Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cooped Up!

Today is Saturday.It has been more than just a cold snap here in Dixieland.Its been cold.Freezing cold.So cold,in fact,Becky,whos from the Upper Pen. of Michigan,is taking to wearing a coat.So I ahev not been able to get out and walk!I felt like my energy levels were up when I did that.Kinda got me started.Welp,I havent felt like Ive gotten started over the last couple of days.My bedroom is still a mess,as I chose to chat on the phone non stop all day.I have recoonected with an old friend,and that to me was more important.But buddy i was marching all over the yard,trying to blow off a whole pill.Levi has not been sleeping good,so in turn,neither have I.ANd b/c hes not sleeping good,hes grumpy.Hes not sick either,hes just tired of being cooped up with me!He goes to the door and looks at me all pittyful like,and says in his head,But mom,the sun is shinning,im supposed to get to go out and play!But alas,its been too bloody cold to do that.I have tried working out on my ball to do crunches.Not happening.b/c hes not napping either!I know I sound whinny,but oh well.Im back to half a pill,but I think next wek,Ill be taking a whole one.The frigid air is supposed to clear out and be back in the upper 40's again.I can handle that with a coat and some gloves.Even the kids can too.Its been sunny fortuantly,if it had been dreary,Id have been ready to check myself in somewhere.I dont think its affected my moods too much.Im still goofy,and hostile.Nope,no change have been writting book long emails.But thats ok least my hands will be fitter {is that a word?}.
Ok,for weight numbers.Its been a week,right? At this point,I couldnt tell ya.I weighed jsut a few ago,nude.My handy dandy,cheapo,Walmart scales say 213.So,3 lbs so far.I want to loose this stuff graudally.No,I lied,not really,I want to wake up and be 160.But Im supposed to take it off gradually.Thanks to even half a pill,I have not had the munchies too bad.Normally when its cold,Im baking up a storm and eating everything in sight.So theres that plus.Ive decided to weekly email my tribe with my own updates.In hopes to encoruage them.Tam was able to put on pants shes had stashed and to quote her,"didnt even have to lay on the bed to zip em up!" so snaps for Tam!Im proud.I havent talked to the others about it.Tam is down 5 this week,I think making her total 7 since we started our quest.Im down 9.SO yay for she and I.I really hope this cold air blows on outta here.Im going nuts!Every time I try to unlaod the Dishwasher Levi climbs up in it.So now theres 2 sinkfuls.Why not do it after the kids go to bed,pssshhhh!I just want to melt into the couch with the remote!Or Im so drained that I pass out shortly after they do.I normaly get up 2 hrs or so before they do,to get my bearings.Not in the last few days I havent.Mel saw me on web cam and told me I looked tired.Only a true friend can get away with stating the obvious!I probably look haggard at this point.I guess I have been getting a work out wrastling with Levi.My jaws are sore too.I guess its from clenching my teeth so this point I dont know how much is from my nerves or the pills.Probably a lil of both.We will see what next week brings.....Until then.

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