ya know, the massive tractor lurched forward and I was DRIVING it! All by myself. Ive ridden on my fair share of tractors and driven a few lawn mowers,but nobody ever took the time to teach me how to drive one before. So after I made a turn around the garden doing my best Miss America wave, I told Josh i wanted to go faster. So he hopped on and put it in a higher gear and off we went. He was laughing and carrying on. We were kidding around like a couple of 16 year old kids,still trying to impress each other. It was GREAT! He told me a girl had never driven that tractor before, esp not with him on it. {later found out I was female #2 to drive it, his first cousin had helped with hay cutting}. But still, It was a first for both he and I. It was great.
After almost 4 years of being together and almost 3 of being married, we learned we can still not only have fun toghether but impress and teach each other things. While Im always "in love" with him, it grew yesterday. Ive been under a lot of stress and so has he. Just normal life stuff,but being broke, 2 kids,mortgage,me going back to school,him no overtime at work, it can get to you sometimes. But yesterday he taught me that in a dove feild you dont think about all that. You just think about #1 that your saftey is on your shotgun,and let the world ride. take in the beauty of nature around you. Soak it all in.the peace the tranquility and the sheer joy of being with someone you love. It was awesome. I love my husband for the man he is,and the woman he helps me be. He truly is the best friend Ive ever had and I can not see my life without him. ANd I think its great that he and I can still find ways to connect,that have nothing at all to do with sex. Not that that is our only glue, hardly, but that is a wonderful part of our marriage. But its so much more. Its getting up at 5, no makeup, camo all over, sitting around with the family,shooting the breeze, swapping stories, smelling and tasting BBQ, watching the kids run around and dogs play. Its simply enjoying each others company and taking a moment just to breathe! Let life roll. I really needed yesterday and hope today is just as good!
We got up bright and early. Actually, it was not even bright yet. We got up at 5 and got ready for dove hunting. I had never been and when he invited me to go hunting with him and some of his buddies yesterday,I took a chance. I was very suprised he even asked me. Since Mel had been at our house all week, I thought maybe he'd want some time with "just the guys". But nope,he asked me to GO! So we take off for his friend Matts Grandpa's place. Its some property out in the country. There wound up being 5 of us hunting and i was the only girl. His friends are great,let me tell you. Oh,they're he-men , and dont censor themselves too much just b/c Im a female. Learned recently they dont consider me a "lady". Maybe I need to work on that,lol. They treat me like one of them. Sometmes I wish they didn't. lol. So Josh and I took off on the 4 wheeler for just the right spot. He had his 12 gauge and I was carrying his 20 gauge. The day before I had practicced with it. Shooting skeet is NOT my strong point, but you give me a stationary target and I can blast it with a shotgun. I only hit like 2 out of about 20 he threw for me. But Josh on the other hand never ceases to amaze me. That man of mine can throw the skeet himself, and shoot it into bits all in about 20 seconds. I am impressed! AND I think after 3 1/2 years of being toghether that he can still impress me is awesome. lol. I had impressed him earlier when I told him sure Id go hunting. None of the other wives do that. and Ive never shot with them either, but I like guns and stuff, so I dont see the big deal.
Josh set us up a makeshift blind, we parked the 4 wheeler away from us, set up camp so to speak and waited for the illustrious dove. I only will hunt what I intend to eat, and I fully inteded on eating whatever we shot! Ive never had dove before, and my mouth had already begun to water for it. We sat there, kinda shot the shit for a while. When you dove hunt, you dont ahve to be quiet inso much as be kind of still. It was beautiful,watching the haze dirft over the trees as the sun snuck over the horizon. The birds {not doves} were chirping, crickets were humming and the occasional slight breeze made leaves drift to their early fall resting place. Suddenly a shot rang out from where Matt and the other guys were hunting. Then a dove near us took off. Josh missed it, but I at least got to see what I fully intended on trying to make supper. It was beautiful watching him stand, aim and fire. Very exhillartating to be sure! He was pissed he missed it, but I was impressed at his fluid movements. Almost like instinct. Wow, I thought, hes sexy standing there all mad from missing! We sat there for 3 hours and only saw a few more high flying birds too far out of our bird load shot guns. Matt and them had been shooting,and we were hoping they at least got a few. That was not the case. Yesterday for them it was hit and miss. So at 8:30 Matt called and said they were going in at 9 if nothing was flying. At this point I was ithcing to shoot! So Josh told me to aim at anything that flew, so I did, missed whatever I aimed at,half hazardly by a mile! But then, knowing I had one more shell left laoded already, I told him I was gonna shoot a morning glory off the top of a sunflower. And Ill be derned if I didnt! Blew the top right off of it! Felt good to aim at something and do what I intended to do. So after that we moved a feild over, me driving his friends borrowed wheeler, Josh told me it was hte first time a girl had ever driven him on a 4 wheeler. Awe,honey! We wnet for breakfast and headed back out to his parents house.
Joshes Dad and Uncle were smoking some shoulders {pork} for todays labor day BBQ. If you've never been around smoking pork,you really cant describe how WONDERFUL the smell is. Hickory on the small side of the big grill creating a smoke to make perfect lil smoke rings on the big shoulders. Man alive,it dont get any better than that! Well, my MIL, went on a beer run. I think she bought the store out! She came back with a couple of cases,all total, and those he men commenced to start drinking at noon thirty. Now, its like 85 degrees and we were all sweating, so even though they wound up drinking most of the beer, between about 6 or 7 men, Nobody really got drunk but Josh. lol. I think he drank MORe than his fair share,lol. But he rarely does that,and I didnt mind at all. The man works hard for us,and had spent time with me,and I felt like he deserved very much to "tie one on",as he says. Well about 4pm, Joshes cousin decided to take his 1 year old daughter for a spin on PopPops big ole John Deere. All the babies in the family have had pictures taken on the antique,beautifly restored tractor. And yesterday was her turn. She loved it! So next it was Calebs turn with Josh {he was not hammered at this point,btw}.But Caleb hollered and hollered. He had not gotten his nap out and then was in a rotten mood. So I told Josh I wanted him to take me for a ride on the big green tractor. But he hopped off and told me to get on. So I climbed into the driver seat, and took off my flip flops. If Iw as gonna learn to drive a tractor, I had to get a real feel for it,and barefoot is the way for me to do that. So he told me very breifly how to ease out the throddle,and ease onto the gas. What do ya know, the massive tractor lurched forward and I was DRIVING it! All by myself. Ive ridden on my fair share of tractors and driven a few lawn mowers,but nobody ever took the time to teach me how to drive one before. So after I made a turn around the garden doing my best Miss America wave, I told Josh i wanted to go faster. So he hopped on and put it in a higher gear and off we went. He was laughing and carrying on. We were kidding around like a couple of 16 year old kids,still trying to impress each other. It was GREAT! He told me a girl had never driven that tractor before, esp not with him on it. {later found out I was female #2 to drive it, his first cousin had helped with hay cutting}. But still, It was a first for both he and I. It was great.
After almost 4 years of being together and almost 3 of being married, we learned we can still not only have fun toghether but impress and teach each other things. While Im always "in love" with him, it grew yesterday. Ive been under a lot of stress and so has he. Just normal life stuff,but being broke, 2 kids,mortgage,me going back to school,him no overtime at work, it can get to you sometimes. But yesterday he taught me that in a dove feild you dont think about all that. You just think about #1 that your saftey is on your shotgun,and let the world ride. take in the beauty of nature around you. Soak it all in.the peace the tranquility and the sheer joy of being with someone you love. It was awesome. I love my husband for the man he is,and the woman he helps me be. He truly is the best friend Ive ever had and I can not see my life without him. ANd I think its great that he and I can still find ways to connect,that have nothing at all to do with sex. Not that that is our only glue, hardly, but that is a wonderful part of our marriage. But its so much more. Its getting up at 5, no makeup, camo all over, sitting around with the family,shooting the breeze, swapping stories, smelling and tasting BBQ, watching the kids run around and dogs play. Its simply enjoying each others company and taking a moment just to breathe! Let life roll. I really needed yesterday and hope today is just as good!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Its a Good day for Dressin
This morning in my corner of Dixie,its a breezy 57 degree's! The windows are open in my house and the AC,while not off,is turned up to 75. The fans are spinning,and there is a wee hint of fall in the air. For a Monday,life is good today! Fresh pot of generic coffee,which happens to be really good, full pack of smokes, and Dora on the TV,while I sit outside to mentally plan my day. Ive already been a busy Suzy F. Homeaker! I cut up nectarines last night,both white and orange, and put them to sugar last night. It was 11:30 before I went to bed, then woke up while the street lights were still on! So my canner got half filled, 1/2 pint jars got washed, nectarines went into a pot with the sugar soaking and lemon zest. Coffee was consumed and Facebook was checked. I have NO clue where this energy is coming from. Maybe Im kinda manic. Or maybe my new meds combo is working. I dont know.But Im not complaining. I plan to ride this UP as long as I can. If its an Up. Maybe it will be Normal. I dont know yet.
Since it IS a crisp 57 this morning, Im cooking dressing today. Or as we call it here in Dixie, Dressin. NOT stuffing. But according to the Joy of Cooking, it was originally called stuffing,but someone over in England thought stuffing a bird was vulgar,so dressing was born. Bless the prude who thought that! I make cornbread dressing. The ratio I use is 2 parts cornbread to one part white bread. Albeit a biscuit,like my Memaw makes and my mom. But Ive learned canned buiscuits work fine,or even white bread. Today going into the mix is white yeast bread I made myself. We were Oh so broke a while back {when are we not} so I made my own bread. Learned that you dont need to ever make it in a bunt pan. lesson learned.lol. I also have my cheap chicken thighs and a few drummies cooking away to make broth. I added some celery and onion to it,along with some herbs. I dont think my Memaw puts anything but salt,maybe some pepper in her broth,but I like layers of flavor. My family is a great wealth of recipes. My Mama and Memaw,and now my MIL are the best cooks I know! If I can only be half as good as they are,I will have arrived!
On tonights menu is
1. Dressing,
2. Turnip/mustard greens, {Im not too big on collards,so I didnt buy any.I also buy the pre cut,pre washed greens. It makes life SO much easier, even if some pureist would call it cheating. But honestly, Washing the greens 3 times, cutting them,and it still not being many just aint my idea of fun. So I splurge on the convience. But if you really look at it, 3.69 ish for a big bag of already done greens, is not bad compared to the smallish bunches that are only 99 cents.}
3. Rotiserie Chicken. {Our neighbors gave us a rotiserie and I fully intend on breaking it in today! If I didnt have that,Id just roast the hen I bought. I didnt have time to thaw out a whole turkey or turkey breast. Some people like chicken in the dressing, I however do not. And since Im the main cook around here, thats what the men eat,lol}
4. Whole Berry cranberry sauce.{ I always think of my Daddy saying,cranberry sauce shaped like a can! I think its a Grinch that Stole Christmas reference}
5. Rolls. { In a Paula Deen cookbook I got the easiest roll recipe EVER! Its one Cup self rising flour, 2 T of mayo, 1 tsp sugar and milk. Thats it. She says to make in a muffin tin,but I sue a round cake pan. Josh and Nate call them buiscuits,but I call em rolls. Josh said whatever you call them,theyre great. Awe,honey! lol}
6. Pumpkin Pie. {DUH!} I dont put any sugar in my pie. Nope, sure dont. I use condenced milk. Or as the older folks say, Pet Milk. But to me Pet milk is evaportated milk,and I use generic.lol}
One of my dearest friends Mel and her son are coming up for a few days, and I dont plan to cook tomorrow, its the big 2-8 for me. I ought not have to cook on my dam birthday,lol. So leftovers it is!
Im also gonna make a chicken ranch cheeseball. Simply b/c I want one!
And today I start school. The website says not till after 2 pm today, So I will have to check it later. whoooo hooo,busy day for Sarah!
Since it IS a crisp 57 this morning, Im cooking dressing today. Or as we call it here in Dixie, Dressin. NOT stuffing. But according to the Joy of Cooking, it was originally called stuffing,but someone over in England thought stuffing a bird was vulgar,so dressing was born. Bless the prude who thought that! I make cornbread dressing. The ratio I use is 2 parts cornbread to one part white bread. Albeit a biscuit,like my Memaw makes and my mom. But Ive learned canned buiscuits work fine,or even white bread. Today going into the mix is white yeast bread I made myself. We were Oh so broke a while back {when are we not} so I made my own bread. Learned that you dont need to ever make it in a bunt pan. lesson learned.lol. I also have my cheap chicken thighs and a few drummies cooking away to make broth. I added some celery and onion to it,along with some herbs. I dont think my Memaw puts anything but salt,maybe some pepper in her broth,but I like layers of flavor. My family is a great wealth of recipes. My Mama and Memaw,and now my MIL are the best cooks I know! If I can only be half as good as they are,I will have arrived!
On tonights menu is
1. Dressing,
2. Turnip/mustard greens, {Im not too big on collards,so I didnt buy any.I also buy the pre cut,pre washed greens. It makes life SO much easier, even if some pureist would call it cheating. But honestly, Washing the greens 3 times, cutting them,and it still not being many just aint my idea of fun. So I splurge on the convience. But if you really look at it, 3.69 ish for a big bag of already done greens, is not bad compared to the smallish bunches that are only 99 cents.}
3. Rotiserie Chicken. {Our neighbors gave us a rotiserie and I fully intend on breaking it in today! If I didnt have that,Id just roast the hen I bought. I didnt have time to thaw out a whole turkey or turkey breast. Some people like chicken in the dressing, I however do not. And since Im the main cook around here, thats what the men eat,lol}
4. Whole Berry cranberry sauce.{ I always think of my Daddy saying,cranberry sauce shaped like a can! I think its a Grinch that Stole Christmas reference}
5. Rolls. { In a Paula Deen cookbook I got the easiest roll recipe EVER! Its one Cup self rising flour, 2 T of mayo, 1 tsp sugar and milk. Thats it. She says to make in a muffin tin,but I sue a round cake pan. Josh and Nate call them buiscuits,but I call em rolls. Josh said whatever you call them,theyre great. Awe,honey! lol}
6. Pumpkin Pie. {DUH!} I dont put any sugar in my pie. Nope, sure dont. I use condenced milk. Or as the older folks say, Pet Milk. But to me Pet milk is evaportated milk,and I use generic.lol}
One of my dearest friends Mel and her son are coming up for a few days, and I dont plan to cook tomorrow, its the big 2-8 for me. I ought not have to cook on my dam birthday,lol. So leftovers it is!
Im also gonna make a chicken ranch cheeseball. Simply b/c I want one!
And today I start school. The website says not till after 2 pm today, So I will have to check it later. whoooo hooo,busy day for Sarah!
cornbread dressing,
southern food
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Full Time College Student
While Ive always been a student of life, I like to be the student of a school too. So last week, I finally finished my school registration. Sheeew! Im taking a full load,all online this semester. I've changed my major from English,to History, now to Secondary Education. I hope to teach English or History. I am SO thrilled that I can finally be a FT student. For the first time in my almost 28 years. Ive got a lot of my basics out of the way already,thanks to night school. So now,according to my advisor, I should be able to graduate the local Community College Im enrolled in, next summer after the 2nd session. Then Ill transfer to my college to get my Bachelors. I am not sure yet if Ill transfer to UT or UM. Gone is the dream of graduating from Ole Miss. That changed when we moved here. But thats ok. I really dont care WHERE I get my piece of paper from,so long as I get it. I dont not think it will be easy by anymeans, but I have made better grades in college than i ever did in high school. While Josh and I are not materialistic at any point, 2 incomes will be nice one day.
I hope to share with students the passion I felt walking up the steps to Independance Hall in Philly,the sweeping views of Ft.Hill in Vicksburg, and being in a place like San Diego,where one of the oldest settlements in the US is. Ahhhh, I cant wait. I say Im on the 14 year plan, as in 14 years after graduating from high school,but if I stay on the track I INTEND to stay on, I can knock it out in 2 1/2 years. So Yay for me!
I know this blog today is totally self serving,but I my need to come back and re-read the enthusiasm I have today!
I hope to share with students the passion I felt walking up the steps to Independance Hall in Philly,the sweeping views of Ft.Hill in Vicksburg, and being in a place like San Diego,where one of the oldest settlements in the US is. Ahhhh, I cant wait. I say Im on the 14 year plan, as in 14 years after graduating from high school,but if I stay on the track I INTEND to stay on, I can knock it out in 2 1/2 years. So Yay for me!
I know this blog today is totally self serving,but I my need to come back and re-read the enthusiasm I have today!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pear Butter,What Really Happend
Ok, so I posted yesterday that I intended to use the crockpot and let it do the work for me.BUT, I kinda needed to have it finished by the time I picked Nate up from school.So inorder to save time,I let the pears cook in the crockpot for about an hr and half,then added them to my big deep stock pot. It still took them right at 2 hrs to cook like that,on med heat,with a lid over it.
I washed my jars.This year since I stocked up last year,I have not had to buy any jars. But yesterday I had to scour my kitchen and china cabinet for loose stragelers.I even poured a few things out from 2 half pints I had in the fridge. I washed 5 pints, 4 half pints,and one teeny lil 1/4 pint jar. Got my big canner going. It didnt start even boiling until time to put the jars into it.
So, aside from using my stock pot,I still followed the basic instructions. I got out the blender, which Ive never had good luck with,mind you,so I was a wee leary of how that would all work. But thankfully,I had all my dishes washed and had a large mixing bowl handy. So,I used a 2 cup measuring cup and added 4 cups at a time inti the blender. I hit puree for about one solid minute,then hit blend on high for about 30 seconds. It turned into a sort of taupe color with brown specks in it. The brown specks being peeling. I tasted the plain pears. to them I added 1 cup of left over preserve syrup from a batch of preserves I cooked lightly. then added 2/3 cup sugar. Plenty sweet. I think if you dont have any sugar try 1/2 cup white corn syrup,then taste.Add more as needed. so back into the pot the pears went,again on meduim heat. since I didnt like the color,I added a few drops of neon pink food coloring,and a few drops of purple. It came out mauve and I liked it. so,then I added an 11 oz bag of cramel bits. and began to stir. and stir and stir, I also turned up the heat to med/high. You know your own stove and how temps work,so on my trusty builder grade hotpoint stove between 7 and 8 is where it sat. I ran to potty, scrubbing my hands,of cource. I bet I washed my hands 5 times during the cooking process. I didnt want to contaminate anything. then I cranked up the heat to high and kept stirring the entire time. {I had the radio on,so me and the Judds,sang to the bubbling caludron} You get into a rythm with it, being sure that youre touching the bottom with the wooden spoon. Id stir for 5 minutes at a time,then check to see exactly HOW it was boiling. I wanted it to rolling boil before I jarred it up. When I removed my spoon,and the mauve lava esque stuff hit the bottom of our over stove microwave,I determined it was time to jar up. My canning funnel came in SO handy for this batch. Some things you dont have to use it with,but this stuff,it was a MUST. I removed it from the heat,and set it on my silicone pampered chef square thingie. But a dishtowel works fine too.Just double it over, b/c that heavy bottomed pot was HOT! So I began to sppon it into the jars. I spooned nad I spooned. I wound up using every jar I had washed and sterlized. 5 pints, 3 half pints and the one 1/4 pint. it worked out perfectly! And my my does hte butter taste GOOD!!!! Yes,its kinda grainy,but its b/c some of the pears are.
I fully plan on making another batch of this stuff either today or tomorrow and dont plan on changing my techinque at all. I am going to have to get up in the attic and dig around in my box of jars up there. And I may have to buy some more lids. But if I dont have enoguh pints,the pear butter will be going into quarts!
So thats how it really went down at my house with Mama's time tested recipe. The only thing she said shed do different was not use the food coloring! She likes natural colored stuff and Im more into color! I bet a package of Kooliade added while cooking would work too. And maybe since its 100 % citric acid,it would help with the browning. I think lemon aide flavor would work best.
I hope that if you try this,you sing to your pot. A long wooden spoon works great for a mic!
I washed my jars.This year since I stocked up last year,I have not had to buy any jars. But yesterday I had to scour my kitchen and china cabinet for loose stragelers.I even poured a few things out from 2 half pints I had in the fridge. I washed 5 pints, 4 half pints,and one teeny lil 1/4 pint jar. Got my big canner going. It didnt start even boiling until time to put the jars into it.
So, aside from using my stock pot,I still followed the basic instructions. I got out the blender, which Ive never had good luck with,mind you,so I was a wee leary of how that would all work. But thankfully,I had all my dishes washed and had a large mixing bowl handy. So,I used a 2 cup measuring cup and added 4 cups at a time inti the blender. I hit puree for about one solid minute,then hit blend on high for about 30 seconds. It turned into a sort of taupe color with brown specks in it. The brown specks being peeling. I tasted the plain pears. to them I added 1 cup of left over preserve syrup from a batch of preserves I cooked lightly. then added 2/3 cup sugar. Plenty sweet. I think if you dont have any sugar try 1/2 cup white corn syrup,then taste.Add more as needed. so back into the pot the pears went,again on meduim heat. since I didnt like the color,I added a few drops of neon pink food coloring,and a few drops of purple. It came out mauve and I liked it. so,then I added an 11 oz bag of cramel bits. and began to stir. and stir and stir, I also turned up the heat to med/high. You know your own stove and how temps work,so on my trusty builder grade hotpoint stove between 7 and 8 is where it sat. I ran to potty, scrubbing my hands,of cource. I bet I washed my hands 5 times during the cooking process. I didnt want to contaminate anything. then I cranked up the heat to high and kept stirring the entire time. {I had the radio on,so me and the Judds,sang to the bubbling caludron} You get into a rythm with it, being sure that youre touching the bottom with the wooden spoon. Id stir for 5 minutes at a time,then check to see exactly HOW it was boiling. I wanted it to rolling boil before I jarred it up. When I removed my spoon,and the mauve lava esque stuff hit the bottom of our over stove microwave,I determined it was time to jar up. My canning funnel came in SO handy for this batch. Some things you dont have to use it with,but this stuff,it was a MUST. I removed it from the heat,and set it on my silicone pampered chef square thingie. But a dishtowel works fine too.Just double it over, b/c that heavy bottomed pot was HOT! So I began to sppon it into the jars. I spooned nad I spooned. I wound up using every jar I had washed and sterlized. 5 pints, 3 half pints and the one 1/4 pint. it worked out perfectly! And my my does hte butter taste GOOD!!!! Yes,its kinda grainy,but its b/c some of the pears are.
I fully plan on making another batch of this stuff either today or tomorrow and dont plan on changing my techinque at all. I am going to have to get up in the attic and dig around in my box of jars up there. And I may have to buy some more lids. But if I dont have enoguh pints,the pear butter will be going into quarts!
So thats how it really went down at my house with Mama's time tested recipe. The only thing she said shed do different was not use the food coloring! She likes natural colored stuff and Im more into color! I bet a package of Kooliade added while cooking would work too. And maybe since its 100 % citric acid,it would help with the browning. I think lemon aide flavor would work best.
I hope that if you try this,you sing to your pot. A long wooden spoon works great for a mic!
caramel pear butter,
homeade pear butter
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Caramel Pear Butter
So My Mama makes this caramel apple butter that is to die for good.Makes a great fruit dip,or spread,or probably even a good "jam cake". So since I still have pears growing out of my ears, {I really should listen to Josh when he says Ive got enough. :)} So today I called her up and asked if you could use pears to make her caramel stuff,and she siad she didnt see why not. So here goes nothing!
1 crock pot {I have a big one}
20ish med size pears, from other post,friends tree.Im sure the ones from the grocery will work too
2 cups white grape or apple juice. {if you dont have either of those,Im sure water would work}
1 cup sugar
1 bag of Kraft caramels for baking. Those lil pellet looking things.Found seasonaly at the grocery store. Homeade caramel would work,or 2 bags of the wrapped ones.
A large knife
Cutting board
melon baller
garbage bowl handy. {I use a sauce pot that I burned rice in,and even with all my remedies,it aint coming off,so not to toss out a perfectly burned up pan,I use it in leiu of a garbage bowl. TY Rachael Ray}
Blender or food processor
big pot
Jars. lids rings,water bath canner.{this will not be used for several hours}{about 5 or 6 pint jars}
Wooden spoon, large scooping spoon
canning funnel
sauce pan big enough to fit lids and rings in
1. set crock pot up, turn on high
2. rinse pears in collander in the sink
3. place cutting board on counter,set GB in a handy spot, grab pears.
4. cut the tops and bottoms off pears. {if there is still a nice size morsel on the bottom part, cut it off and toss it into crock pt.
5. scoop out center part of pears. Its ok if you dont get all the woody part out where the stem attaches,it will be pureed later
6. when all the pears are in the crockpot, add 2 cups juice. {mind you the pears still have the peeling on them
7. cover crock pot and let it work its mushing,cooking majic for about 4 hours{I think overnight on low would be fine too}
8.when pears have cooked down and are a mushy consistancy, pour pears into a large stock pot.
9. Using a large spoon, add pears,in small groups into the blender,return to crock pot.
10. Taste pears, if they are as sweet as you want them only add 1/2 cup sugar.But if the pears are a wee under ripe,add the whole cup
11.add caramel bits, the whole bag stir very well. return crock pot to high heat setting and cover.
12. stir about every 20 minutes until the caramel has all melted and pears are a thick,gloppy consitancy
13.while the caramel is melting and doing it yummy thing, wash your jars. It should make about 5 pints,but wash more,just to be sure.{Im writting the recipe before the canning part,so i really dont know just yet}
14. Crank up the heat under the water bath canner
15. place lids and rings into sauce pan,cover with water and boil
16. When pear mix is the consitancy you want it, spoon into jars.leaving 1/4 inch head space
17. Water bath pints for ten minutes, or half pints for 5.
* apples may be used in place of pears. I reccomend either Granny Smith, or Macintosh. Or use a mix of both.
* Use any variety of pears you like. Mine come from a tree in a friends yard and are just yard variety green pears. If you use bosc pears,I reccomend adding some green ones in it too.Bosc are sweet,and you add sugar to it.
* My Mom sent a jar of this with Nathan to his first grade teacher for a lil "happy". She to this day still raves about it. She will be getting a pint of this pear stuff
1 crock pot {I have a big one}
20ish med size pears, from other post,friends tree.Im sure the ones from the grocery will work too
2 cups white grape or apple juice. {if you dont have either of those,Im sure water would work}
1 cup sugar
1 bag of Kraft caramels for baking. Those lil pellet looking things.Found seasonaly at the grocery store. Homeade caramel would work,or 2 bags of the wrapped ones.
A large knife
Cutting board
melon baller
garbage bowl handy. {I use a sauce pot that I burned rice in,and even with all my remedies,it aint coming off,so not to toss out a perfectly burned up pan,I use it in leiu of a garbage bowl. TY Rachael Ray}
Blender or food processor
big pot
Jars. lids rings,water bath canner.{this will not be used for several hours}{about 5 or 6 pint jars}
Wooden spoon, large scooping spoon
canning funnel
sauce pan big enough to fit lids and rings in
1. set crock pot up, turn on high
2. rinse pears in collander in the sink
3. place cutting board on counter,set GB in a handy spot, grab pears.
4. cut the tops and bottoms off pears. {if there is still a nice size morsel on the bottom part, cut it off and toss it into crock pt.
5. scoop out center part of pears. Its ok if you dont get all the woody part out where the stem attaches,it will be pureed later
6. when all the pears are in the crockpot, add 2 cups juice. {mind you the pears still have the peeling on them
7. cover crock pot and let it work its mushing,cooking majic for about 4 hours{I think overnight on low would be fine too}
8.when pears have cooked down and are a mushy consistancy, pour pears into a large stock pot.
9. Using a large spoon, add pears,in small groups into the blender,return to crock pot.
10. Taste pears, if they are as sweet as you want them only add 1/2 cup sugar.But if the pears are a wee under ripe,add the whole cup
11.add caramel bits, the whole bag stir very well. return crock pot to high heat setting and cover.
12. stir about every 20 minutes until the caramel has all melted and pears are a thick,gloppy consitancy
13.while the caramel is melting and doing it yummy thing, wash your jars. It should make about 5 pints,but wash more,just to be sure.{Im writting the recipe before the canning part,so i really dont know just yet}
14. Crank up the heat under the water bath canner
15. place lids and rings into sauce pan,cover with water and boil
16. When pear mix is the consitancy you want it, spoon into jars.leaving 1/4 inch head space
17. Water bath pints for ten minutes, or half pints for 5.
* apples may be used in place of pears. I reccomend either Granny Smith, or Macintosh. Or use a mix of both.
* Use any variety of pears you like. Mine come from a tree in a friends yard and are just yard variety green pears. If you use bosc pears,I reccomend adding some green ones in it too.Bosc are sweet,and you add sugar to it.
* My Mom sent a jar of this with Nathan to his first grade teacher for a lil "happy". She to this day still raves about it. She will be getting a pint of this pear stuff
caramel apple butter,
caramel pear butter,
Monday, August 24, 2009
It Looks Like We Really Live here.
This evening the weather is wonderful. So I decided to take the boys for an after supper walk. It was dual purpose. To not let the salmon patties and mashed potato's sit near my gallbladder for too long, and to actually get out and get moving. So I loaded up Caleb in the wagon,and Nathans friend offered to pull him for me. Up the street we went. About 3 houses up on the oposite side of the street, I saw one of our neighbors outside. Then 2 more gathered. And next thing ya know,theres 5 kids running around,and we neighbors were shooting the wonderful breeze! Well, Caleb escaped the free for all of children and wandered into one of the backyards. Few of us have fences here. So,I finally got to see how the other side lives. Much like US! The general objects while looking up the other side of the streets neighbors back yards is everyone has a patio table and grill! A must have around here,apparently.The ones who have small kids have swing sets,and various playing apparatus. One had a trampoline and a play house. Others had a few Tonka trucks strewn here there and yonder.
It got me thinking just now,as Im still outside on the patio enjoying the wifi. Caleb has jumped into the kiddie pool,shoes and all. Nathan and his buddy were tossing a football around. I thought about how we REALLY live here now. Ive got my clothesline in the back yard, theres a swing set, a grill,and yes, a patio table. Unlike some of the other neighbors,we have a beautiful bistro esque patio light. I love it,but we rarely use it. Our next door neighbor followed our lead and got a bistro light as well. But her yard is the yard of the month! let me tell you. Shes got a fish pond,a hot tub,and a huge deck. Us,not so much. But it was comforting to think that we really have made our new subdivision somewhat of a lil community. Most of us know each other,and most did not before we all moved in over here. We wave while taking our kids to school, you know whos grilling,b/c it smells good. You know whos on vacation and who has out of town company. I guess you could say we kinda look out for each other around here. Each others homes and kids. We pass out popcicles,fruit snacks and water to the neighborhood kids. We call each other when something happens. We bring casseroles and swap recipes. We've become friends with each other. We help each other out by feeding the animals when folks are away,we give each other extra daylilies we've dug up from our mother in laws yard. Just good people all around,I think. No, I dont know all of them by name,but I do wave! and they wave back. Some of us know each other better. But we're still a community. We just got new neighbors. They seem like a good fit here too. Its an older couple,who have grown kids.But theyre very friendly and neighborly.
Nates buddy told me a few ago, "Miss Sarah, we were going for a walk,and wound up on an adventure!" I liked that. I told him,"son, we wer just visitin. and being neighborly.thats just what you do!".
Then his Mama hollered from the street over, he went home. Caleb got fished out of the alge infested,cold pool, and now the boys are taking a shower. I just got a load off the line,and now as the sun is setting Im listening to the crickets and locust hum thier nightly melody.
Ahhh, Life is Good Today!
It got me thinking just now,as Im still outside on the patio enjoying the wifi. Caleb has jumped into the kiddie pool,shoes and all. Nathan and his buddy were tossing a football around. I thought about how we REALLY live here now. Ive got my clothesline in the back yard, theres a swing set, a grill,and yes, a patio table. Unlike some of the other neighbors,we have a beautiful bistro esque patio light. I love it,but we rarely use it. Our next door neighbor followed our lead and got a bistro light as well. But her yard is the yard of the month! let me tell you. Shes got a fish pond,a hot tub,and a huge deck. Us,not so much. But it was comforting to think that we really have made our new subdivision somewhat of a lil community. Most of us know each other,and most did not before we all moved in over here. We wave while taking our kids to school, you know whos grilling,b/c it smells good. You know whos on vacation and who has out of town company. I guess you could say we kinda look out for each other around here. Each others homes and kids. We pass out popcicles,fruit snacks and water to the neighborhood kids. We call each other when something happens. We bring casseroles and swap recipes. We've become friends with each other. We help each other out by feeding the animals when folks are away,we give each other extra daylilies we've dug up from our mother in laws yard. Just good people all around,I think. No, I dont know all of them by name,but I do wave! and they wave back. Some of us know each other better. But we're still a community. We just got new neighbors. They seem like a good fit here too. Its an older couple,who have grown kids.But theyre very friendly and neighborly.
Nates buddy told me a few ago, "Miss Sarah, we were going for a walk,and wound up on an adventure!" I liked that. I told him,"son, we wer just visitin. and being neighborly.thats just what you do!".
Then his Mama hollered from the street over, he went home. Caleb got fished out of the alge infested,cold pool, and now the boys are taking a shower. I just got a load off the line,and now as the sun is setting Im listening to the crickets and locust hum thier nightly melody.
Ahhh, Life is Good Today!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Old Fashioned Pear Preserves Recipe
Ok, So I have googled until my eyes are crossed at how to make pear preserves. Some say to let them sit overnight in sugar. Others say to boil them in sugar and then drain the sugar syrup off of them and "dry " pack the pears then add the syrup back over them. Well, I have come up with my own way to do it. With my Mama and Memaw's tips in the back of my mind.
First, find a friend with a pear tree. Offer a pie,and ask if you can pick pears. Or offer preserves in exchange for pears.
Pick the pears. You want to pick large to medium pears. The small ones need a wee bit more time.So therefore there will be more for later batches.
Start small.Dont make a huge batch until youve tried it before.See what works for your stove,your pot,and where you live.
First You will need:
1 canner pot. Can be found at Walmart, or even your local Mom and Pop hardware store
5 pint jars or 10 1/2 pint jars
1 pair of tongs,
1 large outh funnel
10 jar lids and rings
med size pan, large enough for lids and rings to swim in
1 large wooden spoon
1 scooping spoon, a ladle works,or just a big scooped bottom spoon
A stove,preferably indoors where there is A.C.
10 pears,fresh from the tree,or even 2 days,I've found if left in Joshes truck for 4 days they get mushy and fonkey
5 lb bag of sugar.
1 cup measuring cup
1 large stock pot
1 fresh lemon
candied ginger, optional
1 pairing knife, very sharp! that is a must,that it be sharp and you can maneouver it.
1 big bowl
1 walmart sack, or kroger or where ever.just get a sack,you know,the ones you use in your bathroom can or beside the couch.
1 dishtowel,not a good one either,get one that broke in.
So that is what you need.
Now here comes my little prodgect. I have made the sit overnight preserves,and right now currently in my own large stock pot are pears.They have been sitting in lemon juice,1 1/2 cups water,and 5 cups of sugar. I am going to test if setting them soaking in sugar really makes a difference.
Ok, so now you have all your tools. Find something good on TV or go outside and turn on the radio
Ok, Now that you have all you to do is cut the lemon in half. Squeeze the juice from one half into large bowl.Add 1-2 cups of water. if seeds get in there,pick em out. It helps to nuke the lemon for about 15 seconds,then roll it on the counter a few turns. Juice comes right out.
Now, take the pears, bowl with water in it,knife,sack,and dish towel.
find a comfy place to sit,
place bowl to the side of whatever handness you are not.
place sack in lap
take first pear and peel it,letting skin drop into sack.
put it in the bowl.be sure to roll it in the lemon juice.
follow suit with the remaining pears.
Now, cut up the pears,cut them big or small,but Id say no bigger than a quarter size,I like mine a small thin dice.
Now once thats done, add sugar.If you have 6 cups of pears, add 4-5 cups of sugar.
let sit on counter covered in dish towel over night.If youre a germaphob,place in fridge.
Day 2.
give the bowl of pears a good stir.
pour into big pot.
add remaining lemon juice. start it on high,until it boils. stir some while coming to a boil.its hard to scrub off a pan,trust me. reduce to med heat.
Now,this is going to take a while,so go turn on a load of laundry.Come back and stir the pot.
I stir mine about every ten minutes for about 45 minutes. As the syrup begins to thicken,stir it more often.
Its done when the pears are semi translucent,or fully translucent and syrup is thick and honey colored.
As the pears cook away, fill your big pot up to a bit over half full. bring to a boil,then simmer until pears are done cooking,then return to roiling boil.
Clean jars. I was mine int he sink with dish soap and vinegar.In as hot as you can possibly stand it water.Let them soak about 5 minutes.
While theyre soaking, get pot out for lids and rings. put lids and rings into pot,cover with water and bring to a rolling boil,then simmer.
rinse jars in pure hot water.invert on a baking rack,over a dish towel.
When pears are finished, place jars on a think cutting sheet,cutting board,or even a cookie sheet would work.
turn heat off lids,drain water
get funnel and place it over the first jar. Use spoon or ladle and add pears to jars.
****Be SURE to leave 1/4 inch headspace in jars.If you cant tell how big that is,I fill mine till just when the jar begins to form where the rings twist on.
Place lids on jars, then twist on rings. I use a dishtowel for this. use half of it to hold the hot jar,and the other end to squeeze the ring on tight.
Use jar tongs and put jars into water bath canner
Boil ten minutes. take jars out and sit them on the counter to cool.
****At Walmart and probably even a regular grocery store this time of year,a canning kit can be found. The box has a funnel,Jar tongs, a lid picker upper thingie with a magnet on it,and this thing that looks like a ruler with teeth on the end of it. last year I used all of the tools,but now I can judge better how full 1/4 is, and I lost the magnent thingie,so I just use my hands to pick up the lids.
If you add ginger to your pears, add it when you begin to boil it,and keep it whole if you plan to remove it.If you plan to just keep it in the pears,then dice it.
* I add lemon zest to my preserves. I simply just like it.
*jars can be used again and again.so can rings,but lids should only be used once. As when youre done with whatever is in the jar,throw away the lid,but keep the ring and jar.
* dont cover the pears once theyre in the pot.they will get too mushy.
I hope you enjoy making these. I tried to give the instructions from a novice canners veiw point.This is only my second year to can,and if you read previous post from last summer,you will see that it is trial and error. This year I feel like a pro.But theres always new things to can,and tips to learn!!!
First, find a friend with a pear tree. Offer a pie,and ask if you can pick pears. Or offer preserves in exchange for pears.
Pick the pears. You want to pick large to medium pears. The small ones need a wee bit more time.So therefore there will be more for later batches.
Start small.Dont make a huge batch until youve tried it before.See what works for your stove,your pot,and where you live.
First You will need:
1 canner pot. Can be found at Walmart, or even your local Mom and Pop hardware store
5 pint jars or 10 1/2 pint jars
1 pair of tongs,
1 large outh funnel
10 jar lids and rings
med size pan, large enough for lids and rings to swim in
1 large wooden spoon
1 scooping spoon, a ladle works,or just a big scooped bottom spoon
A stove,preferably indoors where there is A.C.
10 pears,fresh from the tree,or even 2 days,I've found if left in Joshes truck for 4 days they get mushy and fonkey
5 lb bag of sugar.
1 cup measuring cup
1 large stock pot
1 fresh lemon
candied ginger, optional
1 pairing knife, very sharp! that is a must,that it be sharp and you can maneouver it.
1 big bowl
1 walmart sack, or kroger or where ever.just get a sack,you know,the ones you use in your bathroom can or beside the couch.
1 dishtowel,not a good one either,get one that broke in.
So that is what you need.
Now here comes my little prodgect. I have made the sit overnight preserves,and right now currently in my own large stock pot are pears.They have been sitting in lemon juice,1 1/2 cups water,and 5 cups of sugar. I am going to test if setting them soaking in sugar really makes a difference.
Ok, so now you have all your tools. Find something good on TV or go outside and turn on the radio
Ok, Now that you have all you to do is cut the lemon in half. Squeeze the juice from one half into large bowl.Add 1-2 cups of water. if seeds get in there,pick em out. It helps to nuke the lemon for about 15 seconds,then roll it on the counter a few turns. Juice comes right out.
Now, take the pears, bowl with water in it,knife,sack,and dish towel.
find a comfy place to sit,
place bowl to the side of whatever handness you are not.
place sack in lap
take first pear and peel it,letting skin drop into sack.
put it in the bowl.be sure to roll it in the lemon juice.
follow suit with the remaining pears.
Now, cut up the pears,cut them big or small,but Id say no bigger than a quarter size,I like mine a small thin dice.
Now once thats done, add sugar.If you have 6 cups of pears, add 4-5 cups of sugar.
let sit on counter covered in dish towel over night.If youre a germaphob,place in fridge.
Day 2.
give the bowl of pears a good stir.
pour into big pot.
add remaining lemon juice. start it on high,until it boils. stir some while coming to a boil.its hard to scrub off a pan,trust me. reduce to med heat.
Now,this is going to take a while,so go turn on a load of laundry.Come back and stir the pot.
I stir mine about every ten minutes for about 45 minutes. As the syrup begins to thicken,stir it more often.
Its done when the pears are semi translucent,or fully translucent and syrup is thick and honey colored.
As the pears cook away, fill your big pot up to a bit over half full. bring to a boil,then simmer until pears are done cooking,then return to roiling boil.
Clean jars. I was mine int he sink with dish soap and vinegar.In as hot as you can possibly stand it water.Let them soak about 5 minutes.
While theyre soaking, get pot out for lids and rings. put lids and rings into pot,cover with water and bring to a rolling boil,then simmer.
rinse jars in pure hot water.invert on a baking rack,over a dish towel.
When pears are finished, place jars on a think cutting sheet,cutting board,or even a cookie sheet would work.
turn heat off lids,drain water
get funnel and place it over the first jar. Use spoon or ladle and add pears to jars.
****Be SURE to leave 1/4 inch headspace in jars.If you cant tell how big that is,I fill mine till just when the jar begins to form where the rings twist on.
Place lids on jars, then twist on rings. I use a dishtowel for this. use half of it to hold the hot jar,and the other end to squeeze the ring on tight.
Use jar tongs and put jars into water bath canner
Boil ten minutes. take jars out and sit them on the counter to cool.
****At Walmart and probably even a regular grocery store this time of year,a canning kit can be found. The box has a funnel,Jar tongs, a lid picker upper thingie with a magnet on it,and this thing that looks like a ruler with teeth on the end of it. last year I used all of the tools,but now I can judge better how full 1/4 is, and I lost the magnent thingie,so I just use my hands to pick up the lids.
If you add ginger to your pears, add it when you begin to boil it,and keep it whole if you plan to remove it.If you plan to just keep it in the pears,then dice it.
* I add lemon zest to my preserves. I simply just like it.
*jars can be used again and again.so can rings,but lids should only be used once. As when youre done with whatever is in the jar,throw away the lid,but keep the ring and jar.
* dont cover the pears once theyre in the pot.they will get too mushy.
I hope you enjoy making these. I tried to give the instructions from a novice canners veiw point.This is only my second year to can,and if you read previous post from last summer,you will see that it is trial and error. This year I feel like a pro.But theres always new things to can,and tips to learn!!!
food preserving,
pear preserves recipe
Today I made pear butter. Sarah Style.lol. I hacked on pears,chuncked them and cooked them with sugared giner,lemon zest and a shot of white grape juice. So far so good. Then Aimees cousin Kelli told me she wanted strawberry preserves. I thought hmmmm, so I cooked and cooked and cooked them pears,adding what was left in a 5lbs bag of sugar. probably only 2 1/2 cups. added some all spice,shot of cinnamon and some fresh nutmeg. got it all syrup/pulpy and cooked it for about 45 minutes. Using my handy dandy dollar tree tater masher,I smoshed them things down some more to the consistancy of crushed pineapple. lil chunky,lil mushy. Then hard boiled it for 10 minutes or so. then added a box of strawberry jello. I got 4 1/2 pints and 3 whole pints. I always wash more jars then I think Ill need, and that was a good thing today, b/c I used them all. it taste really good!!! at least the glop that I dropped on my cutting board did. I learned last year when making jelly that using those flimsy cutting boards instaed of a towel is easier to clean. then I made a pear/apple pie. COmplete with lattice crust. Forbessised lattice crust. Im scared to weave it as yet. Then after I egg washed and spirnkled brown sugar over it I thought, SHIT, I forgot to put some butter in it. So thankfully my lattice looks like a first grader did it with the gaps, so I just diced some butter and whaa la! butter. then put a pot roast on. all the while caleb tearing up my living room! now I wait.....to see if the pear pie I got volunteered to make comes out decent and not burned. I cheated on the crust and bought that kind ya roll out. That stuff is a pian in the ass let me tell ya. It would have been easier just to make it myself! I had to get out my Joy O
f Cooking to find out how long youre supposed to cook apple pie and on what temp. First thing it said to do was not to let your filling set up over 15 minutes or it will be too watery. mine had been there for 20. SO I commenced to hacking more pears and apples in hopes not to have a soggy pie. we shall see.I added another heaping tablespoon of flour just for good measure though. I kinda added this and that to it,Josh requested not much cinnamon, but he didnt say nothing about nutmeg and all spice. Just checked on my pie. Thankfully, froma tip from Paula deen I put the pie on a cookie sheet,b/c its dripping out! So thats my day today, a day of domestic godessdom!!! complete with flour and pear juice all over my apnts, blood on my shirt from where I hacked my thumb whilst peeling pears, and Caleb Pbj from his pre nap smooch on my hole. aka,my belly button!!!! Disclaimer:I typed this while smoking,so my grammar is BAD!!! And Ive not eaten today,So Im a bit shaky!
Using real names now, Josh is my husband and Nathan and Caleb are my kids!
Using real names now, Josh is my husband and Nathan and Caleb are my kids!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Haven't blogged in Months!
Well, Ive been busy, and no its not Adipex related! We've had baseball, school stuff,and toddler chasing around here! And Im addicted to CruiseCritic! Ive made some great new friends over there. In fact, I just booked a 2nd cruise! Booked the 2nd one BEFORE I even go on the first.I must be crazy,lol. Im on some new meds for bipolar,and they seem to be leveling me out pretty well.
Neil is still working hard,so I can be Suzy. F. Homemaker! Thank God for that. one of my best friends had a super preemie on June 2nd. Hes doing VERY well. I am,and everyone I know, are so thankful that they finally got to become parents to a healthy,but teeny angel!
Jake finished 2nd grade. good grades all around,but we will be working on Math this summer.
Neil got my clothesline finished,and Ive been using it alot! Dont take much to keep this country girl happy!
Levi, well, hes into EVERYTHING!!! Climbing,talking, escaping, you name it, hes doing it. His voacabulary has trippled in just the past few weeks!!!
As for me, well,Im good. Not so lonely anymore thanks to my new friends over on CruiseCritic.
and as always....But wait...theres MORE!!!!
Neil is still working hard,so I can be Suzy. F. Homemaker! Thank God for that. one of my best friends had a super preemie on June 2nd. Hes doing VERY well. I am,and everyone I know, are so thankful that they finally got to become parents to a healthy,but teeny angel!
Jake finished 2nd grade. good grades all around,but we will be working on Math this summer.
Neil got my clothesline finished,and Ive been using it alot! Dont take much to keep this country girl happy!
Levi, well, hes into EVERYTHING!!! Climbing,talking, escaping, you name it, hes doing it. His voacabulary has trippled in just the past few weeks!!!
As for me, well,Im good. Not so lonely anymore thanks to my new friends over on CruiseCritic.
and as always....But wait...theres MORE!!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Seperate Vacations?
So Neil is off work this week. He's been wanitng to turkey hunt for quite sometime,and was able to take 2 paid days off this week. With his work schedule, it winds up being hes off an entire week. Hes happy about that. Me,not so much,lol.
Today though, He has taken to the woods with one if his BFF's, Tido. Hunting can cost as much or as least as you want it to,and fortunatly for us, its on the cheap end. Hes already got his gear and guns. and AMmo even. Theres public land he can hunt on for free, and today he and Tido are hunting on a friends of his place. So free again. ANd Neil is a happy man. I was glad to get rid of him too. Not "Leave and never come back,this aint working", But "go,have a good time, get out of my hair,and chill out doing something that makes you happy.". As Ive stated before,I dont do the cold,and its been chilly the past few mornings. But hes in heaven. I have not given him some long "honey Do" list either. I want him to mow the grass and finish the clothesline. ANd Friday,hes driving me to the dentist to have some work done. Just normal husband stuff. I wanted him to go off and relax and have fun. Last night he slept on Tido and Tam's couch,and Im sure didnt take a shower to go ruslte up some gobblers. For his sake,and my taste buds, I really hope he gets one this year.
But it got me to thinking. He and I have taken seperate vac's pretty much the whole time we've been toghether. Its been a timing and money thing. and me cancelling our family vac to go to Cali. {I still feel kinda bad about that,but he assures me NOT to.} It seems to work for us. We have similar interest, I think its a must in a marriage. But we also have diffrent ones too. I like to travel, he likes to take to the woods on a cool morning. But we both love to fish. and are both outdoorsy ppl. So it works for us.
We are planning our ultimate Cruise vacation for next March. Ive been scouring the internet for info on them. And Ive even asked, if we can afford one, if I can go on a ladies only cruise next Oct. As in OCt 2010.Theres a group Ive joined on cruise critic and we're trying to find one we can all agree on for then. Neil has told me to "Tear Out". So Yay. I just hope me and 2 of my firends can afford it. But we have time to save,so it will all be good.
So Seperate Vacations seem to work for us around here. I go when hes working,and most of the time my kids, at least one of them are with me. I cant leave my babies for too long.
Today though, He has taken to the woods with one if his BFF's, Tido. Hunting can cost as much or as least as you want it to,and fortunatly for us, its on the cheap end. Hes already got his gear and guns. and AMmo even. Theres public land he can hunt on for free, and today he and Tido are hunting on a friends of his place. So free again. ANd Neil is a happy man. I was glad to get rid of him too. Not "Leave and never come back,this aint working", But "go,have a good time, get out of my hair,and chill out doing something that makes you happy.". As Ive stated before,I dont do the cold,and its been chilly the past few mornings. But hes in heaven. I have not given him some long "honey Do" list either. I want him to mow the grass and finish the clothesline. ANd Friday,hes driving me to the dentist to have some work done. Just normal husband stuff. I wanted him to go off and relax and have fun. Last night he slept on Tido and Tam's couch,and Im sure didnt take a shower to go ruslte up some gobblers. For his sake,and my taste buds, I really hope he gets one this year.
But it got me to thinking. He and I have taken seperate vac's pretty much the whole time we've been toghether. Its been a timing and money thing. and me cancelling our family vac to go to Cali. {I still feel kinda bad about that,but he assures me NOT to.} It seems to work for us. We have similar interest, I think its a must in a marriage. But we also have diffrent ones too. I like to travel, he likes to take to the woods on a cool morning. But we both love to fish. and are both outdoorsy ppl. So it works for us.
We are planning our ultimate Cruise vacation for next March. Ive been scouring the internet for info on them. And Ive even asked, if we can afford one, if I can go on a ladies only cruise next Oct. As in OCt 2010.Theres a group Ive joined on cruise critic and we're trying to find one we can all agree on for then. Neil has told me to "Tear Out". So Yay. I just hope me and 2 of my firends can afford it. But we have time to save,so it will all be good.
So Seperate Vacations seem to work for us around here. I go when hes working,and most of the time my kids, at least one of them are with me. I cant leave my babies for too long.
seperate vacations,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spring is HERE!
I truly hope that Spring has arrived here in Dixieland. The leaves are beginning to sprout,my plum bush is blooming,and the daffodils are spreading yellow pollen over everything. We've been having some super soaker showers around here too. Last night I woke up and thought I was in a car wash.The rain was hammering,and the wind was blowing. On the vinyl sidding that covers our home, it truly sounded like a car wash! Then I went back to a fevered sleep.Full of odd dreams,and no smoking signs. I know its Spring,b/c Ive got a sinus infection. Last week it was the flu with the kids,this week,its me and Neil,witht he drips and fever and headaches. AHHHH spring! Its baseball practice and windy. Its yard toys strown all over the yard.THe early purple clover has taken over the front yard,and it needs to be cut. Ours,and most of our neighbors.Its time to start planting early summer crops of stuff. Its beautiful. Its painful too.With all the things blooming.Its reeking havoc on my nose and head. AHHHH!!!!! Spring!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I think we're going to QUIT!
Neil and I had a serious disccusion about quitting smoking. I bought 3 packs of smokes yesterday at a cost of 14.95. YES! 15 bucks for 3 packs of smokes. When I signed the debit card slip,my eyes bout bugged out of my head. It is NOT worth it to me! Ive siad Im cheap, but I smoke. Ive said he and I want to save money. Well continuing to smoke aint helping the cruise fund at all! He and I were on the porch before he went to work yesterday,and I told him how much 3 packs cost. Ive been smoking Basic Menthol lights.THey are normally cheaper than Marlboro,and for a menthol, to me there is none better than a Basic. For Non Menthols,we both prefer a Marlboro light. I laughingly told him,we were either gonna have to quit,or start smoking less,or smoke cheaper cigs. He said he didnt like the cheapies,and he'd just rather quit. Hmmm, I thought. MAYBE we can quit. I know succesful former smokers. My Mom for one. Her husband helped her a lot through it. He didnt smoke, but he sure detest it! I'm not sure exactly how she did it,but I will be finding out! I know she dont drink coffee too much anymore. For me coffee and smokes are family.I start every day with a cup of joe and a smoke. Im not much of a late day smoker,or night smoker.Unless Im in a social situation. IE, alchohol. I dont do that hardly at all anymore either. For Neil,its smokes and beer.We've had manya morining on the porch or patio,me with coffee and him with a cold one. Just smoking and talking. {he works nights,so beer at 8am aint a big deal}.He barely drinks anymore too.
Someone asked me one time,WHY,I smoked. I point blank siad b/c I enjoy it.And that still is the truth. I enjoy smoking. I dont know why that is. I know its HORRIBLE for you,and your body.And I figure,Im not doing meth,so cigs ain't that bad. Well,maybe they are. They're just legal.{For the record,Ive never done any hard drugs. I do think "pot" should be legal.If you grow it in your own yard,and dont sell it.} So...There are many benifits of quitting,health wise. Yes,I know this.Every smoker does,contrary to popular believe. Reading about cancer and emphaseyma {sic} dont scare me.
aside: Levi just walked up and hurled all over me and the floor.I slid the laptop out of harms way before he errupted! EEEEEWWWW! GROOOOSSSSS!!!! Clabbered strawberry milk and grapes. Talk about an apetite suppresant. Fortuantly Neil was home,so he scooped him up for a dunk in the tub. I cleaned it up with paper towels and a cloth napkin. Firgure one less cloth napkin aint gonna break us. So the susequent kitchen strip down probably gave my neighbors a show,since there aint no leaves yet.Ahhh motherhood. Now,BOTH boys have a doc apt at 2 pm today. ANd thank God,I have a great husband. Oh,we're all up n love.But sometimes having a partner who will scoop and bathe is more important than "taking care of mama".For that momnet at least! So now the puked on clothes are in the washer,and I will be washing my own tail sometime between now and 1pm. Dam,I need a smoke!}
Ok,so I hope no more puke for today.I will hurl right along with Levi if he does it again. I think I will for sure not be eating anything for breakfast! I dont know if this is hte right time for me to quit. I googled,duh. ANd got some great tips. PPL are either Gung Ho about cold turkey or theyre not.I dont think I am.For myself,I think Ill use the cut back method.It owrked when I got pregnant with Levi.It took me longer to quit with him,than it did with Jake.With Jake the mere mention of a smoke would have me hurling,but not with Levi. I can only imagine how big hed have been if I had not smoked for 3 months! Bad mom,I know.On these diet pills Ive been smoking up to a pack a day.Off the pills, a pack would last me like 4 days.So I really need to slow down! But I use my smokes as a reward system for myself.Like,I'll pick up and vaccum,then unload and reload the Dw,and maybe start a load of clothes. then go smoke while the washer is running.Maybe more than one,esp if im on the computer or reading a book.
I think that first thing in the moring smoking will be my worst,and driving. I do ok if Neil is driving,but when I drive,I just jam out and chain smoke.Yes,sadly with my kids in the car. I roll down my window almost all the way,and crack a back one.My mroning smoking is at the kitchen window "office". As in the laptop perched on a bar stool,and me in one of the extra folding chairs we have incase theres extras at supper. At least I have a view.Bad Sarah! I do ahve a fan blowing it out,or at least thats what I tell myself. The LR window is cracked,b/c even with the window open it will still smoke up in here.Its just been such a long winter! I had to get creative! And since I have been getting up before daylight,its nice to sit here,cup of half decaf,and a smoke.I like watching the sun come up! I guess Ill have to change my habits!!! I have a handme down bike,that I need to fix up,but its been too cold and sticky to do that.
Ok,Ive rambled enough this morning.Ive totally lost all train of thought.My kids are sick,so that distracts me! Im sure it does other moms too. No,far as I know,they arent deathly ill,but it does rock the boat.Sometimes I have issues going along with the waves.....
Someone asked me one time,WHY,I smoked. I point blank siad b/c I enjoy it.And that still is the truth. I enjoy smoking. I dont know why that is. I know its HORRIBLE for you,and your body.And I figure,Im not doing meth,so cigs ain't that bad. Well,maybe they are. They're just legal.{For the record,Ive never done any hard drugs. I do think "pot" should be legal.If you grow it in your own yard,and dont sell it.} So...There are many benifits of quitting,health wise. Yes,I know this.Every smoker does,contrary to popular believe. Reading about cancer and emphaseyma {sic} dont scare me.
aside: Levi just walked up and hurled all over me and the floor.I slid the laptop out of harms way before he errupted! EEEEEWWWW! GROOOOSSSSS!!!! Clabbered strawberry milk and grapes. Talk about an apetite suppresant. Fortuantly Neil was home,so he scooped him up for a dunk in the tub. I cleaned it up with paper towels and a cloth napkin. Firgure one less cloth napkin aint gonna break us. So the susequent kitchen strip down probably gave my neighbors a show,since there aint no leaves yet.Ahhh motherhood. Now,BOTH boys have a doc apt at 2 pm today. ANd thank God,I have a great husband. Oh,we're all up n love.But sometimes having a partner who will scoop and bathe is more important than "taking care of mama".For that momnet at least! So now the puked on clothes are in the washer,and I will be washing my own tail sometime between now and 1pm. Dam,I need a smoke!}
Ok,so I hope no more puke for today.I will hurl right along with Levi if he does it again. I think I will for sure not be eating anything for breakfast! I dont know if this is hte right time for me to quit. I googled,duh. ANd got some great tips. PPL are either Gung Ho about cold turkey or theyre not.I dont think I am.For myself,I think Ill use the cut back method.It owrked when I got pregnant with Levi.It took me longer to quit with him,than it did with Jake.With Jake the mere mention of a smoke would have me hurling,but not with Levi. I can only imagine how big hed have been if I had not smoked for 3 months! Bad mom,I know.On these diet pills Ive been smoking up to a pack a day.Off the pills, a pack would last me like 4 days.So I really need to slow down! But I use my smokes as a reward system for myself.Like,I'll pick up and vaccum,then unload and reload the Dw,and maybe start a load of clothes. then go smoke while the washer is running.Maybe more than one,esp if im on the computer or reading a book.
I think that first thing in the moring smoking will be my worst,and driving. I do ok if Neil is driving,but when I drive,I just jam out and chain smoke.Yes,sadly with my kids in the car. I roll down my window almost all the way,and crack a back one.My mroning smoking is at the kitchen window "office". As in the laptop perched on a bar stool,and me in one of the extra folding chairs we have incase theres extras at supper. At least I have a view.Bad Sarah! I do ahve a fan blowing it out,or at least thats what I tell myself. The LR window is cracked,b/c even with the window open it will still smoke up in here.Its just been such a long winter! I had to get creative! And since I have been getting up before daylight,its nice to sit here,cup of half decaf,and a smoke.I like watching the sun come up! I guess Ill have to change my habits!!! I have a handme down bike,that I need to fix up,but its been too cold and sticky to do that.
Ok,Ive rambled enough this morning.Ive totally lost all train of thought.My kids are sick,so that distracts me! Im sure it does other moms too. No,far as I know,they arent deathly ill,but it does rock the boat.Sometimes I have issues going along with the waves.....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Some Beach....Somewhere....
Blake Shelton sings a song called , "Some Beach". Man I wish I was there right now! It was a gloomy ,nasty,COLD day in Dixie yesterday. THe sleet began the day before. Not to get caught unawares again,I did go get a few essentials. Like milk and bread. Which I needed.But other than that,I behaved! I did get me some more light pop corn to ride out another blizzard. Seems like the "blizzard" has past us now,so yall eastward can HAVE IT!lol. I kept Jake home from school, b/c I just knew they'd call it early.What do ya know,I was right? they cancelled school at noon30. I guess thats a good thing though,so the kids dont have to make up yet anothr day,next week. I seriously thought that after the snow last weekend,we were done! UM NOPE.But I am happy to report,my Mama got her snow! But she said it was a wet sticky mess! I reminded her that she'd been hoping for snow all winter. Ill call her this morning to see how much stuck. THis morn ing,schools are in around here. And Im sure there are a few patches of ice here and there,but nothing major.Todays hi is 45. We go from 75 to 25 to 45 in 3 freaking days.Its no wonder ppl stay sick all the time! {Fortunatly we have not been that sick this winter,but others sure have!}
SOme Beach....Ive joined a website called www.cruisecritic.com. It ,to me, is the BEST one out there for novices like me. Ppl have already asked all the silly lil questions that have run through my mind. Miss E said Id be a dern expert by the time we sailed. lol. I sure hope so. I hope in the coming year I can have all my qeustions answered,so that when we get on the ship,I can relax. Part of me wishes it was THIS march,not next March. But thats ok too.I think Im just sick of winter! I see members pictures of their vacations,and I think ahhhhh....... SOON! as in 371 days soon. I dont plan to wish a year away,but I am looking forward to it.
But theres a lot more going on than just cruising these days. I got my acceptance letter to return to college in the fall. I applied at a local Community college,as well as UT. I have to get them both my high school and college transcripts in. I wont know about UT until I do. Im trying to get Neil to go back to school too. At least one online class. I will be doing all of mine online in the fall. I hope to be fininshed with my degree in 3 years. I figure I can take 2 classes this fall and buck up and go full time in the spring. All from the comfort of my laptop and kitchen table. If there comes a time when I have to go to class,Ill cross that bridge when I get there. I think Im still a ways off from that. Im anxious to see what hours will actually transfer. THeyre gonna take a look at my transcripts and go....well....aside from Math,if she didnt stop going to class she did ok. But the F's b/c it was too late to drop,or if I had dropped I'd have had to pay back my pell grant,are not going to help me. Im not sure what classes Id like to take in the fall. Aside from my required Maths Ive got most of the basics out of the way. Like English,and some electives. THe good thing about being a transfer student,is the ones that the new college do not require,will most likely transfer as elective towards my degree. But I know Ill have to take some more History classes. Yay! lol. And I think Im done with all my English. I would like to take BRit Lit 2,just so I can come full circle with that knowledge. I made an A in lit 1. So theres more Id like to learn. I also want to take Sociology. It has nothing to do with my degree,but It does have my own personal interest. Ive taken Phych 1 and 2,and they were facinating to me. I just dont want to have to get my Masters,so I wont be changing to counseling or Phychology. So History it is.I need to look at the Comm College's website to see what else I may need to take...Ive still got a few minutes before Jake has to get up for school....
Ive also lost 22 lbs since Christmas. Only 18 more to go before the big ten year reunion. But being cooped up is not condusive to weightloss. But sweeping and vaccuming are! So far....I guess thats about it for today. Stay tuned......
SOme Beach....Ive joined a website called www.cruisecritic.com. It ,to me, is the BEST one out there for novices like me. Ppl have already asked all the silly lil questions that have run through my mind. Miss E said Id be a dern expert by the time we sailed. lol. I sure hope so. I hope in the coming year I can have all my qeustions answered,so that when we get on the ship,I can relax. Part of me wishes it was THIS march,not next March. But thats ok too.I think Im just sick of winter! I see members pictures of their vacations,and I think ahhhhh....... SOON! as in 371 days soon. I dont plan to wish a year away,but I am looking forward to it.
But theres a lot more going on than just cruising these days. I got my acceptance letter to return to college in the fall. I applied at a local Community college,as well as UT. I have to get them both my high school and college transcripts in. I wont know about UT until I do. Im trying to get Neil to go back to school too. At least one online class. I will be doing all of mine online in the fall. I hope to be fininshed with my degree in 3 years. I figure I can take 2 classes this fall and buck up and go full time in the spring. All from the comfort of my laptop and kitchen table. If there comes a time when I have to go to class,Ill cross that bridge when I get there. I think Im still a ways off from that. Im anxious to see what hours will actually transfer. THeyre gonna take a look at my transcripts and go....well....aside from Math,if she didnt stop going to class she did ok. But the F's b/c it was too late to drop,or if I had dropped I'd have had to pay back my pell grant,are not going to help me. Im not sure what classes Id like to take in the fall. Aside from my required Maths Ive got most of the basics out of the way. Like English,and some electives. THe good thing about being a transfer student,is the ones that the new college do not require,will most likely transfer as elective towards my degree. But I know Ill have to take some more History classes. Yay! lol. And I think Im done with all my English. I would like to take BRit Lit 2,just so I can come full circle with that knowledge. I made an A in lit 1. So theres more Id like to learn. I also want to take Sociology. It has nothing to do with my degree,but It does have my own personal interest. Ive taken Phych 1 and 2,and they were facinating to me. I just dont want to have to get my Masters,so I wont be changing to counseling or Phychology. So History it is.I need to look at the Comm College's website to see what else I may need to take...Ive still got a few minutes before Jake has to get up for school....
Ive also lost 22 lbs since Christmas. Only 18 more to go before the big ten year reunion. But being cooped up is not condusive to weightloss. But sweeping and vaccuming are! So far....I guess thats about it for today. Stay tuned......
Friday, March 6, 2009
Some Frugal Tips
While I don't claim to be the Queen of Frugality, I do have some cost cutting tips Id like to share.Neil and I have been in bind after bind.And somehow,{with HELP} made it through the times when we get behind on our housenote,car notes,whatever note.We live paycheck to paycheck,like most of our friends.We got waaay behind just before we got our refund.The thinking of,well thats not due unitil next week.....ANd we'd blow it.Not on useless stuff,but not alocate money for bills BEFORE anything else.Thats where we've screwed up. I watched my parents fight about money as a kid,and I swore I wouldnt be that way. Oh sometimes we have "serious discussions" about how to spend money,but not fuss. I used to think that marriages where one paid the bills,and the other just knew they were paid was silly.Wrong,I think they were on to something I didnt want to listen to.Neil and I are both dreamers.And for some reason that does not make for good finacial choices.Well,those days are over,{I HOPE} around here. I have the checkbook! He makes the money and I spend it.Meaning,that I pay the bills now,and let him know when they are paid.We have a tight budget.This week theres 60 bucks for groceries.That includes diapers.But thats ok.All I NEED is bread,some rice,and diapers.I may run out of milk later in the week,but since I dont plan to spend my 60 today,the 3 bucks will be there for a mid week gallon of milk. Instead of paying the small bills first,and getting behind on the house,I now put the money into a sperate savings account.There is a certian amount a week that MUST go put up for the housenote.Everything else comes after that.We have to have a place to live.Then the cars come next.Thanks to a benefactor,Neils truck note has been taken care of for a while.Not anymore.I told the benefactor that it would be paid on or around the first from now on.I truly hope that our new plan of action works. We've failed miserably so many times before.I pray that we will continue to make it.Not even putting any aside really.THe aside money until Dec will go to pay for our NonMoon next March.So,we've cut back! I look at EVERYTHING as a want or need.{excpt for that mad PMS dash last week}.So here are some of my tips:
1. Make your own....I make my own dishwasher det. with simple ingredients, I use baking soda and a few drops of essential oil for carpet fresh, use baking soda and vinegar for fabric softner, whatever you can hang outside to dry,do it. Today its blankets that need a wash,and since its warm and windy,they are outside hanging over lawn chairs.Use vinegar to mop with.I have a bottle of lysol concentrate I use a few drops of with the vinegar.Both clean well.
2. Plan in advance: that means groceries and diapers.I try to only make a Walmart run once a month. I buy the big boxes of Parents Choice diapers,and they work fine. Buy bigger size packs of meat,and divide it. I can strech 5 lbs of hamburger into about 7 meals.I put it in zippy bags wrapped in foil,and there ya go. I make extra servings of rice or pasta at one time to save on energy,and time. You can add the leftovers into a diffrent meal later in the week.I also have a "soup bag" in my freezer.I add whats left of veggies into that bag,and when it gets full,I make a pot of soup.And NO,I dont have a big freezer or deep freeze,so its always packed!
3.Stock up: If your favorite dish soap is on sale for a dollar,buy more than one.You know you will use it.And you wont run out. If Kroger has bread for a buck a loaf, buy a couple of them and put one in the freezer.Bread freezes well. Its getting to be spring,and we grill out.So buy the biggest bags of charcoal you can.You can even,this time of year buy the double bags for great savings.Shampoo and deoderant is the same way...
4. Use off Brands: I like Colgate toothpaste.But its like 3 dollars for the whitening kind.But Ultra Bright whitening is only a dollar.And its made by Colgate,so its the same stuff,IMO.You grew up on Kraft cheese.the block kind,well,Great Value or Best Choice taste just the same to me.I prefer Community Coffee.But since I cant get it here,with out paying hordendus shipping,I buy Great Value Brand,and its great.I also use Suave shampoo and conditioner.The "professional" line.Its not .99c, but 2 bottles of that at 1.97 is better than 3 bucks for Herbal Essences for one.I like the off brand body washes too.And cheap disposable razors.Not the one blade kind,and NEVER again the Noxema brand,I think it called Personal Choice.I also use the Dollar General toilet paper.Its 5.25 for 12 double rolls,and not like sand paper at all.And one pack last over a month.
5. GEt it on Sale: I like Bath and Body works body spray.I dont wear perfume too often,so I splash on the spray. BUT,I only buy it during their semi annual sale.I can get 6 months to a years worth of spray,and yes,even body wash and lotion, for what I owuld regularly pay for 3 bottles.There are some items I dont like off brand of,like garbage bags.But I buy them on sale and stock up.Our grocery store in town will have these meat madness sales.I got enough meat for a month for only 45 dollars.
6. USe handme downs: Kids are dirty little creatures! They put holes in the knees,and get koolaide on clothes. So why spend the big bucks on clothes they will simply outgrow and at times,ruin. I give and get. I gave a ton of baby clothes away,and then another friend gave me a hefty bag full of summer stuff for Jake. We aslo get Handme downs from Neils cousin who has 2 boys not too much older than Levi. I inturn will pass them on to Tam,who now has a baby boy.
7.Shop THrift Stores: Neil got a suit,a whole suit,at Goodwill last week for 17.00 bucks.ANd yes,its very nice,and I will be seen in public with him in it.I needed a tube pan for cakes.I looked at Walmart and they were anywhere from 15.00 and up. I got an identical one at Goodwill for 1.99. I brought it home and washed it,and waaaa laaa,cake pan. I dont reccomend them for shoes though.I have a thing about shoes fitting the child,or even adults feet right,and foot funk.
8. Buy needs not wants: I need to take my own advice here. Im working on it,lol. Ok, you see that cute shirt at Cato. Its so darling,its onsale,and its in your size. Do you need it? I mean really need it?
9. Learn from others: We can all help each other with tips these days.Wether is money tips or potty training tips,we can all teach each other things that we didnt know before.and like they say,Talk is cheap.and you never know how it may help you along the way.
Ok,I think Ive said enough for now.Neil and I by no means are finaicial whizzes.If we were,we wouldnt get behind......But maybe these tips Ive learned the hard way will help someone else whos just like me.....
1. Make your own....I make my own dishwasher det. with simple ingredients, I use baking soda and a few drops of essential oil for carpet fresh, use baking soda and vinegar for fabric softner, whatever you can hang outside to dry,do it. Today its blankets that need a wash,and since its warm and windy,they are outside hanging over lawn chairs.Use vinegar to mop with.I have a bottle of lysol concentrate I use a few drops of with the vinegar.Both clean well.
2. Plan in advance: that means groceries and diapers.I try to only make a Walmart run once a month. I buy the big boxes of Parents Choice diapers,and they work fine. Buy bigger size packs of meat,and divide it. I can strech 5 lbs of hamburger into about 7 meals.I put it in zippy bags wrapped in foil,and there ya go. I make extra servings of rice or pasta at one time to save on energy,and time. You can add the leftovers into a diffrent meal later in the week.I also have a "soup bag" in my freezer.I add whats left of veggies into that bag,and when it gets full,I make a pot of soup.And NO,I dont have a big freezer or deep freeze,so its always packed!
3.Stock up: If your favorite dish soap is on sale for a dollar,buy more than one.You know you will use it.And you wont run out. If Kroger has bread for a buck a loaf, buy a couple of them and put one in the freezer.Bread freezes well. Its getting to be spring,and we grill out.So buy the biggest bags of charcoal you can.You can even,this time of year buy the double bags for great savings.Shampoo and deoderant is the same way...
4. Use off Brands: I like Colgate toothpaste.But its like 3 dollars for the whitening kind.But Ultra Bright whitening is only a dollar.And its made by Colgate,so its the same stuff,IMO.You grew up on Kraft cheese.the block kind,well,Great Value or Best Choice taste just the same to me.I prefer Community Coffee.But since I cant get it here,with out paying hordendus shipping,I buy Great Value Brand,and its great.I also use Suave shampoo and conditioner.The "professional" line.Its not .99c, but 2 bottles of that at 1.97 is better than 3 bucks for Herbal Essences for one.I like the off brand body washes too.And cheap disposable razors.Not the one blade kind,and NEVER again the Noxema brand,I think it called Personal Choice.I also use the Dollar General toilet paper.Its 5.25 for 12 double rolls,and not like sand paper at all.And one pack last over a month.
5. GEt it on Sale: I like Bath and Body works body spray.I dont wear perfume too often,so I splash on the spray. BUT,I only buy it during their semi annual sale.I can get 6 months to a years worth of spray,and yes,even body wash and lotion, for what I owuld regularly pay for 3 bottles.There are some items I dont like off brand of,like garbage bags.But I buy them on sale and stock up.Our grocery store in town will have these meat madness sales.I got enough meat for a month for only 45 dollars.
6. USe handme downs: Kids are dirty little creatures! They put holes in the knees,and get koolaide on clothes. So why spend the big bucks on clothes they will simply outgrow and at times,ruin. I give and get. I gave a ton of baby clothes away,and then another friend gave me a hefty bag full of summer stuff for Jake. We aslo get Handme downs from Neils cousin who has 2 boys not too much older than Levi. I inturn will pass them on to Tam,who now has a baby boy.
7.Shop THrift Stores: Neil got a suit,a whole suit,at Goodwill last week for 17.00 bucks.ANd yes,its very nice,and I will be seen in public with him in it.I needed a tube pan for cakes.I looked at Walmart and they were anywhere from 15.00 and up. I got an identical one at Goodwill for 1.99. I brought it home and washed it,and waaaa laaa,cake pan. I dont reccomend them for shoes though.I have a thing about shoes fitting the child,or even adults feet right,and foot funk.
8. Buy needs not wants: I need to take my own advice here. Im working on it,lol. Ok, you see that cute shirt at Cato. Its so darling,its onsale,and its in your size. Do you need it? I mean really need it?
9. Learn from others: We can all help each other with tips these days.Wether is money tips or potty training tips,we can all teach each other things that we didnt know before.and like they say,Talk is cheap.and you never know how it may help you along the way.
Ok,I think Ive said enough for now.Neil and I by no means are finaicial whizzes.If we were,we wouldnt get behind......But maybe these tips Ive learned the hard way will help someone else whos just like me.....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Today,I AM A true DOmestic Godess
Just a few minutes ago I made my first ever batch of home grown laundry detergent.Yes,I did! It was easy! the ingredints simple,and cheap,and readily available in my area.{but at diffrent stores}. So in light of the economy,and things not getting any cheaper,and Niel not getting any over time,Ive had to get even more frugal.{ I say this today,after yesterday's Cruise blog,go figure.I gotta cut corners to pay for the dern thing!} So yesterday I googled and googled and googled somemore.After reading a ton of diffrent recipes,it came down to 3 basic ingredients.
Washing Soda ~ available in West Tn at Kroger
Borax~ everywhere,even in PoDunk where we live,&
A Bar of soap~ Some used Ivory,others,Zote,and any other kind you prefer.
Yesterday in my googling one lady reccomended airing out your bar of soap.Esp if you're going to be making the powdered kind,like I intended to do. So,I opend up this big pink bar of Zote that cost me .75 at SaveALot,and put it on the back steps.Last evening,just at dark,I went to retrieve my now freshly aired soap bar.ANd it was NOT there.The paper wrapper was in the back yard,but the bright pink bar was nowhere to be found.The dog had been let off her chain yesterday,so I went looking where I had seen her digging.Nope,Not there. I looked all over my yard! It was MIA.I thought,how in the hell could I miss seeing a big hot pink bar of soap? I aksed Jake if he had seen it.His reply was simple.Yes,he had.In the next door neighbors yard! And when I looked out the bathroom window,I saw it glowing in the twilight.The dog had taken it,but I was not looking in the right places.So,I retrieved the errant bar of Zote,complete with Dog teeth marks,and grass,and brought it home.I laid it on the counter to air out even further.Thinking it would crumble on my grater today.
UM WRONG. I think dog saliva has binding abilites unknown to man. The grass was dug in deep.Almost as deep as the cainine marks.So I managed to scrape it off. Ever in Racheal Ray form,I laid out the other items I needed. Essential oil, washing soda ,Borax,and baking soda. I began to grate the soap and these prettty pink ribbons appeared! Ahhhh,purdy....But they were too soft.So I broke out the handy dandy mini chopper. I measured the slivers to be sure I had 1 cup. I tossed them in for a good zap! UM NO.It looked like cheese curds stuck to the bottom of this thing. {Its supposed to be very fine for powedered det.}.THen a LIGHTBULB!
I thought I would go ahead and mix in my dry stuff and essential oil in the coffee can that I had planned to store it in.I mixed and Mixed. And SNeeezed and Sneezed.I already had the window open,per someone elses suggestion.Then the lightbulb plan came into play.I put the detergent,in 2 sperate batches,back into the mini chopper.Then I thought,Shit! Where am I gonna put the now refined stuff? Lightbulb! The Daisy sour cream container! I keep those things to double as tupperware.We're hi class,let me tell ya!
Well,after I zapped and Zapped the first batch,it didnt look very diffrent.When I took off the top I noticed the slivers were still curdled looking,only smaller. Screw it!!!I poured it into the large Daisy tub,and zapped the 2nd batch.It all fit! Yay,more space saving tips,brought to you by Sarah! SO,since I had made this lavender,lemon, concoction that promised to clean my fonkey clothes and what not,I had to start a load.I knew from googling that it would not sudz up.Ok,fine,.but another reccomendation was to run hot water in the washer for just a minute or so,so it would help break down the slivers.Did that! I didnt see any breakdown.Just hot pink floaties....Theres some sheets in there we let the dog sleep on,a teeny rug from the ktichen and one of Jakes sleeping bags.So we will see if the FONK is gone.
I also made up some new fabric softener yesterday too.Ive been just adding baking soda to my Gain,and vinegar in my downy ball.The clothes dont reek,but I do.Im a spiller! So I found a super easy recipe to use vinegar,hot water,and hair conditioner. if you know me personally,you know that Im sensative to stuff,and I always have extra crap like that around.So,I used some stuff that makes my head itch,and made up a batch. We will see......
But today,I feel like a Godess.Even in my braless,pajama clad state!!!I was going to mop the floor in just a minute,but I will have to teach Neil a lesson when he gets up.A Libman wonder mop head will not dry,even outside,if you dont move the sqeeze part up,and let the mop head hang.So since the wind is blowing here to beat the band {when is it not,really?} I hope it will dry out and I can mop tomorrow.I guess Im done for the day.....
3/6/09 Update! IT worked! The FONK is GONE!!!!
Washing Soda ~ available in West Tn at Kroger
Borax~ everywhere,even in PoDunk where we live,&
A Bar of soap~ Some used Ivory,others,Zote,and any other kind you prefer.
Yesterday in my googling one lady reccomended airing out your bar of soap.Esp if you're going to be making the powdered kind,like I intended to do. So,I opend up this big pink bar of Zote that cost me .75 at SaveALot,and put it on the back steps.Last evening,just at dark,I went to retrieve my now freshly aired soap bar.ANd it was NOT there.The paper wrapper was in the back yard,but the bright pink bar was nowhere to be found.The dog had been let off her chain yesterday,so I went looking where I had seen her digging.Nope,Not there. I looked all over my yard! It was MIA.I thought,how in the hell could I miss seeing a big hot pink bar of soap? I aksed Jake if he had seen it.His reply was simple.Yes,he had.In the next door neighbors yard! And when I looked out the bathroom window,I saw it glowing in the twilight.The dog had taken it,but I was not looking in the right places.So,I retrieved the errant bar of Zote,complete with Dog teeth marks,and grass,and brought it home.I laid it on the counter to air out even further.Thinking it would crumble on my grater today.
UM WRONG. I think dog saliva has binding abilites unknown to man. The grass was dug in deep.Almost as deep as the cainine marks.So I managed to scrape it off. Ever in Racheal Ray form,I laid out the other items I needed. Essential oil, washing soda ,Borax,and baking soda. I began to grate the soap and these prettty pink ribbons appeared! Ahhhh,purdy....But they were too soft.So I broke out the handy dandy mini chopper. I measured the slivers to be sure I had 1 cup. I tossed them in for a good zap! UM NO.It looked like cheese curds stuck to the bottom of this thing. {Its supposed to be very fine for powedered det.}.THen a LIGHTBULB!
I thought I would go ahead and mix in my dry stuff and essential oil in the coffee can that I had planned to store it in.I mixed and Mixed. And SNeeezed and Sneezed.I already had the window open,per someone elses suggestion.Then the lightbulb plan came into play.I put the detergent,in 2 sperate batches,back into the mini chopper.Then I thought,Shit! Where am I gonna put the now refined stuff? Lightbulb! The Daisy sour cream container! I keep those things to double as tupperware.We're hi class,let me tell ya!
Well,after I zapped and Zapped the first batch,it didnt look very diffrent.When I took off the top I noticed the slivers were still curdled looking,only smaller. Screw it!!!I poured it into the large Daisy tub,and zapped the 2nd batch.It all fit! Yay,more space saving tips,brought to you by Sarah! SO,since I had made this lavender,lemon, concoction that promised to clean my fonkey clothes and what not,I had to start a load.I knew from googling that it would not sudz up.Ok,fine,.but another reccomendation was to run hot water in the washer for just a minute or so,so it would help break down the slivers.Did that! I didnt see any breakdown.Just hot pink floaties....Theres some sheets in there we let the dog sleep on,a teeny rug from the ktichen and one of Jakes sleeping bags.So we will see if the FONK is gone.
I also made up some new fabric softener yesterday too.Ive been just adding baking soda to my Gain,and vinegar in my downy ball.The clothes dont reek,but I do.Im a spiller! So I found a super easy recipe to use vinegar,hot water,and hair conditioner. if you know me personally,you know that Im sensative to stuff,and I always have extra crap like that around.So,I used some stuff that makes my head itch,and made up a batch. We will see......
But today,I feel like a Godess.Even in my braless,pajama clad state!!!I was going to mop the floor in just a minute,but I will have to teach Neil a lesson when he gets up.A Libman wonder mop head will not dry,even outside,if you dont move the sqeeze part up,and let the mop head hang.So since the wind is blowing here to beat the band {when is it not,really?} I hope it will dry out and I can mop tomorrow.I guess Im done for the day.....
3/6/09 Update! IT worked! The FONK is GONE!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Going Cruising
On March 20,2010 Neil and I will embark on our first cruise.I'm calling it the Non-Moon,since we didnt take a honeymoon.We bought a house,a car,and had a baby.I'm so excited.
Neil and I have been talking about taking a cruise since we first met.I think it was even brought up in convo before we met. Neither of us have ever been on one. I was thinking the Bahama's, Jamaica,and like Turks and Caico's. But Neil had other ideas...He wants to take the Amtrak to New Orleans,La. {NOLA~for future reference}.So in light of the fact that we've never taken a vaction alone since we got married, we got to looking at cruises. Since he wants to take the train, it limited us to either NOLA,Mobile,and a strech of maybe Galveston,Tx. He said he flat didnt want to drive anywhere once we got to NOLA, and that limited us even more. As did a time frame. This year he has a hunting trip planned in the fall with his buddies. That will eat his vacation time this year. We also had to think about money too.As in,we dont have much,and cruises aint cheap. His mom has a friend,Miss E,Ill call her, and she is a travel agent out of her near Atlanta home. SO we knew that when we were ready to do this thing,we'd hit her up for booking and information. I emailed her and told her what we wanted to do. The advice started transmitting! She is a WEALTH of information. And she kinda knows,since Im a SAHM,that money would be an issue. With the tax refund I stashed some cash away,just for a deposit on a vacation for us. Whether it was a weekend to St.Loius,which is in driving distance,or a resort like Sandals, or wherever we wanted to go....So Neil and I began the process of narrowing it down. When I say "we",I mean "I". Im the traveler here, and the priceline junkie.lol. Some ppl shop for RV's, others guns, me? Its plane tickets baby! You never know when they may be having a sale you cant afford to pass up.
So,thanks to Miss E. we found Carnival Cruise line,and they leave from NOLA. As does Norweigen {sic} but looking at their prices,we could not afford them.Not right now,and not for a vacation we may or may not like. We knew we didnt want a long cruise,and we knew we had to wait until next year. As in pay on it all year, and use next years refund to pay for the extra's. I looked at Sandals in Montego Bay,Jamaica. Too much for our meager funds,even paying on it for a year. So Carnival it was. I called it the Clearance Rack of cruise lines. I think I mis said that though. From what Ive read on Cruise Critic.com theyre great. Not some fancy dnacy, stuffy cruise line,all about formal nights and pom and circumstance. Neil and I are not those kinds of ppl. I hope we never are. So, after hit and missing a few times, we chose the Carnival Triumph. It basically is the only ship { I called it a boat,and buddy did I get corrected!} that leaves NOLA that we could afford. Its an older ship,but has recently been refurbished.
Im cheap when I travel. I figure if I can save on accomodations,I can go more places. So I was thinking an ocean view room,nothing fancy.Just eating 24/7. Laying in the sun,and sipping somehting with an umbrella in it for a few days. Then Miss E told me you cant open the windows in an ocean view room {yes,my dumb redneck ass asked}. So,we booked a balcony room. And I cringed! Not that we didnt get a good deal,or even a great room {I hope}, still...Ive never spent this much money at one time for a vaction in my life. If you add up everything, train ride, hotel one night in NOLA, crusie, crap on the cruise, alcohol, and tips..Ive probably spent that much combined on every trip Ive taken as an adult. That includes 2 trips to Cali and one to Philly.and everywhere else in between Ive gone. So probably right at what has been spent out of my won pocket. That does not include the things on these trips that have been paid for in my behalf. But still. I guess Im going through what car buyers call "Sticker Schock". And its still cheaper than 5 days at an all inclusive resort. I told my mom I was having some "buyers remorse". She reminded me #1 that you only live once, and #2,that we're doing this smart. as in not putting off bills to go on vacation,and we're booking so far in advance that surely we can pay off the balance before the Dec 31 deadline.
The kids,tentavily will be staying with grandparents. Jake with the ExMil, and Levi with the my current {and rest of my life}MIL.On an aside note,is it once a MIL always a MIL? Thats how I feel about my ex one.Anyway. We've yet to ask Neils folks if they can keep Levi. I guess if she reads this she will see...lol.
So now I have over a year for my anal retenvie self to plan plan plan.Im a combo of both. Ready to go anywhere,anytime,if I can afford to,and then if I can plan,I google until Im crosseyed.I got a copy of Cruising For Dummys,the 07 edition on amazon for .75 plus shipping. So I cant wait for it to get here. The main plan is to RELAX with my wonderful hubby. Miles out on the ocean,out on our balcony,and call room service at 3 am ,just cuz we can.......
Neil and I have been talking about taking a cruise since we first met.I think it was even brought up in convo before we met. Neither of us have ever been on one. I was thinking the Bahama's, Jamaica,and like Turks and Caico's. But Neil had other ideas...He wants to take the Amtrak to New Orleans,La. {NOLA~for future reference}.So in light of the fact that we've never taken a vaction alone since we got married, we got to looking at cruises. Since he wants to take the train, it limited us to either NOLA,Mobile,and a strech of maybe Galveston,Tx. He said he flat didnt want to drive anywhere once we got to NOLA, and that limited us even more. As did a time frame. This year he has a hunting trip planned in the fall with his buddies. That will eat his vacation time this year. We also had to think about money too.As in,we dont have much,and cruises aint cheap. His mom has a friend,Miss E,Ill call her, and she is a travel agent out of her near Atlanta home. SO we knew that when we were ready to do this thing,we'd hit her up for booking and information. I emailed her and told her what we wanted to do. The advice started transmitting! She is a WEALTH of information. And she kinda knows,since Im a SAHM,that money would be an issue. With the tax refund I stashed some cash away,just for a deposit on a vacation for us. Whether it was a weekend to St.Loius,which is in driving distance,or a resort like Sandals, or wherever we wanted to go....So Neil and I began the process of narrowing it down. When I say "we",I mean "I". Im the traveler here, and the priceline junkie.lol. Some ppl shop for RV's, others guns, me? Its plane tickets baby! You never know when they may be having a sale you cant afford to pass up.
So,thanks to Miss E. we found Carnival Cruise line,and they leave from NOLA. As does Norweigen {sic} but looking at their prices,we could not afford them.Not right now,and not for a vacation we may or may not like. We knew we didnt want a long cruise,and we knew we had to wait until next year. As in pay on it all year, and use next years refund to pay for the extra's. I looked at Sandals in Montego Bay,Jamaica. Too much for our meager funds,even paying on it for a year. So Carnival it was. I called it the Clearance Rack of cruise lines. I think I mis said that though. From what Ive read on Cruise Critic.com theyre great. Not some fancy dnacy, stuffy cruise line,all about formal nights and pom and circumstance. Neil and I are not those kinds of ppl. I hope we never are. So, after hit and missing a few times, we chose the Carnival Triumph. It basically is the only ship { I called it a boat,and buddy did I get corrected!} that leaves NOLA that we could afford. Its an older ship,but has recently been refurbished.
Im cheap when I travel. I figure if I can save on accomodations,I can go more places. So I was thinking an ocean view room,nothing fancy.Just eating 24/7. Laying in the sun,and sipping somehting with an umbrella in it for a few days. Then Miss E told me you cant open the windows in an ocean view room {yes,my dumb redneck ass asked}. So,we booked a balcony room. And I cringed! Not that we didnt get a good deal,or even a great room {I hope}, still...Ive never spent this much money at one time for a vaction in my life. If you add up everything, train ride, hotel one night in NOLA, crusie, crap on the cruise, alcohol, and tips..Ive probably spent that much combined on every trip Ive taken as an adult. That includes 2 trips to Cali and one to Philly.and everywhere else in between Ive gone. So probably right at what has been spent out of my won pocket. That does not include the things on these trips that have been paid for in my behalf. But still. I guess Im going through what car buyers call "Sticker Schock". And its still cheaper than 5 days at an all inclusive resort. I told my mom I was having some "buyers remorse". She reminded me #1 that you only live once, and #2,that we're doing this smart. as in not putting off bills to go on vacation,and we're booking so far in advance that surely we can pay off the balance before the Dec 31 deadline.
The kids,tentavily will be staying with grandparents. Jake with the ExMil, and Levi with the my current {and rest of my life}MIL.On an aside note,is it once a MIL always a MIL? Thats how I feel about my ex one.Anyway. We've yet to ask Neils folks if they can keep Levi. I guess if she reads this she will see...lol.
So now I have over a year for my anal retenvie self to plan plan plan.Im a combo of both. Ready to go anywhere,anytime,if I can afford to,and then if I can plan,I google until Im crosseyed.I got a copy of Cruising For Dummys,the 07 edition on amazon for .75 plus shipping. So I cant wait for it to get here. The main plan is to RELAX with my wonderful hubby. Miles out on the ocean,out on our balcony,and call room service at 3 am ,just cuz we can.......
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The National Weather Serivce in Memphis Tn yesterday issued a Winter Storm warning for West Tn,East AR,and North Ms.....
They've done this before,and not much has come of it.The report said rain in the morning and turing into snow in the afternoon.Up to 6" in the extreme Northern Counties {which we live in}. I honestly didnt think too much of it.Well, I should have! Yesterday afternoon,I was running low on bread,milk,and eggs. The major components of the mad dash to the grocery store. I said,snow?Pshhh! Welp,I was WRONG!!! When the golf ball size flakes began to fall yesterday afternoon,I made that mad dash to the local grocery store.Me and everybody else! I detest driivng in snow.It literally makes me dizzy.But I had to.I had 2 pieces of bread left,and less than a half a gallon of milk.and like 3 eggs.I made the mistake of running in there hungry and hurried.I wound up spending 100 bucks on blizzard junk! three diffrent kinds of microwave popcorn,a coke,chips,and fruit roll ups.Funny how fast that stuff ads up.The week before I had only spent 95,and got enough essentials for 3 weeks.But htis was not essentials.This was FEAR promptiing me....But I was NOT alone. Every loon in my country who had not given NOAA their credit was there too.That place was a mad house! As Ive said before,we have tornado shelters where we live,not snow plows.Well,I think the teeny town I live in,now needs one. I will be writting my alderman!:) Oh,sure,I got coffee and smokes.Im not crazy or anything.So personally,thats all I really need to ride out a blizzard.I can live on Ramen Noodles.But the kids and hubby,not so much.lol.
Im sitting at my kitchen window perch,screen still off,so I can hold my smoke out the window,cup of hot half decaf in had,and a key board in front of me.Im looking to my left and what do my wandering eyes do I see? TEN inches of snow! Tam and them,farther south about an hour have 15 inches in places. I have yet to venture down the back steps,but Im sure we have 15 in a few places.This is a wet sticky snow.Its on everything that aint nailed down,and even stuff that is. It is abosolutly BEAUTIFUL too.THis is the prettiest snow we've had all year.After the ice we had,not so long ago,I'll take the snow anyday. I have a dear friend who lives in the Upper Pen of Michigan.I'm sure shed be laughing at my hysterics over a measly 10 inches. they get 5 feet at a time! Ya'll can hang that mess up.My Mama who lives in Bowling Green,KY was jealus last night! Jealus! she wants just one good real snow,so she can take pictures.I told them to come on down! Im sure Tam and I both owuld let her take pics at our houses,lol.
I know Ive blogged about winter storm readiness.But this time I was aboslutely caught unawares.Im one of those people that when they call for snow on Saturday,Im shopping on Tuesday to stock up! Not this time,and NEVER AGAIN! I will have a loaf of bread stashed in my freezer, a bar of soap {as one of my unnamed buddies didnt realize she was out of,and didn't like the idea of using her hubby's manly body wash} stashed in my bathroom closet. CRap! I just remembered,Im running low on dishwashing liquid. But I will add water to the already generic liquid I have in my purdy palmolive bottle and make it stretch. I have stuff to make my own laundry detergent if need be.And the clothes are all clean.The dishes from last night are the only ones in the sink. SO I guess in my cleaning house respect,I'm fine there. THe cable has not gone out,and if it does,we have a DVD player and DVD's for the young uns. I have a copy of The Filthy Thirteen, my next WW2 biography.SO Im good to go.My only real concern is Neil.Its his weekend to work.So he has to drive the 8 miles home from work in this mess.But he assures me he can do it.He aint let me down yet,but I will pray every minute from the time his shift ends at 7 AM until he gets home for his saftey.
I do think I will FINALLY get Levi out to play today.Its supposed to get above freezing,and hes not been sick.So I guess I will bite the bullet,bundle him up like a bed bug {think Ralphie's little brother in A Chirstmas Story} and let him frolic and leap in the white stuff. He see's Moose A. Moose talk about it on Noggin.So I think today is the day. Jake,ever my early riser,asked if there was enough to build a snowman.I told him Yes,there was enough to build a whole snowman FAMILY!lol.
THe SUnrise this morning is so beautiful.THe snow drifts are beginning to glisten,and the birds are coming out. I have a bag od bird seed stashed for just this day. I normally feed them old chips,cereal,and yesterday it was bashed up stale preztels.I do what I can,:). I really hope this is the last of the winter weather,at least until Novemeber. But maybe not.Last year,it snowed 6 inches the 2nd week of March! I came home from my weekend in PHilly,to the next weekend getting snowed in in Dixie! One thing I will say,Im glad Crystal got her snow.She lives 3 hrs south of me,and gets mad that the weather misses them so much. We ALWAYS get it she says.Not this time! She called me justa giggling last night.Happy as a clam to be getting snowed in! I told her she was crazy,lol. Im so sick of it.But I guess that hormonal Old LAdy,named Old Man Winter is just doing its job! Im ready for it to take a sebatical!
They've done this before,and not much has come of it.The report said rain in the morning and turing into snow in the afternoon.Up to 6" in the extreme Northern Counties {which we live in}. I honestly didnt think too much of it.Well, I should have! Yesterday afternoon,I was running low on bread,milk,and eggs. The major components of the mad dash to the grocery store. I said,snow?Pshhh! Welp,I was WRONG!!! When the golf ball size flakes began to fall yesterday afternoon,I made that mad dash to the local grocery store.Me and everybody else! I detest driivng in snow.It literally makes me dizzy.But I had to.I had 2 pieces of bread left,and less than a half a gallon of milk.and like 3 eggs.I made the mistake of running in there hungry and hurried.I wound up spending 100 bucks on blizzard junk! three diffrent kinds of microwave popcorn,a coke,chips,and fruit roll ups.Funny how fast that stuff ads up.The week before I had only spent 95,and got enough essentials for 3 weeks.But htis was not essentials.This was FEAR promptiing me....But I was NOT alone. Every loon in my country who had not given NOAA their credit was there too.That place was a mad house! As Ive said before,we have tornado shelters where we live,not snow plows.Well,I think the teeny town I live in,now needs one. I will be writting my alderman!:) Oh,sure,I got coffee and smokes.Im not crazy or anything.So personally,thats all I really need to ride out a blizzard.I can live on Ramen Noodles.But the kids and hubby,not so much.lol.
Im sitting at my kitchen window perch,screen still off,so I can hold my smoke out the window,cup of hot half decaf in had,and a key board in front of me.Im looking to my left and what do my wandering eyes do I see? TEN inches of snow! Tam and them,farther south about an hour have 15 inches in places. I have yet to venture down the back steps,but Im sure we have 15 in a few places.This is a wet sticky snow.Its on everything that aint nailed down,and even stuff that is. It is abosolutly BEAUTIFUL too.THis is the prettiest snow we've had all year.After the ice we had,not so long ago,I'll take the snow anyday. I have a dear friend who lives in the Upper Pen of Michigan.I'm sure shed be laughing at my hysterics over a measly 10 inches. they get 5 feet at a time! Ya'll can hang that mess up.My Mama who lives in Bowling Green,KY was jealus last night! Jealus! she wants just one good real snow,so she can take pictures.I told them to come on down! Im sure Tam and I both owuld let her take pics at our houses,lol.
I know Ive blogged about winter storm readiness.But this time I was aboslutely caught unawares.Im one of those people that when they call for snow on Saturday,Im shopping on Tuesday to stock up! Not this time,and NEVER AGAIN! I will have a loaf of bread stashed in my freezer, a bar of soap {as one of my unnamed buddies didnt realize she was out of,and didn't like the idea of using her hubby's manly body wash} stashed in my bathroom closet. CRap! I just remembered,Im running low on dishwashing liquid. But I will add water to the already generic liquid I have in my purdy palmolive bottle and make it stretch. I have stuff to make my own laundry detergent if need be.And the clothes are all clean.The dishes from last night are the only ones in the sink. SO I guess in my cleaning house respect,I'm fine there. THe cable has not gone out,and if it does,we have a DVD player and DVD's for the young uns. I have a copy of The Filthy Thirteen, my next WW2 biography.SO Im good to go.My only real concern is Neil.Its his weekend to work.So he has to drive the 8 miles home from work in this mess.But he assures me he can do it.He aint let me down yet,but I will pray every minute from the time his shift ends at 7 AM until he gets home for his saftey.
I do think I will FINALLY get Levi out to play today.Its supposed to get above freezing,and hes not been sick.So I guess I will bite the bullet,bundle him up like a bed bug {think Ralphie's little brother in A Chirstmas Story} and let him frolic and leap in the white stuff. He see's Moose A. Moose talk about it on Noggin.So I think today is the day. Jake,ever my early riser,asked if there was enough to build a snowman.I told him Yes,there was enough to build a whole snowman FAMILY!lol.
THe SUnrise this morning is so beautiful.THe snow drifts are beginning to glisten,and the birds are coming out. I have a bag od bird seed stashed for just this day. I normally feed them old chips,cereal,and yesterday it was bashed up stale preztels.I do what I can,:). I really hope this is the last of the winter weather,at least until Novemeber. But maybe not.Last year,it snowed 6 inches the 2nd week of March! I came home from my weekend in PHilly,to the next weekend getting snowed in in Dixie! One thing I will say,Im glad Crystal got her snow.She lives 3 hrs south of me,and gets mad that the weather misses them so much. We ALWAYS get it she says.Not this time! She called me justa giggling last night.Happy as a clam to be getting snowed in! I told her she was crazy,lol. Im so sick of it.But I guess that hormonal Old LAdy,named Old Man Winter is just doing its job! Im ready for it to take a sebatical!
snowed in with 2 boys,
southern snow,
winter weather
Monday, February 23, 2009
Well,it kinda looks like a GNAT.
Saturday evening my friend Tamri and I went to the local tattoo shop.I had been on the fence about getting another one.Well,I knew I wanted one,but didnt want to be super selfish and get one.But with the refund,we paid off some little bills,and caught up so good on my truck note,we dont owe until April.ANd I stocked up on groceries,for I hope almost a month,aside from bread and milk.I guess If I was a true domestic godess,Id be making it myself.lol.
ANyway.The first trip,the tattoo guy was too busy.ITs a small town shop,and the guy who owns it,is the one who does the ink.Its a neat little place,with tattoo pics on the wall,a couch to comfortable wait,and even a pool table.Its kind of a hang out spot in town.ANyway.So Mike told us to call later.By the time we got back to my house,all of 5 minutes later,Tamri had changed her mind.She was really on the fence about it.We had had a discussion earlier in the day about soemthing selfish just for her.She told me shed painted her kitchen,and they were getting a new fridge.I told her those things were great.Her kitchen is now a beautiful rusty red color.I love it!But it was not something JUST FOR HER!She is a great wife and mom,and like many of us,has that guilt complex.Like putting them first,and your needs,or wants second.I do that too,but sometimes,I just need to do something for ME.With out my family,and something selfish.That does not happen too often either,b/c of the mom guilt stuff.
So when we got back,I got to looking for flowers.To add to the flower I already have.ANd was thinking of connecting them with some ivy.The idea was to have a flower,as a symbol of each of my boys.So I knew I wanted them to be diffrent.B/c my kids are so diffrent.But connected at the same time.Well,I got to toodling around online,thanks to google,and found the colors I wanted,and then I saw it.A teeny lil bumble bee.I thought,WHAAA LAAA! Ill get a bumble bee AND another flower.THe bee to represent my Pap.He could catch white faced bumble bees with his bear hands.ANd in the searching I saw a few music note tattoos.Tam,who was standing kinda behind me,saw it too.A light bulb went off! She knew she wanted a nautical star.Her father died when she was 16,and she wanted a big star with 16 lil ones aorund it.But not on her foot.Well,she saw the music notes and changed her mind back to getting one.She ran outside all excited that shed figured out what she wanted! So her husband came inside,looked at some of the designs,and in 2 minutes flat {not exageratting} had drawn her up a beautiful tattoo.It was a small nautical star,with a music staff,and an 8th note on the staff.Its very pretty.and suits her.She talks to her Daddy in the stars,and LOVES music.He drew me a few bumble bees and a cute flower too.So back to the ink shop we went.Armed with no more than 50 bucks apiece in cash and Tido's ktichen table designs.It was Tams suggestion that I put the bumble bee between the flowers,on the ivy.
So,Mike was finsihing up with one,and we were next.Tam had decided to get hers on her foot too.I told her mine didnt hurt.That yes,it was irritating,and at times kinda burned,but was not painful.Mike,took her design and tweaked it just a bit.He detailed the star,and shortend the staff.just for space issue.and purlple and black colors were chosen.Mine took a bit longer.Ever the picky bitch,lol.He looked at my original tattoo,and looked some more.He decided that connecting them with ivy wouldn't quite work.I assume it is due to the shape and location of the lilly i have.So we decicded on just a teeny bee,and flower.The first one he drew up,I didnt like too much.It had rounded petals.I wanted more pointy ones.So I found a pointy one,and he drew it up.EH scteched a teeny bumble bee.I insited he not be a happy bee.Just a neutral looking one,but HAD to have a white dot on his face.So he came up with a stencil for the both of us,we liked.
I asked Tamri to go first,so she wouldnt chicken out.It was kinda so I could have more time to really decide if I was ready to do this thang,lol.She sat up,half prone,and stuck her left foot up there,ever to be changed.She sat there with her cell phone and played tetris the whole time.The woman didnt even FLINCH.Not one time did she go backing up the chair,she didnt holler,or cry,or ANYTHING! She just sat there like someone was painting her toenails.Like I said the tattoo shop is kinda the hangout spot,and all the guys hanging out could see her "loosing her virginity".THey were VERY impressed by her stoic sitting there.It turned out beautiful.
Now mine...I climbed up,and sat in the same semi prone position.I looked at everyone,and told them not to talk to me {except for Tam},and that I was sorry if I sang horribly! Having sung the whole time during my first one,I was not quite sure what I would do this time.There was heavy metal blaring in the back ground,and Mike was in the zone.He told me every step he was going to take.I looked at the stencil placement,and final desgin.I was happy with it.I asked him if he would re-color my first one,since it had faded.I asked him what the charge would be.{I had taken more than 50,but didnt want to spend more than that on the actual tattoo,and was willing to pay more for a fill in}.He said nothing,and the only diffrence was that the original center is orange,and he already had yellow out.So I just asked him to do the center dot with yellow.I looked at the outline after it was inked,approved and he began the color.During this time I was singing! THank Heaven I have every Terri Clark album,so I started with Just the Same,and went down through time,with what ever songs came to mind.Then I ran out of songs about the time he finished with the outlines.It was hurting like hell,so I busted out with ROw your Boat.SOmeone said,Now everybody,and all the men in that place were howling Row Row Row your boat,over the metal! I got tickled! It was enough for me not not to puss out and finish.I kept thinking about childbirth,and how getting inked this second time kinda felt like it did when Caleb crowned.It burned!lol.The worse it hurt,the louder I howled.Just as I finished with a bad rendtion of Janis Joplins Bobby Magee,he was done.Then I informed Mike,the tattoo guy,that many had doen that song,but Kris Kristopperson,the song writter,didnt know she had even recorded it,until after she died of an overdose.So,as soon as the needle gun,that kinda sounds like a dentist drill stopped,I felt normal.lol.I looked down at my now colored new ink,and smiled.I was happy with the way it turned out.Tam was happy,so after some tattoo care instructions,we paid and left.I tipped him,b/c of the recoloring,which he tried to give back to me,and I refused it.
So,we get home,Tamri and I took some pictures of our newly inked feet,side by side,and they went home.Then I got to looking at the Bumble bee.Its a teeny thing,no bigger than a penny,or dime in diamater.The wings are kinda fonkey.The shape is right,the face is white,there is no cheesy grin on the bee's face.But the wings look like sticks.Like little lines that dont connect to anything.You can see some rounded wings,but its like the legs got inked on backwards.It dont look BAD per se',but kinda confusing.My Mama asked how come its legs got put on top.In the excitement,and pain,of actually getting new ink,I didnt notice it.The head,body,and even top antenna's are anatomically correct.the color is good.I didnt want a bunch of color in it.Just bold black lines with some yellow.It looks kinda like a stripped gnat.lol.One day,I will go back and have him "fix" it.Like childbirth,you forget the pain.So when I forget how it burned like hell,and stung like the bee,I will get another one.Im thinking a butterfly on my left shoulder.Id like it on my neck,just below my hair line,but if Im going to become a teacher,one day,I dont think that would be quite right.Nothing wrong at ALL with tattoos.I guess techinaclly I now have 3,but being in a conspicious place like mu hair line might now float well with school admin.
So Now,I wait.It does not look bad at all.Maybe its supposed to look like that.Like the legs are tucked under so tight you cant see them,and the wings are in motion,and the way its captured,shows that.Its cute between my flowers.
So now,I have 2 flowers and a bumble bee on my foot.I personally think its horrible tacky to get names on you.Even if it is your kids.But for sure not a lover,or spouse.Not that I dont think my marriage is a permante fixture in my life.But my Pap and kids are for SURE.My mom likes that I got a bee.She was very close to her Daddy,who the bee is for,and had never thought about a bee for a permant memorial to him.I had not either.But its now there.and though there are no names and dates,I have it.As a permanate reminder of my own bee charmer who touched my life and who could charm the bees.And the flowers are my babies.In permanate bloom,ever enhancing my life with their innocent beauty.
ANyway.The first trip,the tattoo guy was too busy.ITs a small town shop,and the guy who owns it,is the one who does the ink.Its a neat little place,with tattoo pics on the wall,a couch to comfortable wait,and even a pool table.Its kind of a hang out spot in town.ANyway.So Mike told us to call later.By the time we got back to my house,all of 5 minutes later,Tamri had changed her mind.She was really on the fence about it.We had had a discussion earlier in the day about soemthing selfish just for her.She told me shed painted her kitchen,and they were getting a new fridge.I told her those things were great.Her kitchen is now a beautiful rusty red color.I love it!But it was not something JUST FOR HER!She is a great wife and mom,and like many of us,has that guilt complex.Like putting them first,and your needs,or wants second.I do that too,but sometimes,I just need to do something for ME.With out my family,and something selfish.That does not happen too often either,b/c of the mom guilt stuff.
So when we got back,I got to looking for flowers.To add to the flower I already have.ANd was thinking of connecting them with some ivy.The idea was to have a flower,as a symbol of each of my boys.So I knew I wanted them to be diffrent.B/c my kids are so diffrent.But connected at the same time.Well,I got to toodling around online,thanks to google,and found the colors I wanted,and then I saw it.A teeny lil bumble bee.I thought,WHAAA LAAA! Ill get a bumble bee AND another flower.THe bee to represent my Pap.He could catch white faced bumble bees with his bear hands.ANd in the searching I saw a few music note tattoos.Tam,who was standing kinda behind me,saw it too.A light bulb went off! She knew she wanted a nautical star.Her father died when she was 16,and she wanted a big star with 16 lil ones aorund it.But not on her foot.Well,she saw the music notes and changed her mind back to getting one.She ran outside all excited that shed figured out what she wanted! So her husband came inside,looked at some of the designs,and in 2 minutes flat {not exageratting} had drawn her up a beautiful tattoo.It was a small nautical star,with a music staff,and an 8th note on the staff.Its very pretty.and suits her.She talks to her Daddy in the stars,and LOVES music.He drew me a few bumble bees and a cute flower too.So back to the ink shop we went.Armed with no more than 50 bucks apiece in cash and Tido's ktichen table designs.It was Tams suggestion that I put the bumble bee between the flowers,on the ivy.
So,Mike was finsihing up with one,and we were next.Tam had decided to get hers on her foot too.I told her mine didnt hurt.That yes,it was irritating,and at times kinda burned,but was not painful.Mike,took her design and tweaked it just a bit.He detailed the star,and shortend the staff.just for space issue.and purlple and black colors were chosen.Mine took a bit longer.Ever the picky bitch,lol.He looked at my original tattoo,and looked some more.He decided that connecting them with ivy wouldn't quite work.I assume it is due to the shape and location of the lilly i have.So we decicded on just a teeny bee,and flower.The first one he drew up,I didnt like too much.It had rounded petals.I wanted more pointy ones.So I found a pointy one,and he drew it up.EH scteched a teeny bumble bee.I insited he not be a happy bee.Just a neutral looking one,but HAD to have a white dot on his face.So he came up with a stencil for the both of us,we liked.
I asked Tamri to go first,so she wouldnt chicken out.It was kinda so I could have more time to really decide if I was ready to do this thang,lol.She sat up,half prone,and stuck her left foot up there,ever to be changed.She sat there with her cell phone and played tetris the whole time.The woman didnt even FLINCH.Not one time did she go backing up the chair,she didnt holler,or cry,or ANYTHING! She just sat there like someone was painting her toenails.Like I said the tattoo shop is kinda the hangout spot,and all the guys hanging out could see her "loosing her virginity".THey were VERY impressed by her stoic sitting there.It turned out beautiful.
Now mine...I climbed up,and sat in the same semi prone position.I looked at everyone,and told them not to talk to me {except for Tam},and that I was sorry if I sang horribly! Having sung the whole time during my first one,I was not quite sure what I would do this time.There was heavy metal blaring in the back ground,and Mike was in the zone.He told me every step he was going to take.I looked at the stencil placement,and final desgin.I was happy with it.I asked him if he would re-color my first one,since it had faded.I asked him what the charge would be.{I had taken more than 50,but didnt want to spend more than that on the actual tattoo,and was willing to pay more for a fill in}.He said nothing,and the only diffrence was that the original center is orange,and he already had yellow out.So I just asked him to do the center dot with yellow.I looked at the outline after it was inked,approved and he began the color.During this time I was singing! THank Heaven I have every Terri Clark album,so I started with Just the Same,and went down through time,with what ever songs came to mind.Then I ran out of songs about the time he finished with the outlines.It was hurting like hell,so I busted out with ROw your Boat.SOmeone said,Now everybody,and all the men in that place were howling Row Row Row your boat,over the metal! I got tickled! It was enough for me not not to puss out and finish.I kept thinking about childbirth,and how getting inked this second time kinda felt like it did when Caleb crowned.It burned!lol.The worse it hurt,the louder I howled.Just as I finished with a bad rendtion of Janis Joplins Bobby Magee,he was done.Then I informed Mike,the tattoo guy,that many had doen that song,but Kris Kristopperson,the song writter,didnt know she had even recorded it,until after she died of an overdose.So,as soon as the needle gun,that kinda sounds like a dentist drill stopped,I felt normal.lol.I looked down at my now colored new ink,and smiled.I was happy with the way it turned out.Tam was happy,so after some tattoo care instructions,we paid and left.I tipped him,b/c of the recoloring,which he tried to give back to me,and I refused it.
So,we get home,Tamri and I took some pictures of our newly inked feet,side by side,and they went home.Then I got to looking at the Bumble bee.Its a teeny thing,no bigger than a penny,or dime in diamater.The wings are kinda fonkey.The shape is right,the face is white,there is no cheesy grin on the bee's face.But the wings look like sticks.Like little lines that dont connect to anything.You can see some rounded wings,but its like the legs got inked on backwards.It dont look BAD per se',but kinda confusing.My Mama asked how come its legs got put on top.In the excitement,and pain,of actually getting new ink,I didnt notice it.The head,body,and even top antenna's are anatomically correct.the color is good.I didnt want a bunch of color in it.Just bold black lines with some yellow.It looks kinda like a stripped gnat.lol.One day,I will go back and have him "fix" it.Like childbirth,you forget the pain.So when I forget how it burned like hell,and stung like the bee,I will get another one.Im thinking a butterfly on my left shoulder.Id like it on my neck,just below my hair line,but if Im going to become a teacher,one day,I dont think that would be quite right.Nothing wrong at ALL with tattoos.I guess techinaclly I now have 3,but being in a conspicious place like mu hair line might now float well with school admin.
So Now,I wait.It does not look bad at all.Maybe its supposed to look like that.Like the legs are tucked under so tight you cant see them,and the wings are in motion,and the way its captured,shows that.Its cute between my flowers.
So now,I have 2 flowers and a bumble bee on my foot.I personally think its horrible tacky to get names on you.Even if it is your kids.But for sure not a lover,or spouse.Not that I dont think my marriage is a permante fixture in my life.But my Pap and kids are for SURE.My mom likes that I got a bee.She was very close to her Daddy,who the bee is for,and had never thought about a bee for a permant memorial to him.I had not either.But its now there.and though there are no names and dates,I have it.As a permanate reminder of my own bee charmer who touched my life and who could charm the bees.And the flowers are my babies.In permanate bloom,ever enhancing my life with their innocent beauty.
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